Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 875: new papermaking

Chapter 875: new papermaking

Chapter 875 New Papermaking Technology

Chu Lixuan didn't know that the Nanman saintess dared to pay attention to him, and if she found out, she would definitely send someone to kill her.

There are so many women who like him, and it's not that no woman dares to come within three feet of him.

He was currently reviewing the memorial of the Nanman city lord, saying that the Nanman saintess insisted on marrying the sixth son of Chu.

However, the sixth prince of Chu resolutely refused, and the city lord asked the emperor what to do.

Chu Lixuan brushed up on the four big words, let it be, what else could he do, Chu Liu'er was originally against getting married.

The Nanman saintess had an impure mind, and dared to incite Nanman officials to choose beautiful women to enter the palace as concubines in Nanman.

It's no wonder that Chu Liu'er would like such a woman. It was because of this incident that Chu Liu'er rushed from the capital to Nanman.

Chu Lixuan reviewed the memorial, thinking about his little wife and three treasures, his subordinates moved a lot faster.

At this time, Chief Assistant Nie Cimeng entered the Imperial Study Room: "Your Majesty, the promise of roses mentioned by the Empress has been handed over to Jiang Zihao, Minister of Rites."

"Well, rest assured, he has a group of men behind him, and he should be able to do a good job."

Chu Lixuan said solemnly, as long as it is not for his little wife to handle it, it doesn't matter to anyone.

"Your Majesty, there are some restless people in the south of Nanban. Do you want General Wei to send troops to suppress them?"

"No need, I have already sent Chu Liu'er to the Nanman, they can't make a fuss."

"You start to manage the paper mill. Our Xuanyan Dynasty's papermaking technology is ahead of Western Chu and North Vietnam."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the empress empress shredded in the original soaking and retting to soften the hemp skin and degumming initially, shortening the hemp fiber and making it easier to pulp.

It has been changed to simple pulp and paper making, which is very convenient to operate and not as cumbersome as before.

Soak the gray water again, and soak the hemp material in the gray water to play the role of degumming, dispersing fibers and bleaching.

The pounding has been changed to mechanical pulping. As long as you learn it, you can teach your apprentices, and anyone can operate it.

Mechanical pulping can also enhance the firmness of paper.

No longer need a lot of people to beat the pulp in the paper tank with a wooden stick, so that the pulp fibers can evenly float in the paper tank

Not to mention, the papermaking mold frame picks up the pulp in the paper tank and leaves it evenly on the papermaking mold frame.

Tear off the dried paper from the papermaking frame, and a piece of hemp paper is made to complete the pulping process

The queen came up with it, and it's a great way to convert wood into pulp.

As long as you master the key link of paper material preparation, you're done.

Strength, tone, print quality and paper shelf life are all directly related.

Generally, the commonly used preparation process can be roughly divided into the following three steps, and the prepared pulp is dehydrated and dried.

Finally, press, roll, cut, select, and other packaging work are further carried out, and Weichen will hand over to the relevant personnel one by one. "

Chu Lixuan patiently listened to Nie Cimeng's report, not how wonderful Nie Cimeng said.

But these were all thought up by his queen. He had heard them beforehand, and he still enjoyed listening to them again.

The monarch and his ministers discussed papermaking for a long time, and Nie Cimeng fell in love with the empress worshiped many years ago.

As for the series of new policies of Xuanyan Dynasty, it really benefits the people and makes the people of Xuanyan Dynasty live and work in peace and contentment.

Chu Lixuan advocated continuing to drill the army and expand the armaments to prepare for emergencies on the border.

Although both North Vietnam and Western Chu have good relations with Xuanyan Dynasty, but what about a hundred years later.

Internally, Chu Lixuan requested to restrict the situation of Enyin's descendants, and all of them must be promoted to rank through assessment.

No matter how high the position of the parents is, their children and grandchildren have been studying hard since they were young.

In order to make one's ability worthy of the grace of the ancestors, it is not a direct enjoyment.

He strictly forbids corrupt officials to serve again. He believes that such a person will never change.

The new emperor proposed many measures to benefit the country and the people, while the queen invented many novel ideas.

The monarch and his ministers discussed a series of reforms and developments for a long time, and Nie Cimeng left the imperial study satisfied.

Chu Lixuan went on to review the memorial. He had a lot of work in a day, but he was efficient.

One day he still has time to make lunch for his wife and children. It looks very leisurely, but in fact he is really busy when he is busy.

Nie Cimeng left the imperial study, and when he returned to the Imperial Academy, he discussed the next task with the cabinet staff.

He told everyone that the Emperor and Empress had a profound impact on the future development of Xuanyan Dynasty, and it could even be said to be decisive.

This influence is not only reflected in the imperial power.

It also includes Xuanyan Dynasty's future economy, people's livelihood, and politics.

The queen has optimized a lot in any process, and it is also much more convenient, saving time and effort.

For example, papermaking and movable type printing, etc. are several grades higher than before.

Especially in terms of economy, because of the accumulation of predecessors, and Jiang Xinyan's integration of a large number of modern technological inventions.

Let the Xuanyan dynasty have great room for reform. This is a dynasty with great development potential, and it is also a dynasty with great potential.

However, these things did not satisfy their emperor, and the emperor was still trying his best to discover them.

What he wants most is a more perfect, stronger, more prosperous and stronger country.

This country, as their queen mother said, has countless cultural relics passed on to future generations.

Possess countless gold and silver treasures, countless rare plants, and a land as vast as the ocean.

These are the ones that are truly worthy of the emperor's careful management. Therefore, their emperor has been working hard and striving to achieve success step by step.

There are characteristic industries everywhere. The most important thing is to maintain an indomitable heart, have enough heritage, and have enough talents.

"The emperor and the empress are simply too powerful. We are now the most powerful and richest country on this continent."

"Yes, the emperor is working so hard, we can't fall behind, we have to work harder to be worthy of the emperor and empress."

"Yes, only in this way can Xuan Yanchao have a chance and go further. Xuanyanchao's goal is to make the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment."

Nie Cimeng aroused everyone's enthusiasm, so he lowered his head and went about his day's work.

Their lunch has a special chef, with a combination of meat and vegetables every day, with balanced nutrition and delicious taste.

Can everyone's efficiency not be high? There is afternoon tea and snacks in the afternoon, and supper if you work overtime.

Their empress stipulated that the morning morning is not the traditional four o'clock in the morning.

Xuan Yanchao's morning court starts at 8:30 in the morning, and the scattered courts work on their own until 5:30 in the evening.

If there are special circumstances that require overtime work, the overtime hours should not exceed 8:30 p.m. at 8:00 p.m.

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