Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 237: Unplanned Date

Chapter 237: Unplanned Date

Five Years ago February 18

It was almost eight in the evening and Katherine just came home from Castle after a mission. She took a quick shower and she was about to change into her sleepwear when she hesitated.

Usually, she would curl up on the sofa and drown herself in ice cream while watching cartoons. But the mission that she just had was haunting her, she didn't think her usual pass time would calm her nerves.

On a whim, she grabbed a random black dress and heels, slipped into it, grabbed a purse where she put her phone and wallet before heading out.

Katherine didn't do nights out like young women her age did. But occasionally, she goes out by herself and just sit somewhere normal people go to. Doing so made her feel like she wasn't totally different. That even if she was alone, she was still doing things that normal people do.

That night, she rode a cab and went to a nightlife district. Strolling for a few minutes, she came across one swanky-looking hotel where a few people just went inside. As if by nature, she followed them and asked the receptionist to point her to the bar.

The Scarlet Hotel was located near the borders of Esmea and Florida. It was a luxurious hotel with very fancy decorations. It was the first time that she had been in that hotel but she overheard one patron when she went to a grocery store a couple of weeks ago that the hotel was going to be under new management. Katherine started to wonder what it was like for rich people to spend their money just to get more money. 

She rode the elevator to the seventeenth floor where the bar was and sat on the barstool as soon as she arrived.

The bartender nodded to her and she realized that she didn't really know what she was doing there. She doesn't go out and drink by herself but it was apparently what normal and lonely people do.

"I don't know wine?" Katherine shrugged. She sucked at this. They had studied different kinds of drinks in one of their trainings but it was her least favorite subject which was why she didn't drink so well.

Sensing that she wasn't really used to drinking at bars very much, the bartender gave her a smile. "I gotcha." He grabbed a tall wine glass and poured a burgundy liquid to it, sliding it to her afterward. "On the house," he added before he continued wiping the counters.

"Oh, thanks!" Katherine tentatively touched the stem of the glass but didn't lift it. She only stared at it, her mind drifting to random thoughts that were only making her gloomy.

For the past year, she had been trying to investigate her parents' case. When Chris gave her a lead last year, she was very happy and thankful that she was finally going to give justice to their deaths. 

However, her lead was a dead end. It was literally a dead person. 

On top of that, she wasn't able to find that person quickly and it had taken her a few weeks until she found the name that Chris gave her which had some connections with Young Corporation. But what was she going to do with a dead person who couldn't answer her questions?

Chris asked her about her findings and she told him what she found, of course. Because she promised him she will stop if it wasn't successful. She told him she would. But she was stubborn. So she continued her search without telling him.

However, the wild goose chase was only wearing her out. Not to mention, Shadow had been giving her assignments after assignments that she didn't have a lot of time to do more investigation on the side.

She almost wanted to give up. It seemed like whatever she did, she couldn't find anything.

But during her mission several hours ago, she saw someone whom she hadn't seen for a really long time. He was very far and he had just gotten inside the vehicle when he caught sight of him her grandfather, Theodore Young.

She almost failed the mission because she got distracted. And seeing her grandfather for the first time after a really long time broke her heart. How could she think about giving up in finding the mastermind of her family's tragedy?

Katherine's eyes started to sting but she refused to cry so she blinked fast and abruptly brought the glass to her lips, smelled it before taking a sip. Dry, light, and smooth. She wasn't a wine snob but she at least knew that it was a great wine.

"You know I'm starting to think that you're following me."

The low, playful and familiar voice startled Katherine and as she turned her head to the left, her heart skipped a beat when her gaze landed on Damien Park's handsome face.

He looked dapper wearing a dark grey tailored suit with a black dress shirt, his hair neatly combed back.

It had been about two months since the last time that she had seen himkissed him.

Oh my.

The memory of his lips on hers just barged into her mind, making her heart flutter so wildly like a bird's wings flapping so fast while its foot is stuck somewhere that it couldn't fly.

What was going on in her head? She was on a high for a second she had to turn away to hide her blush.

Setting her glass on the counter, she only had to breathe once and her expression changed in a split second, a sweet smile replacing her surprised expression as she turned back to him. "Don't flatter yourself, Mr. Park. I had no idea that you were coming here."

Damien flagged down the bartender. "I'll have what she's having," he said, nodding to Katherine. He preferred to drink whiskey most of the time but he felt like drinking red wine just like her.

"So Tell me, Kitten. If you're not stalking me, what are you doing here alone on a Monday night?" He turned towards her, his knees slightly touching hers as he waited for her to answer. 

"Wait you're not waiting for a hot date, are you?" he asked when a sudden realization hit him seeing that she was dressed up and looking beautiful like she always did.

Katherine, who was sulking just a moment ago, let out a laugh. Finally, she was starting a conversation with another person while not on a mission. They had only just started but she already found herself enjoying his company.

"Do people go on dates on a Monday night?" she wondered.

She saw the suppressed smile on his face and a small gasp escaped on hers. "Oh my god. You're on a date or you're waiting for your date?"

Damien huffed, shaking his head before taking a long sip of his wine. "The owner of this hotel has a daughter. He thought he was doing me a favor by prostituting her to me whilst we're in the middle of a negotiation. I just had a meal with her earlier and found out she's a groupie. My ears almost bled after hearing her talk nonstop about her favorite artists that I have no idea about and then she started talking about their pets." He ran both of his hands on his face and chuckled at the hilarious incident.

Katherine found it funny too so she shared a laugh with him. "So, you're buying this hotel?"

"I'm having second thoughts acquiring this one. I have yet to find a reason that would convince me." Damien cleared his throat and faced her. "Enough about that. You haven't answered me yet. What are you doing here?"

She took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Would it be weird if I say that I don't know why I'm here?"

Damien studied her expression... and drew a gentle smile on his face as he told her, "Well if you don't mind, Katherine, I'd like to accompany you while you figure out why you're here."

Without second thoughts, Katherine nodded. "I'd love that."

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