Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 495: Enlistment

Chapter 495: Enlistment

Xiang Ning stood up and told his sister that he was going out to get some fresh air and call someone. She thought nothing of it; after all, her brother had just returned so he surely had a lot of things to settle.

He walked out and saw a ship in the air. He wasnt sure who it was, but he was ready to fight. However, when he saw the logo he immediately calmed down. It belonged to the military of the Federation and he more or less knew why they were here.

Three men in uniform, all of them with stars on their shoulders labeling them as lieutenants, stepped out of the ship.

Long time no see.

The man in front of him was the very same man that had piloted the Chaos a year ago, Lu Zhenyu. He was the same man who had wanted to recruit Xiang Ning into the military. Xiang Ning wasnt sure back then, so he had given him a year to consider it.

And now, he was here.

Long time no see. Xiang Ning smiled and shook his hand.

Lu Zhenyu raised his eyebrows and suggested, Why dont we talk inside?

Xiang Ning looked toward his house and declined. Not today. Lets just talk here. He didnt want to worry his sister. If he hadnt gone missing for a year, he wouldnt have minded.

The two men beside Lu Zhenyu were displeased; they didnt really know why they were there. Lu Zhenyu had more or less dragged them there to meet someone. He had assured them it was someone that would be incredibly important in the future.

It was a good thing to have a few good friends in the military. No one knew if they would need assistance from them in the future, so it would be best to be on good terms with everyone. But now, looking at the other partys attitude, they were unconvinced. Who were they? They were respected lieutenants within the military! Even if Xiang Ning didnt recognize them, he should at least know who Lu Zhenyu was! Lu Zhenyu was a man that could easily rise to the rank of General, and he wasnt even thirty years old! He had won many skirmishes and battles against far superior numbers; everyone called him the God Soldier!

Since Xiang Ning recognized Lu Zhenyu, how could he be so disrespectful?

But Lu Zhenyu didnt mindhe knew about Xiang Nings personality. No problem. Its been a year, have you thought about it?

Do you still want to recruit me? Didnt you hear the news? Xiang Ning was surprised.

Why not? Lu Zhenyu chuckled. It was also a mistake on our part. When you went to Kunlun City to train, we sent out some men to protect your sister. It wasnt until we received the news of you being dead that we removed the protection around her about a month ago. I still need to apologize to you. Lu Zhenyu didnt blame anyone else for the mistake. It was inevitable. While it was important to protect ones family, the front line had been stretched thin without sufficient personnel. There was almost no way for the military to spare people to protect the relatives of a dead person for a long period of time.

Xiang Ning didnt blame him, either. In fact, he was indebted to him. He didnt know when Moray had gotten the idea of killing his sister, and if it werent for the military protecting her for so long, they would have long since killed her. That was a possibility he had thought about.

But thankfully, he had returned in time. He had no complaints about Lu Zhenyu and was instead very grateful for the protection. He gave his thanks, but asked him something that had been bugging him. Arent you afraid that his family will put pressure on the military?

As long as you arent afraid, Ill still recruit you, on one condition. Lu Zhenyu smiled. The two men beside him were confused; was this the God Soldier that they knew? It looked like he was trying to recruit Xiang Ning no matter the cost! It looked like Xiang Ning was more important than they thought. They scrapped whatever first impression they had of the boy and looked at him in a different light.

You have two paths. The first one is to directly enlist in the military. The second one is to enroll in a universitythe University of Warfare to be exact. As long as you pass the final examination within five years, youll be granted the rank of lieutenant. Thatd save you a lot of time in trying to climb the ranks in the military. Most importantly, youll have a lot more freedom. Youd be entitled to three days off per month and would be given a monthly stipend.

Xiang Ning nodded. It didnt sound so bad.

Looking at how Xiang Ning wasnt against it, Lu Zhenyu chuckled. Not bad, right? Here, sign this form and youll be a lecturer over there. As long as you can do it for a year, Ill come pick you up to go fight in outer space. What do you think?

Sure wait, what agreement? Xiang Ning thought he had misheard it.

Agreement to be a lecturer! Youre a talented individual, one that the University of Warfare needs! Lu Zhenyu smiled.

Xiang Ning and the two men beside Lu Zhenyu were at a loss.

Hold on. Lu Zhenyu, are you insane? Have you gone to war one too many times?

Xiang Ning didnt know how to react.

Lu Zhenyu smiled as he explained, I was waiting for you to say that! Xiang Ning is no ordinary man! What happened was. He took almost an hour to explain to them the legacy of Xiang Ning.

Xiang Xiaoyu peeked out of the door halfway through the explanation to check on her brother. She saw that all of them were standing there in the cold and scolded him, then invited all of them into the house.

They moved to the living room and Xiang Ning was making his best effort in hinting at Lu Zhenyu to not say too much. But Lu Zhenyu had waited for this day for so long and had recommended Xiang Ning so many times to his superiors before they finally relented. That was how he had managed to obtain an agreement for Xiang Ning to become a lecturer at the University of Warfare, even though his rank would be the lowest one. It was much better than letting him waste a few years in university for no reason.

Not only were the two men stunned by Xiang Nings achievements, but his sister was surprised, too. She didnt know that her brother had done so much! All three of them stared at him with awe.

Brother Xiang Ning! We apologize for our rude behavior! With your strength, theres no doubt that youll become an excellent lecturer!

I have a martial technique thats currently at the Awakened stage. It seems that Im at a bottleneck, can I request your guidance? One of them even let go of his pride and asked for help.

At Lu Zhenyus strong insistence, Xiang Ning used Keen Observation to correct his posture and movements. Instead of directly pointing it out, he hinted at the two glaring mistakes that he had seen and wanted him to solve them on his own.

But the man was satisfied with that.

Looking at the agreement, Xiang Ning was hesitating, but his sister insisted that he should do it. Xiang Ning, in the past you wanted to just become a technician when you joined the army. But your options are much better now, and Ill always support you.

Xiang Ning patted her head. Silly girl, if I were to sign this, I probably wont become a technician.

In the end, he signed the agreement. There was much to gain from being a university lecturer.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Lecturer?! At eighteen years old?!

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