Forced To Be A General, I Just Wanted To Retire

Chapter 1240 - 1240 Yes, I Surrender

1240 Yes, I Surrender

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

How many years …

After Oden was cooked to death, these samurai who once followed Oden were scattered.

How many years has it been since he returned to the Country of Peace?

Back then, he fled from the Country of Peace and thought that he might not be able to return in this lifetime. He has been wandering and his swordsmanship has made him famous in the sea. He has also met the man with eagle-like eyes.

In the end, he failed. Later on, he kept looking for opportunities to challenge Hawkeye again, but he met ‘Ideal Land’.

“What a pity…”

Jing Zang looked down and murmured, “The baptism of the Ideal Land allows me to defeat Hawkeye now, but for Constance, it will not be bad. Let’s talk about it next time.”

Otherwise, he would have rushed over when Shichibukai was still in the Country of Peace. Lord Constance insisted on waiting until the main forces of the Country of Peace had left before taking action, saying something about stabilizing the plan.

Although Jingcang did not quite agree with it, it was all for the sake of the Ideal Land. He could temporarily endure for the sake of the Ideal Land plan.

And for this plan, Jing Zang is full of absolute confidence.

The dozen or so people behind him were all pirates of the New World, and they were all elites. For the Country of Peace, which no longer has any power, they only need to control the position of the hidden harbor near the City of Flowers and wait for Lord Red to arrive.

As for the group of Marines gathered below…

Jing Zang crossed his hands and pulled out the two knives at his waist, and a sneer appeared on his lips, “Let me try your composition!”

More than a dozen people jumped down from the top of the Celestial Guardian Pavilion without a care. One of the strong men turned into a huge hairy monster bird at the same time and carried everyone on his back, including Jing Zang, and swooped down towards the gathered Marines.

Jing Zang crossed his two swords and was about to jump down to attack when the big bird was about to hit Marine. However, at this moment, his hair suddenly stood up and he subconsciously dodged to the side and fell straight down.

“Mink Self-Pride!”


A pitch-black shock wave suddenly fell from the sky, and the violent impact almost made the person on the bird’s back unable to keep his shape, and he was almost disintegrated. The huge impact also passed through the big bird’s head and cut off his whole head.


The impact carried the incomplete body of the big bird and the person on the bird’s back directly hit the ground, raising a huge dust cloud.

Jingcang, who was the first to dodge, also fell to the ground and rolled a few times on the ground. He looked up at the dust cloud and saw a black shadow quickly landing in the dust cloud.

“Who is it!” Jing Zang said angrily.

In the dust fog, a tall figure gradually appeared. The tall figure walked out of the dust fog and revealed his true appearance.

It was a tall man who was more than six meters tall. His entire body, including his face, was covered by black clothes, and even his hair could not be seen. A pair of feathered wings spread out on his back, and in the center of the wings, there was a flame.

With a long knife hanging on his waist, he stood there and said to Jing Zang, who was lying on the ground, “Not everyone can come to the Country of Peace…”

Jing Zang opened his eyes wide and shouted, “Didn’t you get caught, Ember!!”

“Who knows.” Ember said lightly.

It was impossible for Jing Zang to not know the person in front of him. Whether it was his fame on the sea or the battle between Oden and Kaido, he could recognize this person.

One of the three main boards of the Beast Pirates, Ember.

But according to the intelligence, wasn’t he arrested and watched over? Why did he come out?


“Hey, if you escaped, then you should run away. Kaido was executed. You don’t have a captain and you can’t be a match for Kingpin. Are you staying here to wait for death?”

Jing Zang stood up and held two knives tightly. He gritted his teeth and said, “What did you do to my companions? We are not Marines. Your enemy is over there!”


Ember did not answer him. Instead, he looked at his saber and silently pulled out the long saber hanging at his waist. The tip of the saber pointed at Jingcang.

“I seem to have an impression of you. You seem to be from the People’s Republic of China, right? Forget it, it’s not important. When I catch you and interrogate you, I will know why you are here.”

“Hey, what do you mean!”

Jing Zang’s face was gloomy and he shouted: “Don’t tell me you joined Marine? No, you are a pirate!”


Ember shook his head. “Marines are naturally nothing, but if it’s something else, it’s not like I can’t try… Justice is not divided into Marine Pirates. I just found a more powerful justice.”

“What do you mean, what do you mean by not joining the Marine? Instead of dealing with these Marines, you want to deal with me?”

Jing Zang thought that this was a misunderstanding, but it turned out that the other party really attacked him?

“Hey, Ember, cooperate with us! Marine is your enemy. Don’t you want revenge? Do you want to surrender?” Jing Zang suggested.

Marine will naturally not join. Marine is the World Government, and he knows very well what is going on with the persecution of the Moon Clan by the World Government.

But the bearded man convinced him. The bearded man named Kaz took a book and convinced him.

Or rather, the book tempted him. The book called “Justice Faith” said what justice was, and although that kind of thing was not enough to make Ember surrender, it was indeed tempted.

Pirates are not heartless, because pirates are also people, and people are also divided.

As they say in Just Faith, the world has the noblest pirates and the meanest Marines.

This book made him put down the vigilance in his heart, and when the bearded man came again, it was Ember, no, Abel, who completely put down his resistance!

Ember said lightly, “Someone once said that ‘Surrender’ is a shameful thing, but holding that old idea that surrendering is a disgrace, there are many things that can’t be done.”

“What I pursue is to change the world. That kind of thing needs real justice to support it, but real justice is not on my side, so I can only do one thing…”

In front of that kind of ideal, no one will not yearn for it. Everyone will fight for that kind of world!

That was a dream that was more powerful than Lord Kaido’s, and it was also a dream that could be implemented more. It didn’t need to become a Pirate King, it didn’t need to find any end point, as long as he dared to think, he could do it in any world.

He looked at Jing Zang and said, “If you think I am surrendering, then I will tell you that yes, I surrender!”

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