Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 243: Tryst 5

Chapter 243: Tryst 5

Damien froze when Katherine touched her lips to his. It took him a second to realize that she kissed him. Her lips were smooth and soft just like how he remembered it. 

She was about to pull away when she realized what she just did but he held her in place, not allowing her to stop.

He pulled her closer by the waist, his other hand cradling the back of her head as he deepened the kiss. He didn't know he had missed her this much. He didn't know he had been craving for Katherine since the last time he had seen her. 

When she let out a soft moan, he almost went crazy.

How crazy was it to desire someone like this? Was it only lust? He didn't think so. They had been in this charade for a year granted, they only met a few times. But each time they meet, he could feel this strange pull towards her that he had never felt with anyone else.

Whatever it was, he wanted to find out, or he would go crazy if he let her go again after tonight. There was just no way that he could go on months without seeing her again just like the previous times where he'd left it to fate. He was crazy to think he would be okay to leave something that felt so good like this to 'fate'. He'd have to do something.

Her hands that were resting on his chest slid up to the sides of his head and neck. She had never told anyone about their kiss last December and holy cow, she had been dreaming about it since then. And now that dream turned into a reality.

Their tongues touched and her knees buckled. Damien was definitely making her weak. It was as though she didn't know how to stand anymore when she was with him.

But then again, it was probably the wine's fault. She had drunk past her usual limit which would explain why she thought the room was spinning.

Or maybe it really was just because of the kiss. His kisses were so intoxicating that she thought her life was sucked out of her. Was this supposed to be this intense? She had no idea.

He instantly caught her, his arm encircling around her waist and pulling her impossibly closer. 

She was so close and deliciously pressed against him and his hard-on.

The fiery contact made him groan into her mouth and he started sucking her bottom lip, only releasing it when he heard her whimper.

His lips moved to her jaw, kissing his way to the side of her neck with his tongue flicking as he did. She tasted so good and he grew more impatient when she gasped out a heavy breath near his ear it was so erotic that it got him so hard he thought he was going to explode right there.

"Fck. This won't do," he hissed when he raised his head to look at her.

The two of them were hazy from their heated kiss. Katherine had never felt so much passion the way that Damien showed her. How was this possible? He barely knew him yet it felt like everything just fit so perfectly.

As their eyes met, his hands cupped her face lovingly and the next words that came out from his lips caused her heart to quiver. 

"Katherine" he panted and she waited for him to continue.

"Will you spend the night with me?" 

Damien was so nervous because he was afraid that she would refuse. After all, they only knew each other recently. Technically, it had been a year but their situation was so unique that he didn't know if it was appropriate.

Maybe it wasn't... but he was willing to take the risk in asking her to stay with him. He was willing to bet that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Their chemistry was undeniable and he was sure she knew that too.

But was she willing just like he was?

Katherine knew what he was asking and for a brief second, she wanted to take a step back, suddenly feeling cautious. However, she was already too invested in their little rendezvous that she couldn't will herself to say 'no'.

She had always just followed orders. And this was one thing that she badly wanted for herself. Just before she was about to speak, she heard him say, "I don't think I can let you go tonight."

As soon as he finished his words, Katherine nodded her head. "Yes. Me neither."

Her answer was a bit of a surprise for him because even though he was hopeful, he thought she was going to say 'No'. Damien happily sighed before kissing her again and pulling away.

While he picked up his coat from the back of a chair, Katherine finished the rest of her wine and when she thought that it wasn't enough, she picked up his glass and finished his as well.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she turned towards him who was waiting by the glass door for her with a questioning brow raised. 

"What? Liquid courage," she said in defense.

He only smiled at her and grabbed her hand, taking her back inside and heading towards the bar where Damien whipped out his wallet and took a couple of hundred dollar bills. He pointed to a bottle of pinot noirthe same one they were drinking earlierand paid the bartender.

He was still holding her hand when he faced her again and saw the look on her face. With a playful smirk, he said, "What? Liquid courage." He winked.

They almost ran towards the elevator, their fingers now interlaced together and their hands sweating in anticipation.

When the elevator arrived and they stepped inside, Katherine was surprised to see that Damien didn't press the ground floor button. "Twentieth?" she wondered.

"They gave me a presidential suite for the night. Is that okay?"

She couldn't care less even if it was a standard room. She was about to spend the night with this beautiful man, how could she complain?

"It's perfect." She smiled.

Damien couldn't keep his eyes off her. He wanted so badly to press the emergency stop button and just kiss her there and then. Waiting for their floor was torture. It was only three floors up, why was it taking so long? If he was going to purchase this hotel, he had to upgrade the fckin' elevator as well.

As soon as the doors opened, he practically dragged her with him towards his suite. 'Stupid hotel. Why is the room so far from the elevators?'

He was really having a hard time finding a reason to get the deal done because it was currently causing him so much inconvenience.

Katherine could feel his haste as she jogged with him and she was amused.

When they reached their door, Damien hurriedly swiped the card, got them both inside and locked the door. In one swift move, he pinned her to the door with one hand while the other was still holding the bottle of wine. 

He smashed his lips to hers and she instantly hooked her arms around him, pulling him closer.

His hand found her bare thigh and he lifted it, wrapping it around him as he pressed himself to her and trapping her in place.

He was being so rough with her but she didn't mind one bit. She liked the way he had his thick thigh between her legs and was rubbing her apex. 

She moaned and ground with him whilst his tongue lavished her neck. They were essentially dry humping each other and Damien had already almost found release. It was insane he thought he would combust.

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