Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 837: Collusion

Chapter 837: Collusion

Chapter 837 Collusion

The king of Beiyue has been here for a few days, so he is familiar with the emperor of Xichu, so he introduced him warmly.

Prime Minister Jiang still glared at him from time to time, "We have someone to accompany us, why do you want to steal the limelight?"

Jiang Xinyan has never seen her father have such a naive side, and she can't help but feel like laughing.

There is nothing wrong with her father, just a little pedantic and filial. As her mother, it is undoubtedly sad to marry this father as her mother.

However, love is never clear, so maybe her mother likes her father's.

In addition, Jiang Zihao also respected her father very much, so she didn't have any resentment at all.

Before Madam Jiang got married, Jiang Xinyan had met her and thought she was a good character.

After Jiang Zihao's loss and recovery, Mrs. Jiang has also changed a lot, and she is no longer so bitter and mean.

Jiang Xinyan was even happier when she saw everyone laughing, she pulled Prime Minister Jiang and said.

"Father, don't stare at the king of Beiyue. We are all acquaintances. My daughter looks very good at him."

"What do you know, we are the hosts, and he specializes in grabbing our jobs."

Prime Minister Jiang said angrily, he hated the idea that iron could not be made into steel, but he suppressed it immediately.

His daughter is the best, if she is not successful, then is there any talent in the world!

Prime Minister Jiang just didnt like the King of Beiyue, especially when he snatched the baby from him every day, so Prime Minister Jiang became even more angry.

The identity of the king of North Vietnam is here, and he doesn't dare to offend him too much, so he occasionally chokes him.

The king of Beiyue saw the goddess in his heart and said that he was very good, and he was in a good mood.

In a good mood, he subdued Jiang Chengxiang and said a few nice words, so he and the prime minister chatted happily again.

Hearty laughter wafted over the castle, and the others in the hall were also happily eating and talking to acquaintances.

Emperor Xichu and Prime Minister Jiang had met for a few times. They had known each other during the state banquet in Dongchen State, and the relationship between the two was pretty good.

When the Emperor of Western Chu saw that Prime Minister Jiang was being bullied by the King of Beiyue, he would speak up to help and say a good word.

As a result, the Emperor Xichu flattered the horse's hooves. Instead of being grateful, Prime Minister Jiang scolded the Emperor Xichu.

"You are old and stubborn, but you are still so strong." Emperor Xichu smiled helplessly.

"Just pretend that I didn't say anything, that's all right."

Prime Minister Jiang said angrily: "You have said everything, how can you pretend that you didn't say it? It's not because you are all on his side."

The King of Beiyue immediately smiled and said, "Uncle Jiang is only angry because I rushed to hug a few babies."

Prime Minister Jiang snorted coldly: "Holding a baby is the same thing, and it can't be confused, but he can't be with you, it seems that you are in the same group."

". Conscience of heaven and earth, I really just want to help you talk."

Emperor Xichu really couldn't laugh or cry, what's going on? Could it be that Jiang Cheng had some misunderstanding with him?

The Emperor of Western Chu could only explain: "Prime Minister Jiang, don't be angry, I can assure you that I will not bully you with him."

Prime Minister Jiang snorted coldly: "Stop lying, what are you calling Prime Minister? Sarcastic old man? I was chased and killed by Emperor Dongchen and hid here. What kind of prime minister?"

The Emperor of Western Chu stared at the sky speechlessly, where is all this going?

The shrewd Prime Minister Jiang, isnt he out of his mind?

I didnt know that you were hunted down and hid here. We used to call Prime Minister Jiang when we met.

Emperor Xichu could only patiently explain again: "Uncle Jiang..., I have said it before, but I am just used to shouting, there is really no irony in it, you have to trust me."

"The old man doesn't believe it." After Jiang Chengxiang finished speaking, he turned and said to the King of Beiyue.

"Don't think that if you say a few nice words, the babies will be hugged for a while later. Let me tell you, I don't want to do that."

"Haha... Let's rob according to our ability. Mrs. Chu said that as long as the Kangkang brothers and sisters don't cry, we can rob at will."

The king of Beiyue smiled flamboyantly. He was really confident. An An didn't like him hugging him, but Kangkang liked hugging him himself.

When the Emperor of Western Chu saw them talking about babies, he also wanted to hug Chu Lixuan's two sons, at least one of them was his son-in-law.

Jiang Xinyan is also very proud to see that they all like her son and daughter. These children are really cute.

Jin Niang, Second Aunt Chu, Chu Wei, Chu Hua and the others didn't come to eat at this time, so they took the opportunity to hug the children for a while.

I don't know when it will start, the women only have their turn to hug when they eat.

The main reason is that its not easy for them to compete with a group of old men to grab baby hugs, so they give two grandmothers hugs all morning.

It was the turn of Jinniang, Aunt Chu and the juniors to hug each other during the meal. Jinniang was always thanking her family, Yaner, which was simply amazing.

Fortunately, three babies were born in one birth, otherwise she would really have to queue up if she wanted to hug her.

"Her auntie, come and see, Kangkang has teeth."

Jinniang hugged Kangkang and said with a smile on her face, her eyes were full of joy.

Second Aunt Chu, who was next to her, couldn't help being envious when she saw Jinniang smiling so happily while holding the child.

"Yes, they really have teeth. How come our Kangkang brothers and sisters grow so fast."

Second Aunt Chu agreed with a smile.

"I changed his diaper just now, this kid is really good, and he didn't cry."

After Jinniang finished speaking, she kissed the eldest grandson in her arms again.

Second Aunt Chu looked at Jinniang and couldn't help sighing that her sister-in-law was really lucky.

"Kangkang, come and call your second grandmother"

Second Aunt Chu reached out to touch the little face of the child in Jinniang's arms, but before she touched the child's fleshy face, she was swung away by his little fist.

When Jinniang saw it, she burst into laughter: "Oh, this kid is so naughty."

Second Aunt Chu was extremely embarrassed, she said awkwardly: "Hehehe...Kangkang is a bit naughty..."

"Yes, yes, children, it's strange if they aren't naughty." Jin Niang said with a smile.

At this time, a shout came from the door: "Mother, don't tease them, come here and help."

When Jinniang heard this, she quickly responded and walked out, "Brother Xiang, what can I do for you?"

After Jinniang walked out the door, she saw Chu Lixiang holding a tray of boiled milk.

"Brother Xiang, why did you think of giving them some boiled milk." Jinniang was very relieved to see her youngest son so sensible.

"My sister-in-law wants to accompany the guests, but she doesn't have time to feed them. What will they do if they starve to death?"

"Come on, An An, little uncle is feeding you milk, ah, come and open your mouth." Chu Lixiang likes to hug the delicate niece An An the most.

"Yeah... yeeah..." Seeing Chu Lixiang, An An immediately waved his chubby hand in response.

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