Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 886: Zhao Yu's episode

Chapter 886: Zhao Yu's episode

Chapter 886 Zhao Yu's Extra Story

Zhao Yu was named by his mother. In ancient times, there were very few women who helped their sons choose their names.

Unless the woman is noble, or the woman is deeply loved by her husband, she is qualified to name her son.

But Zhao Yu's mother was neither of the two. It was her turn to name her son because her son was not valued by the Zhao family.

Zhao Yu's mother is a concubine, and she is the daughter of a guilty minister, so she is not qualified to be the main wife.

But she has also read poetry and books since she was a child. She named her son Yu, which means lush and lively.

I hope that her son will grow up strong, the mountains and deep streams will be lush and lush, and he will not suffer.

Her life was ill-fated. When she was young, her grandfather and father were ransacked and executed because of her uncle's involvement.

Her father is a down-to-earth official, upright but somewhat pedantic, not addicted to sex, and the relationship between men and women is very simple.

There is a world of difference between her father and Zhao Yu's grandfather, brother who is a compatriot of the same mother.

Rich families pay attention to three wives and four concubines. For example, his mother's uncle has a room full of concubines.

I am still not satisfied, and I am still looking for women in middle age, maybe luck is short-lived.

So in the end, he got into trouble and was ransacked and executed, implicating his father, younger brothers, and many younger generations.

Zhao Yu's mother was reduced from an official lady to an official slave, and finally married Zhao Yu's father as a concubine.

Because she is beautiful and talented, Zhao Yu's father has favored her for many years.

Although Zhao Yu's father is a third-rank minister, but because he is a relative of the emperor, a daughter of the Zhao family entered the palace as a concubine.

So in the top aristocratic circle in the capital, it is a family with a place, so the Zhao family has many children.

Zhao Yu's father had more than a dozen brothers, his father was the third son, and his mother gave birth to his son.

Zhao Yu's father's wife gave birth to three sons and two daughters.

His mother is the most beautiful woman among all the wives or concubines of the Zhao family. Zhao Yu's father has always been very kind to her.

When Zhao Yu was four years old, his mother became pregnant again, which aroused the dissatisfaction of his aunt, who killed her when she gave birth to the child.

On the bright side, Zhao Yu's mother died of dystocia, and his poor sister died after she was born.

After his mother was drugged during childbirth, she not only felt uncomfortable, but also felt hot all over. She could only bite her tongue and kill herself.

She is an official lady and grew up in a big family, so she knows that some dirty things will affect her son's life.

So she would rather die than be used by others to hurt her son. Mother's love is really great.

It's a pity that Zhao Yu was only five years old that year, and he didn't know that his mother committed suicide because of him.

Since his mother left, his father ignored him all day long, and he became a poor little boy who didn't care about his mother's absence.

His mother taught him a lot in just a few years, and as he grew older.

He became more and more able to digest what his mother taught him more thoroughly, and he thought he performed well.

His father can look at him more, but the better he is, the more his father neglects him.

Instead, he attracted the jealousy and framed by his aunt and brother, and almost died several times.

His father was furious and sent him to Jinyiwei for training. Zhao Yu was only ten years old that year.

Don't talk about Jin Yiwei's devilish training, just talk about the long-term loneliness.

He lost his mother when he was young, and spent the days and nights of being lonely. He really wanted to get his father's attention, but in the end he died without a problem.

He chewed through the pain and reconciled with loneliness, so he practiced high-strength martial arts in the Jinyiwei training camp.

Teach his mother to teach him that his literary talents can be crushed and reassembled. It is a talent, and it is his life.

Because of Zhao Yu's high martial arts skills and literary talents, he was appreciated by the deputy commander of Jin Yiwei.

Soon he was promoted to Jinyiwei Qianhu, and the young Zhao Yu was the fourth rank.

There are many uncles older than the Zhao family, and the official rank is two ranks higher. His grandfather only looked at him at that time.

His grandfather greeted his health with a look of relief. His grandfather made him proud and showed off everywhere.

However, Zhao Yu has passed the age that needs attention, and he is used to being alone.

In the twenty-first year, the commander of Jin Yiwei personally selected a few people to **** Dongchen God of War to exile in a bitter cold place.

Zhao Yu was selected. If this task is completed, he can get promoted and make a fortune again.

But what he didn't expect was that the bitterly cold land hadn't gone one-tenth, and it would encounter a plague of locusts.

The gates of the post stations all over the country were closed to prevent them from entering. They usually ate and drank in the post stations.

So they only brought food for one day, and they couldnt enter the station to replenish food, so how would they live?

This news made officials and rich criminals feel desperate, even Zhao Yu was also in despair.

Because he knew that if they were in a foreign land without food and grass, they wouldn't be able to last long.

"General Zhao, do you know the reason for this?" the leader of the official mission asked him.

But he didn't know the reason. The locust plague came suddenly, and the instructions from above were to see if the God of War could still rise.

Once God of War recovers his martial arts, the two hundred officials will not be able to suppress him, so he sent Jin Yiwei to follow them secretly.

"I don't know either, I was just conscripted here to monitor the God of War."

Zhao Yu said that he didn't want to talk too much with this person, after all, he was the leader of the official post.

And I am a thousand households under the command of Jinyiwei, the leader of Jinyiwei.

Although the two of them are not opposed to each other, they do not receive the same salary either.

Zhao Yu felt that Jin Yiwei needed high-ranking officials to send them off, so they didn't have much contact with each other.

The leader of the official post didn't force it either, he could see Zhao Yu's dissatisfaction and resistance.

In those days, Zhao Yu and the officials were all suffering, and finally survived for a few days.

When the plague of locusts stopped, they heard the order from Jin Yiwei's boss, that God of War must not be recovered, otherwise he will be shot.

They Jinyiwei followed by a hundred or so, but they found no abnormalities along the way.

God of War was imprisoned in the car with his idiot wife, without eating or drinking for more than ten days, without even humming.

Officials made things difficult for the Chu family, and God of War didn't stop him. Jin Yiwei's colleagues were wondering if God of War was dead.

Zhao Yu knew that this was abnormal, because he was smart enough to know whether it was a healthy person or a sick person.

If you don't eat or drink for up to seven days, you will die, but the God of War couple is still alive and well.

Because, when it gets dark, Zhao Yu will personally check the breath of God of War, although weak, but still there, and every day is the same.

He just reported the truth every day, and Zhao Yu didn't say anything about the abnormal thing.

He is a persevering person, he wants to figure it out slowly before reporting to his superiors, not to mention that Zhao Yu feels that he is very strong in martial arts.

He didn't believe that he couldn't beat the dying God of War, when the boss transferred the original hundred people back.

Leaving Zhao Yu with four people to continue to observe the movement of God of War, Zhao Yu was not worried.

He has that self-confidence, but Zhao Yu is very angry when he doesn't provide them with food.

But he knew that he was not qualified to get angry, so he suppressed the anger in his heart and asked that person.

"Excuse me, my lord, can we just kill the God of War and return to the capital?"

The man shook his head: "No, His Majesty intends to let the God of War go to the bitter cold place to see and see."

"What does the emperor mean?" Zhao Yu was taken aback, he couldn't starve them at will.

But Zhao Yu didn't say anything, bid farewell to Jin Yiwei's colleagues, and continued to follow the exile God of War on the road.

Although Mrs. War God is a fool, her father is the prime minister.

Along the way, sycophants came to deliver food, and the officials had to live by her face.

Although Zhao Yu and the others were spying on them secretly, they still pretended to be ordinary officials and mixed in the team.

Zhao Yu and the five of them have been in this kind of place for more than a month.

A period of time before, they would enter the post station to have a full meal, but after the locust plague, the city gates were closed.

The food sent by others cannot support their survival at all, and they need to supplement more food.

Zhao Yu is not an idiot, he knows where this is, so he led four people to search for food secretly.

They live a lot better than Guancha, because the people from Jinyiwei have high martial arts skills, and hunting is simply a child's play.

The five of them open a small pot to eat barbecue, and live a chic life. Not only can they eat enough every day, but they can also eat well.

But Zhao Yu felt more and more the coercion from God of War, and he did it on purpose.

At this time, Zhao Yu didn't dare to show it, because once they exposed their whereabouts, they would be killed.

Zhao Yu only knew at this time that the reason for those abnormalities, it turned out that God of War had always known that Jin Yiwei was in the dark.

Because Zhao Yu discovered that since a large number of Jinyiwei were transferred away, the God of War has become majestic.

The five of them could be crushed to death within minutes, Zhao Yu was so frightened that he trembled all over, the God of War is indeed the God of War.

These Jinyiwei are not ordinary official servants. They are highly skilled, but they are hidden in the exile team.

I just dont want God of War to see any flaws, but he knows their every move like the back of the back of their hands.

He pretended to be dead in the car to show the royal guards, and he was very successful.

Zhao Yu is a very smart person, and he figured it out at once. The God of War is not afraid of those hundreds of Jinyiwei colleagues.

But at that time, they were very close to the capital, and once the God of War was exposed, they would provoke countless Jin Yiwei to encircle and suppress them.

Now, after walking for two months, they are getting farther and farther away from the capital. Killing the five of them will not disturb the people of Jinyiwei.

The more Zhao Yu thought about it, the more he thought about it, and he was terrified, but they didn't dare to leave rashly, because he already knew the situation of God of War.

He knew very well that if he showed that he found the abnormality of God of War, they would be in danger.

His four subordinates naturally didn't know, so he was looking for food while observing the surrounding environment.

He just wanted to take the opportunity to escape with four of his subordinates, and he didn't dare to send a letter back to Jinyiwei headquarters rashly.

Unfortunately, he had no chance at all. He found that there were many more experts in the team.

On this day, Zhao Yu took four people to hunt again, and they encountered a herd of wild boars.

One was killed by a wild boar on the spot, leaving Zhao Yu, Wei Lubin, Nie Cinan, and Feng Jianzhi four.

When Zhao Yu thought that the four of them would die here, a woman as beautiful as a fairy appeared in front of them.

She is Mrs. God of War. Zhao Yu knew that she was not stupid at all, but he did not expect her martial arts to be higher than his.

Such a strong alliance, not to mention the five of them, even the entire Jinyiwei is no match for the couple!

Zhao Yu was not treated well in the Zhao family since he was a child, so he has no family concept.

He had the idea of wanting to join the God of War, but his remaining three subordinates were still unwilling.

When she gently taught him to scrape potato skins and kill fish, the idea of taking refuge reached the extreme.

He clearly told the three subordinates that he had made up his mind to seek refuge with Master Chu, and they could figure it out.

When he was with her, whether he was cooking in the pot or picking up a fish in the kitchen, he felt happy.

And had a feeling of longing for her, the first time he felt affection for her, because she was married, but Zhao Yu didn't dare to reveal anything.

Meeting is hazy, feelings are hazy, she is so beautiful, and being by her side is so happy.

Even the sorrow at the farewell, he couldn't use a word to describe his heart.

She gave him the impression that she was surprisingly clean, watching her fingertips glow with beautiful colors.

It even made Zhao Yu think that the inside of her toes is probably clean too.

Zhao Yu couldn't help wondering whether his eyes were because he had just seen her fingers.

He felt that he was too obscene and desecrated her, so he lowered his head even more.

Try not to lose yourself, her husband is so powerful, and she is so happy.

He just wanted to spend his whole life by her side and make her happier.

In the heart of spring, there will be no competition for flowers, every inch of lovesickness and every inch of gray.

She is the emotion that he has poured into his life so much that he wants to say but can't say, wants to tell but can't tell, subtle twists and turns but wants to cover up.

But character is inseparable from birth, a person's birth and the influence of his parents.

It has been integrated into everyone's blood, and there is no way to get rid of it, so to a certain extent, Zhao Yu's fate was doomed from birth.

Time flows through everyone the same way, but everyone spends time differently.

So that later, the discerning people in the castle also knew what Zhao Yu cared about most.

He didn't want her to embarrass her, so he chose Luo Yuqi who had loved him for more than three years to marry.

After getting married, Zhao Yu treated his wife very well, and he also understood that there are several kinds of human emotions.

Zhao Yu's first love that he couldn't get, where is the willow branch, that lovesickness became a family relationship.

He never lost her, and followed her all his life, but his mentality changed.

That kind of hazy obsession has also become an inseparable family affection.

He wants to have a son to marry her daughter, or a daughter to marry her son.

But everything is in vain, and his children are as much loved as he is.

But Zhao Yu's mentality has always been upright, and you don't have to get it if you love someone.

So Zhao Yu has been happy ever since he met her, and not being able to love her is not pain.

At least compared to his previous loneliness, his whole person is extremely happy.

His sons and daughters have also learned his tenacity and tolerance, and if they fall in love with him, they will continue to guard him calmly.

There is no need to compete for what does not belong to them, so the Zhao family has always been a wealthy family of Xuanyan Dynasty since Zhao Yu's generation.

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