Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 490: He Has Returned

Chapter 490: He Has Returned

On the streets outside of Qiling Academy, the breakfast vendors had long prepared for the students to come to school. Some of the students always arrived early since they had class duties. It was still early, so the crowd wasnt large.

Do you want to eat at school or at home?

Ill eat at school, replied Xiang Xiaoyu.

Ill return home to eat, Chen Zixin said.

Xiang Xiaoyu, no need to be so reserved around me. I usually bring my daughter home for lunch. You should come over. My wife has prepared your portion as well. Ill come and fetch you both, what do you say?

Xiang Xiaoyu wanted to say something, but Chen Zixin had already dragged both of them out of the car. Let me tell you something. The food we ate yesterday was made by my dad. Hes an average cook, which is why I usually eat at school. But today my moms the one cooking so you can definitely look forward to it! she excitedly said.

Her father rolled his eyes. Hey, I may not be as good as your mother, but youve eaten my food since you were young. Thats why you arent skinny!

Are you telling me that I should starve myself?

Fine, fine. Go to class. I need to go to work, too. Her dad smiled as he drove off.

Once the car had left, there were no more obstacles hiding Xiang Xiaoyu. The scope was centered on her.

As for Xiang Ning, he was on his way to Qiling Academy with the flying ship. He had forgotten that she had school today, so he hadnt found her at home. He had originally wanted to wait for her at home, but realized that he might accidentally give her too big a shock if he just appeared out of thin air like that. He decided to go and see her himself at school.

At the same time, Xiang Xiaoyu felt a tingling pain at the back of her neck. She felt uncomfortable and got anxious. She was a spiritual cultivator; her sense of incoming danger was stronger than most others.

She turned around and scanned her surroundings. At the same time, the sniper fired. There was no sound as the bullet traveled, aiming directly at the center of her forehead. She felt like something dangerous was coming, but couldnt see it. It was especially uncomfortable around her forehead. The bullet was almost at her forehead when.


A crisp sound echoed through the street as a tier seven flying knife blocked the bullet at her forehead. She turned and saw one of the stone pillars beside her had a hole from the deflected bullet. Everyone stopped and stared.

Some of them started finding cover, but most of them werent sure what had happened.

In the next second, another bullet was shot out but the flying knife blocked it again. This time even Chen Zixin shouted as she hugged Xiang Xiaoyu.

Xiang Xiaoyu stared at the flying knife as her hair billowed around her, tears streaming down her eyes. The wind howled and dust flew everywhere, a flying ship appearing in front of everyone. The entire area was suddenly enveloped in a strong pressure as everyone saw a single person standing atop the flying ship.

In the headmaster's office of Qiling Academy, Qi Jiuming had just brewed a cup of wolfberry tea when he suddenly felt that aura.

A sect master? Since when did another sect master arrive in Marsh City? Qi Jiuming felt animosity from the aura and rushed out.

Damn, which sect master is here to cause trouble? Three thousand meters away, Moray nervously swallowed his saliva. Not everyone might recognize the man standing on the flying ship, but he could.

Young master, when did that ship appear?

Young master, the bullet has been blocked by a flying knife. The assassination was a failure!

Young master. The man did not receive any more orders from Moray and looked back at him. He was shocked to see his young master displaying such a fearful expression.

But that expression only lasted a moment before Moray steeled himself and ordered, Shoot at the man on the ship! Kill him!

The subordinate didnt know why, but he complied and aimed the rifle at the man. The bodyguard beside Moray felt uncomfortable. Everyone else might not have felt it but he was a tier seven. How could he not sense it? An incoming sense of dread slowly crept toward them.

Just as he wanted to stop Moray, the sniper fired once more. This time it had aimed at Xiang Ning! But the bullet did not reach him. The energy shield of the ship blocked the bullet, consuming 0.001% of its energy.

Xiang Ning was disheveled, his beard and hair wildly flying in the wind like a caveman, but his eyes were resolute and sharp. He was wearing thin clothes that revealed his muscular body in the wind.

His muscles werent huge and explosive, but rather toned and condensed. He looked excessively handsome and charismatic. Staring at the bullet, Xiang Nings eyes were as fierce as a beast as he looked at the building three thousand meters away from him.

Shit! Its useless! Young master, what should we do now?!

Moray naturally saw it and ordered his bodyguard, Damn. You! Go kill that man!

The bodyguard wasnt an idiot; he was there as a guard, not a fighter like one of his goons. He already knew that Xiang Ning wouldnt be an easy target. His only role there was to ensure Morays survival, not to cause any trouble. He picked up the young master and ran. Quickly! Get the plane ready! We need to escort the young master back to the Dexter Corporation!

Understood! The rest of them knew the situation wasnt good and immediately packed up before running away.

The bodyguard turned to look at Xiang Ning and saw his lips moving. He read the lips and understood Xiang Nings intentions. He immediately ran faster.

Moray was in distress! Damn! Im a Dexter! Put me down, Ill kill him myself! WHY ARE WE RUNNING?!

The bodyguard huffed. If he was the current master of Dexter Corporation, they might have stood a chance against that man, but right now Moray was still too young!

Xiang Ning saw them leave and huffed. If he hadnt gotten there in time and felt something was wrong, his sister might have died in their hands. Was he angry? He was truly enraged. To think that they had dared to touch his reverse scale. That single sentence was enough to frighten that bodyguard!

But now wasnt the time to clean them up. He coughed a little and restrained his murderous intent. He smiled as he leaped down. Xiaoyu, your brother has returned!

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Just in time! Moray you are fucked!

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