Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 50 - 50

Chapter 50: Chapter 50

Due to the many soldiers who needed to be stationed in the Galros Fortress year-round,

Many of them brought their families to live in the fortress. Over time, the area behind the fortress became a town-like living community, albeit on a smaller scale.

In recent times, due to the effects of the celestial changes in the Winter Forest, many soldiers worried about the impending attack of the abyssal demons and had evacuated their families to the rear in large numbers.

However, the evacuation was not yet complete,

There were still a small number of ordinary people with little fighting power remaining in the fortress.

When news of the attack on the front of the fortress reached them, these ordinary people began to pack up their belongings urgently, preparing to flee! Another part of the relatively tougher population armed themselves and prepared to fight alongside their loved ones who were soldiers!

What the hell are abyssal demons?

"Damn it!"

While everyone was busy,

Meng Xi, Galona, and the other Asumos Church knights strolled into the rear area at this time,

These silver-armored, white-cloaked knights immediately attracted the attention of many residents. After all, the Snow Night Empire did not believe in the Goddess, and most of the people in the fortress were seeing the Asumos Church knights for the first time, feeling curious.

As they observed the knights, people's gazes were focused on the silver-haired girl leading them,

Although they couldn't see the girl's face, her slender figure satisfied many people's visual desires, and the white mask added a touch of mystery. Meanwhile, the ragged pink-haired girl held in her arms also attracted a lot of attention.

Seeing the number tattoo on the girl's ankle, it wasn't difficult to guess the identity of the slave girl,

Rumored to be the noble Asumos Church knights, accompanied by a lowly slave girl, it was indeed an eye-catching topic.

Feeling the countless gazes coming her way,

Meng Xi didn't care, even showing a disdainful expression,

For her, such attention had long been a part of her daily life.

Moreover, she was wearing a mask now. If she didn't have the mask, these gazes would undoubtedly be more penetrating and more uncomfortable.


Meng Xi's indifference did not mean that YuMo, transformed into a pink-haired little girl, didn't care!

'Really! What are you looking at? What's so interesting?'

For someone who had been a shut-in in the Winter Forest for more than five hundred years, suddenly being locked in by so many gazes was extremely uncomfortable! Not to mention that she was currently being held in someone else's arms!

Under the scrutiny of everyone, she, a "grown man," was held in the arms of a young girl like a princess?!

What kind of embarrassing play is this?!

'How humiliating!'

Yu Mo couldn't help but complain in her heart, and her stained little face unconsciously showed a look of embarrassment due to shame.


'No! I can't be held like this anymore!'

Thinking this, Yu Mo timidly raised her head and asked the silver-haired girl with a pleading tone:

"Uh, um, can, can you put me down? I can walk by myself..."

We are inside the fortress now, it should be temporarily safe, so I should be able to walk on my own, right?

Yu Mo thought so.


After hearing Yu Mo's request, Meng Xi unexpectedly shook her head, denying her request.


Yu Mo was somewhat confused,

"Why... why not?"

"Because the ground is covered in snow, and don't forget that you lost your shoes in the explosion earlier. If I put you down now, it would worsen your frostbite."

"Oh, that..."

Being reminded of that, Yu Mo glanced at her legs with her peripheral vision,


Her ragged cloth shoes were indeed gone.

If it weren't for the white cloth Meng Xi had deliberately wrapped around her feet, her bare little feet would have been exposed to the biting cold wind...

Even though she usually walked barefoot in the Winter Forest, as that temperature couldn't harm her...

But now, her identity was that of a delicate slave girl,

It seemed really unsuitable to walk on the snow?

'Ah, this,'


She didn't want to continue being carried by the female lead, either?!

"I, I'm fine, I can, I can walk,"

However, Yu Mo's request was once again deemed as stubbornness by Meng Xi.

As expected, Meng Xi shook her head decisively,

"It's not possible, little one, don't be stubborn."

"Uh, but..."

"No means no."


"Look, if you really want to walk on your own, after your frostbite is treated and you get a pair of shoes, I'll let you walk, okay?"

Meng Xi seemed to use a tone to coax a child,

Yu Mo was speechless at that.

However, seeing the determination in Meng Xi's eyes, Yu Mo understood that it was an impossible dream to ask her to put her down.

Now there was no way to resist; who asked her to play the role of a delicate girl?


If she had known earlier, she would have chosen a different role...

Yu Mo pouted with frustration, unwillingly nodding her head slightly, as if agreeing to Meng Xi's suggestion.

Seeing this,

Meng Xi, who had taken in all of Yu Mo's expressions, couldn't help but smile,

'This girl, she's quite cute...'

Seeing that the pink-haired girl no longer asked to walk on her own, Meng Xi shifted her gaze forward and began to look for the location of the medical clinic according to the information given by the female vice leader.

At the same time when Meng Xi started looking for the clinic,

A man in a black robe, hiding in the crowd, was thoughtfully staring at the silver-haired girl.

After observing her for a moment, a cold, murderous intent suddenly surfaced in his dark green eyes.

A chilling smile appeared on his face.

'Masked, silver-haired girl...'

She must be the so-called Chosen Girl from the Asumos church who was recently sent to the Northern Territories, right??




On a hillside outside the Eastern Territory of the Winter Forest,

A white-haired, beast-eared girl dressed in a light blue and white dress, LiMo, was standing anxiously on the hillside, gazing solemnly at the Galros Fortress besieged by demons in the distance!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it... What should I do now?!"

The wolf girl let out a series of hysterical roars,

Her hands tightly pressed against her head, her teeth constantly grinding, producing sharp hissing noises,

Obviously, Li Mo was in a state of extreme agitation and distress,

The reason was quite simple,

A few days ago, when Sebastian arrived at the temple of Ten Thousand Demons, he brought detailed information about the hero and the heroine. After watching the knights of the Asumos church escape for a long time, Li Mo suddenly realized,

The silver-white Holy Light, the masked silver-haired girl, and the aura that she despised so much?! Wasn't this exactly the same as the Chosen Girl that siba had described?!

Although her reaction was a bit too slow,

Li Mo finally guessed Meng Xi's identity,

And because of that, her heart began to grow even more anxious?

'Mother, she's with the heroine now?? No, no, no, I don't like that!'

The heroine could harm her mother,

She couldn't let her mother be with her, her mother would be in danger,

And besides,

Was she going to take her mother away like this?

Take her away? Absolutely not!!

She must, she must stop her, she couldn't let her mother go to the church!


Her mother wouldn't let her take action? Acting without permission would definitely upset her mother!

What to do, what to do?!

What to do?!!



No! So what if her mother gets upset? As long as she can get rid of the heroine, even if she gets a beating from her mother, it's worth it!

The girl of destiny,

the heroine?

"She must die, must die, must die!!"

Such an existence that might harm her mother must be exterminated!!!!!!!!!

At this moment, Li Mo made a decision,

As the wolf girl made up her mind in her heart, her eyes released a mixture of murderous intent and bloodthirsty ferocity in the form of red light. The surging red Shadow Power erupted from her body like an unrestrained wild horse,

The ground suddenly shook, the temperature in the air dropped sharply, and the rapidly spreading Shadow Power made the nearby ordinary demons instinctively shiver and crawl on the ground,

A violent blizzard spread rapidly with the girl at the center,

In the heart of the blizzard, the wolf girl, surrounded by a burst of red light, gradually transformed into a giant white wolf...

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