Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 146: Spiritual Battle Armor

Chapter 146: Spiritual Battle Armor

The siblings soon arrived at the spiritual armor section. In the meantime, he stuffed the bags of clothes into his dimensional ring.

Whered the bags go? Xiang Xiaoyu stared at her brothers empty hands, adorably confused. No way, he had the bags moments ago!

He chuckled at her cuteness and pointed at his cheek with a grin. You havent given me a kiss in a long time, Ill tell you the answer if you give me one.


Alright, tell me then. She was very curious, she had seen the bags disappear with her own eyes.

Xiang Ning was left confused. That was quick; he hadnt felt a thing. But since she looked impatient, he took the bags out of his ring and said, Look at this.

How did you do that?! Xiang Xiaoyu acted like a curious toddler, and he wasnt in the mood to make her guess. He explained the theory behind his dimensional ring, even bragging to her about making it himself.

What do you think? Arent I awesome? Xiang Ning was proud, his ego stroked when he saw his own sister looking at him with an admiring gaze. Yes, that was right. His ego had been inflated.

I want one too.

Sure. Thats not a problem, blurted Xiang Ning out of habit but instantly regretted it. Fuck, he was still in his experimental phase and the ring was given by the system. Although he had the blueprint to make it, how would he make another one without materials? He couldnt even afford to buy a single piece of the equipment needed. But he saw his sisters delight. This was the first time she directly asked for something though, so he would just have to pull some strings for it.

After they stepped into the armor section, a beautiful, blonde-haired and brown-eyed girl of about twenty years old walked up to them. She flashed a pretty smile. Good day, welcome! You can call me Xiaoqi, how may I help you?

Nice to meet you, were here to buy spiritual armor. Xiang Ning returned a polite greeting.

Alright, follow me. The staff smiled and brought them inside.

They saw many types of spiritual armor, which Xiaoqi slowly introduced to them in great detail, occasionally even cracking a few jokes. She worked hard to keep them engaged. Very soon, the three of them arrived at a hall displaying more common armor models, though they didnt see the Crescent armor that Xiang Ning was looking for.

Along the way, Xiaoqi learned that it was the little sister who wanted to purchase a set of spiritual armor. She was surprised, because Xiang Xiaoyu looked too young for it. She must only be a middle-schooler, yet she was already a spiritual cultivator? Neither of the customers looked like rich kids, based on their clothing, and didnt even have parents with them. There was a high chance they were just looking.

Although Xiaoqi had her own guesses, she still passionately showed them around. First, she was new here and needed practice, and second because the little girl was very cute. She even called her sister Xiaoqi very sweetly when she had questions. That was something she had never experienced before.

The rest of the staff had taken notice of Xiang Ning and his sister when they first stepped into the shop.

Eh, that kid Xiaoqis treating them so well, whys she working so hard on customers who are only here to window shop? an older staff member shook her head.

Sister Wang, although she looks young, the little girl is very pretty. You never know, they could be part of a rich family. They should be able to afford a set of armor, remarked another younger staff member.

Young lady! Youre in for a lesson todaylook at their clothes! They arent even worth three hundred dollars, do you really think they can afford spiritual armor? Sister Wang shook her head again.

To be fair, she was right. As an experienced saleswoman, her eyes were sharp and she could distinguish customers based on their mannerisms alone.

On Xiang Nings end, he was mildly frustrated because while the girl had been professionally introducing different sets of armors before, after he mentioned it was for his sister, she seemed to grow more excited and talked nonstop.

Here, take a look at this model. This is one of our newest models. Its very practical, it can increase the users agility and it focuses on protection, too. Since it has a customisable function, it can be extended and adjusted to perfectly fit her even if she suddenly grows much taller. Its affordable, for the functions it provides, at only eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Xiang Ning had initially been interested since it was the latest model but after hearing the price, he knew it was a mid to low-range armor. It must also be one of the most common models.

Uh, Miss Xiaoqi, the price is just a little uh, do you know what Im trying to say? Is there anything a little. Xiang Ning was here to look for something like the Crescent model, the kind that could save the users life and provide solid, reliable protection. He obviously wanted the best for his precious sister.

Before he finished, Xiaoqi brought another set of armor out. Mmm, I understand. Take a look at this model then. It has the same function as our previous model, though it is slightly less flexible and focuses on defensive mechanisms. Its also very economical at only six hundred thousand dollars.

Xiang Ning was speechless. As she continued introducing more models, he was shocked to realize every model was cheaper than the previous one, while Xiang Xiaoyu listened more and more intently. They were approaching the cheapest model and it would be at the minimum price of three hundred thousand dollars soon! No, he must not let her go on. What if his sister suddenly picked one? Xiang Ning would cry!

Uh, hold on, were not here to buy these, Xiang Ning directly said.

Oh, is that so. Its alright, we can look at other things, Xiaoqi continued with her big-sister smile as she showed them to the other counter.

Youre awesome, sister Wang. They arent here for spiritual armor after all.

Yeah, if they had an adult with them, theyd likely buy one of the cheaper armors. But since theyre both teenagers, I think theyre just here to look.

As they chatted, Xiaoqi approached sister Wang with a strange expression. Sister Wang comforted her with a smile, Its fine, its fine! Youre still new here, even if they dont buy, its still practice for you, right?

Uh, no, sister Wang

Its alright, I started from somewhere too. After some time, youll be able to tell which customers intend to make a purchase. Sister Wang patted her shoulder in comfort.

No... sister Wang, could you print the purchasing agreement for a set of Crescent Mk. 3 Armor? They want to purchase a set. Xiaoqi looked confused.

What? Sister Wangs eyes widened.

She also thought they hadnt been there to buy spiritual armor after what Xiang Ning had said, but since Xiang Xiaoyu was so cute and sweet, shed brought them over to look at the higher-end models as she liked her so much. Unexpectedly, Xiang Ning had decided to buy the Crescent Armor on the spot. He thought the promoter had finally understood what he wanted and brought them to the correct section.

Xiaoqi was very confused by the outcome, too.

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