Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 272: Deborah Young's Resolution 2

Chapter 272: Deborah Young's Resolution 2

"You don't get to raise your voice at me, Madam Young. I can easily sully your name if I want to," Frederick Park said in a dangerous tone.

"I could say the same to you, Frederick. The two of us are equally in jeopardy here! If you had only done your job correctly the first time, we wouldn't be facing this situation right now!"

"Do you think I like that this is happening? It is my reputation on the line here! Regardless of the work that I have, I certainly do not want my name to be tarnished in this line of business. Even until now, I don't know anything about the other highly skilled group who was there that night. I lost some men during that mission, Deborah. Who knew a lot of people wanted your brother dead? If I had known, I wouldn't have agreed to do this for you. I have done you so many favors and for this one I didn't even ask for a single cent."

"You and I both know you why you didn't ask me for money for this," she spat, fuming that she was facing this problem. 

Hearing about the other group who was also there that night caused her even more stress. She couldn't ever admit to Frederick Park about who the other organization was and that she was responsible for it too. The demons from her past were catching up to her and now she was left to deal with an extremely distressing aftermath.

Forcing herself to calm down a little, she added, "Just be on stand-by in case I will need your expertise."

Left with no other choice, Frederick Park could only agree, "Very well. I won't touch her for now."


That was the last time that Deborah spoke with Frederick Park. It had been about two months since they last spoke to each other. Now that she thought about it and came up with a plan, she needed his help.

Tapping her phone screen, she dialed Frederick Park's phone number and waited for him to answer.

"Good evening, Madam Young, to what do I owe you this late in the evening?" Frederick Park's voice was cold and stern as he answered the call.

"I need you to do something for me. Surely you wouldn't mess this up this time," she said with an equal attitude.

"What is it?" he asked, not wanting to fuel any more irritation. 

Thinking about how she would approach the subject, she tried to word her statement carefully, "I'm sure you have heard about Crown Resort Group's new projectthe contractor bidding? It has been postponed several weeks ago but I heard that they will resume it very soon."

Hearing her statement, Frederick Park somehow already had an idea about why she called. "Mhmm. Of course, I have heard of it but you know I don't have a good relationship with my nephew, Deborah. Damien is stubborn just like his father Lawrence, and he certainly does not entertain any underhanded methods. That kid is impenetrable. So if you think that I could influence him into choosing your company, that is impossible."

"I do not need you to use your family card on him for this, Frederick. I'm also not asking you to give me some advantages to the contract bidding. All that I am asking is that you help him mend his relationship with my niece."

There was a long pause on the line and Deborah thought that the call got cut off until she heard him speak again. "Your niece? You mean Katherine Young?" he probed.

When Deborah only gave him silence, he took it as an answer. "Excuse me, Madam Young, but are you asking me to play cupid for the two to patch things up?" He let out a long, mocking laugh. He had such a long day today and hearing this preposterous request made him think he was going crazy.

"If you must know, that niece of yours is quite a handful. It was no secret that I did not like her to be part of the Park Family. Now, you want me to play strings and shoot arrows to their hearts for them? How foolish. Have you gone mad?"

"Do not overreact, Frederick. I am not asking you to do anything ridiculous. I just wanted you to nudge them a little. You mentioned that your mother is fond of her, right? I think a dinner invitation would be nice. I'm sure that all of them have a lot to talk about, given that your nephew fancied her enough to want to marry her."

"I am not bringing my mother into this mess, Deborah! This is getting out of hand. I will not let you use my mother for this."

Sensing the hostility in his voice, Deborah tried to phrase her thoughts differently in a way that would make him think twice and possibly agree to her request. 

"All I'm asking is that the two of them will be civil enough to work together. I do not want your nephew turning down my company's proposal just because his and my niece's wedding got canceled. If any case that he still wants her back, then we both win. I get what I want, and your nephew would even thank you for helping him win her back. Don't you think so?"

Frederick Park gave it some thought and when he didn't respond, Deborah Young added, "I know that you have been trying to get his shares of Park Group. If he sees that you're trying to help him get his woman back, maybe he would finally give in and you can have what you have always wanted all these years if he ends up happy. How else is he going to thank you?"

Frederick Park had to give it to her. She was on to something and now he had something to consider. The two of them working together again could be beneficial in the long run. "Alright, I will have to think about it. I am not giving you any promises. I have yet to talk to my nephew about this matter and he hasn't answered my calls for days. This is very complicated."

"I trust that you can do it, Frederick," she said before ending the phone call.

After their conversation, Deborah Young became slightly better despite still dreading for the next day's event. She was not excited about Katherine entering the company even if the position wasn't enough to threaten her role and status yet. Even so, she didn't want to have any surprises. 

This is what Deborah had to do. At least before she gets rid of Katherine. 

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