Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 812: Baptism

Chapter 812: Baptism

Chapter 812 Three Baptisms

As soon as Chu Lixuan finished his words, he was greeted with loud laughter and contemptuous looks, which confused him.

He looked at Jiang Xinyan innocently and said, "Xinxin~why do you despise me~"

"Hahaha..." Jiang Xinyan laughed until her stomach ached.

"Husband, I remember what I told you, the baby will laugh when it is born one to three months, and the baby teeth will start to erupt during the period from four months to ten months, and the teeth will grow at about three years old."

"The order of deciduous teeth eruption is generally that the lower jaw precedes the upper jaw, from front to back, but according to the baby's own situation and development, nutritional status, teething"

"Ah, I keep these things in my heart for my husband, I was too happy just now, so I forgot, hehe..."

Jiang Xinyan looked at him helplessly, now he is like the second idiot of the landlord's family, it is too normal to forget.

She is also happy, but she will not make such a joke like the second fool.

Amidst the laughter of everyone, "Wow...Wow~" Kangkang cried.

"Let the great-grandmother come and see if Kangkang has pooped."

Grandmother Chu said with a smile, while nimbly holding a handkerchief to wipe her grandson's ass.

"Wow...Wow...Great-grandmother, I didn't pull, I'm hungry." Xiao Baozi waved his little arms.

Chu Lixuan understood it miraculously, "Grandmother, Kangkang is hungry, you all go out, my daughter-in-law is going to breastfeed."

Jinniang wanted to say something, but her mother-in-law dragged her away, and Jiang Xinyan fed several babies separately.

In order to have enough milk, she drank a lot of spiritual spring water, because of the spiritual spring water, she had enough milk.

Mother's milk is crucial to the growth of the baby. If the milk is sufficient, the baby will get adequate nutrition.

There is no shortage of various local products in the castle now, because Jiang Xinyan has enough milk, the three children do not cry and sleep well, which is good for growth.

Other mothers will find various ways to breastfeed their mothers because of insufficient milk.

Although Jiang Xinyan has enough milk, Jinniang still uses various milking methods to give her various supplements.

For example, Jinniang believes that pigs trotters can produce milk, so she uses her grandmothers traditional Chinese medicine and pigs trotters stew for Jiang Xinyan to drink every day.

This effect is very obvious. The three babies don't drink milk every day, but their mother's breast milk is enough.

Jiang Xinyan's confinement is much easier than others, there is no such thing as not taking a bath for a month, she has a hot spring.

The children did not wait until the day of the Three Dynasties to take a bath. The couple used a large wooden basin to hold hot spring water to bathe the three children.

After taking off their clothes, they saw that the calves of the brothers and sisters were chubby, and there were circles of "pleats" on them.

"Husband, look at the little arms and legs of the babies, they are like white lotus roots, so tender."

"Yes, their little feet and unmarried palms are long, small and exquisite, very cute."

The couple had a great time playing, the child was only two days old, how could they cooperate with them.

Only the husband and wife were playing around by themselves, but Chu Lixuan was even happier, and the baby didn't know to rob him of his wife.

Although most of the daughter-in-law's thoughts are on the children, the children will not respond yet.

In a blink of an eye, it was the three rites of baptism. Master Wuchen personally baptized Kangkang for the third time, followed by King Zhenbei and several grandfathers.

The old Guzhu gang washes up every year, and they are also surrounded by a group of people, both adults and children.

Grandmother Chu, grandmother and Jinniang help An An wash together. They are all experienced old people.

The water for the third wash is to boil the wormwood and then cool it to a constant temperature before washing the baby.

To wash the baby three times, the baby must be carried to the bed first, and then the baby's buttocks must face the edge of the bed.

Hold the baby's feet tightly with both hands, moisten the baby's feet with a cotton swab, rub the baby's feet dry, and then apply foot lotion.

Praying is also required after washing the third day. After the chanting is finished, the clear water is poured outside and the paper money is burned. This is a very old tradition.

The three children all changed into new clothes, and within three days, they grew beautifully pink and jade-like, so pink and tender that they are so cute.

Taifu Cheng was the first to wish: "Not every wave comes for the beach, not every star comes for the night, not every drizzle comes for the wheat seedlings, but, Kangkang, every year, An'an is happy for us Happiness comes, we all rejoice and congratulate together.

"Thank you, Grandfather Cheng, for your blessings. Our husband and wife and family are very grateful."

Jiang Xinyan specially dressed up today. She was dressed in a red dress and fluttered in the wind, and her long hair was tied high at one temple.

The red shirt is like a flower, the skin is better than snow, the indescribable beauty and elegance, like a fairy descending from the earth, makes people dare not look at it.

Chu Lixuan was also dressed in red, with a golden hairpin on his head, which filled his stern face with a sense of nobility and mystery.

I have to say that this is a couple with almost perfect looks, the same color of clothes, and the same handsome face.

Although the people in the castle often see the couple, they really never get tired of seeing them.

"Kangkang, Sui Sui, An An's birth is a new hope. Their arrival brings good luck. May the baby grow up healthy and strong. I wish you and your family a sweet and happy life."

"Thank you Grandfather Nie for your blessings, and wish everyone in our castle sweetness and happiness."

Jiang Xinyan's crisp voice was pleasant to hear, and her words in return made everyone enthusiastic.

"A blessing adds joy to the babies and a greeting brings good luck to their parents. Congratulations to our castle owner and his wife on the birth of a precious son and daughter. May the good babies be healthy and safe."

"Heaven rewards hard work, there is no one in the world who does not become a genius without hard work. May your babies work hard day and night and become talents as soon as possible."

"Hahaha... Master Wang's blessings are really inseparable from my own business."

"I'm 90% grateful, 100% jealous. When you open your eyes, you will see the world of flowers, and you will be immersed in happiness all at once. I congratulate you and hope for nine times. May you create a more beautiful world for future generations."

"Master Wuchen has a brilliant literary talent. I will follow your blessings. May my great-grandchildren create a more beautiful world for future generations."

"Kangkang, every year, when An An is born, laughter comes soon. Three treasures are added to the family, and happiness is every second. I wish my little nephews health, happiness, happiness and cuteness."

Everyone said different blessings, and everyone couldn't move away when they saw the babies, and they all wanted to take a few more glances.

"Brother Zihao, do you want to stand until the New Year? It's only the third day of September." Chu Lixiang urged Jiang Zihao to walk away dissatisfied.

He wanted to see his little nephews, and then he also stood and didn't want to leave, and was urged by Song Mingjiang behind him.

Everyone laughed and laughed, and the three banquets were unprecedentedly lively, and the chefs showed their housekeeping skills.

Chu Jingxian, Chu Jingchen, and Chu Jingying, three good babies, open their eyes to see this for a while, and sleep with their eyes squinted for a while.

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