Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 471: Hottest Billionaire Bachelor Is off the Market

Chapter 471: Hottest Billionaire Bachelor Is off the Market

SundayNovember 25

Katherine came down to the main floor of Damien's penthouse at eight in the morning after her bath. She didn't get much sleep last night too after he loved her repeatedlyshe didn't know how many more 'redemption' he had to make in order to 'redeem' himself from being 'emasculated' as he said.

Entering the kitchen, she found Damien, Amelia, Styles, Markus, and Felix. They were preparing for their breakfastwell, Felix and Amelia wereand the rest sat at the table as they all conversed about random stuff.

She went to make herself a cup of hot chocolate, passing by Damien on the way where she kissed him on the forehead.

"Katherine," he started as he watched her grab a mug from the cabinet. "What can you say about this Gus guy." She briefly paused and glanced at him, not sure what kind of answer he wanted to hear when he clarified, "Can we trust him?"

Pouring hot water into her cup, she pondered on his question and considered it before she answered. "If you're talking about asking him to double-cross Shadow I cannot be so sure. It had been almost six years since I had last seen him, so I can't only base my assessment from those times. He is a great agent though... very skilled but as for where his loyalty lies I'm positive it's with Chris because the two were like brothers. However" She softly shrugged. "Anything can happen in the last six years."

"Chris seemed to trust him a lot though," Styles chimed in.

"You're right. So I'm not sure. Do you trust him, Styles?" she wondered.

Styles was munching on some crackers as he thought about his answer. "Well I always thought he was a bit obnoxious, especially since he has a thing for you"

The moment he said those words, five pairs of eyes snapped in his directionmost of them were only curious, but not Damien's and Katherine's as theirs held a dangerous intent. Styles painfully swallowed a huge chunk of unchewed cracker when he felt the couple's glare pierce through his skinhe swore he might have just scraped his throat. "I only think he has a thing for you I could be wrong I'm speaking nonsense, don't mind me."

Katherine shook her head and continued to make her hot chocolate as she ignored Styles's remark. And like the possessive man that he was, Damien went to her side as if to claim his stake; kissing her temple, and snaking an arm around her waist.

Styles grimaced at the sight. Now he didn't only fear Damien but also Katherine? He couldn't even joke anymorejeez these people. He sighed. "Anyway As I was saying, I think he's a bit obnoxious, but if Chris trusts him, then I think we could. I mean We do trust Chris now, right?"

Everyone in the kitchen exchanged looks and went silent. It was clear that they still had some reservations regarding Chris and were still unsure about how much they could trust him. And until they could be a hundred and one percent sure, they had to keep Amelia hidden from his viewor their situation would only get worse if Parker finds this out.

While they were setting the table, Styles laughed as he read something on his tablet.

"What's gotten you so chirpy today?" Amelia questioned.

Still laughing, he handed the tablet to Amelia and said, "There's this online journalist who wrote about Katherine's public affair yesterday. Hermoine Speaks or Whispers was it? Her article is hilarious."

Curious, Amelia checked the screen and read the last parts of the article:


As seen on the image bursts, it's clear as crystal that our long lost heiresswho looked absolutely stunning in her dress BTWappeared to be so lovestruck! 

I mean look at the way she ran towards our hottest billionaire bachelor and then landed a long, passionate kiss! And I have to say, the two looked cute together. 

Will we hear wedding bells soon? If that's the case, then we can kiss our dream guy goodbye, ladies. He's off the market! 

Catch you on the flip side.

Yours truly, 

Hermoine Whispers.


After reading that short part, everyone looked at Katherine and Damien whose faces were slightly flushed from all the attention they were getting. Their phones had been going off since morning and they knew that it was because of yesterday's event. So they decided to put them in silent mode and only allowed important calls to go through.

"Gosh, do I really look like one?" Katherine asked in almost a hush.

"Like what?" Damien probed.

Styles chuckled. "Looking so in love as she ran towards our hottest billionaire bachelor."

She rolled her eyes at the way Styles said it. "Ugh. But yeah, Do I look like one? How does one even look in love?"

All eyes were now trained on her. She looked radiant and genuinely happy. Damien gazed at her and he could see the way she looked at himlike a kitten who got all the cream and then some.

Just then, her smartphone rang. Since the ring wasn't silenced, it only meant that it was from an important person. Checking her screen, she saw that it was her aunt. Her finger hovered over the green button as her emotions from yesterday came flooding back to her. Finding out that Deborah Young was adopted was definitely shocking for her, however, it wasn't what made her feel so uneasy. It's that, even though she didn't know the truth yet, she had already started to suspect that Deborah might have something to do with her parents' death.

She pressed on the screen and slid her finger to the right to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Katherine dear" Deborah greeted. "I would like to invite you and Damien for lunch todaya pre-celebration victory for winning the bid. It's only going to be us just like last week. Shall I expect you to come home, so I can tell Father about it?"

Katherine clenched her jaw. After knowing the information about her aunt's identity yesterday, she wasn't sure how to act around her anymore. This could be the reason why she didn't feel completely at ease with her aunt. She felt the need to be even more cautious. At the same time, she thought that it was a great idea to be close to her. If Deborah was indeed connected to the incident, then she was an enemyand enemies needed to be kept on a tight leash.

Pulling the corners of her mouth up into a smile, she responded, "Of course, Aunt Deb. That would be lovely."

"Wonderful! I'll see you then."

Then, Katherine's eyes turned dark as she uttered her reply, "I can't wait."

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