Eye System

Chapter 191: Exchange

Chapter 191: Exchange

"Lex, Lex are you alright" called out Angela as she rushed towards the direction she had seen Lex fly towards while he was fighting the demonic cultivation master.

She could see his abilities had reached an unbelievable level where he could easily defeat her with a single attack, but she was unsure if it was enough to defeat the monstrous demonic cultivation master that also had incredible power.

After the explosion that was caused by their joint attack to defeat the Heaven Mortal Blood Hounds, most of the cultivators of the continent were heavily injured or unconscious while the fox beasts had all left to search for their master following closely behind Angela.

The continent had to recover its cultivators and from the loss of resources after the attack that they suffered and while the surviving leaders and most powerful cultivators on the continent were preparing their next move in order to move forward, Angela was more worried about what had happened to Lex.

Nearly a hundred miles away, the entire area was covered in rubble and destroyed by Lex and the demonic cultivation master's battle.

There were deep blade marks that had scarred the ground everywhere along with many craters in the ground and the small hills from when Lex and the demonic cultivation master had launched each other backwards with their powerful attacks.

Looking around in the rubble, she spotted a crater in the centre and in the middle of the crater she found Lex lying there unconscious.

However before she could get close to him, the fox beasts surrounded their master and didn't let Angela get close to him, wanting to protect him while he was unconscious.

Seeing the loyalty of the fox beasts, she was once again shocked by Lex's ability to control so many beasts and they were not only intelligent and powerful, but also had complete independence from Lex who they revered and were loyal to.

"Calm down, I am a friend of Lex and will not harm him" reassured Angela as she retracted her aura and slowly approached Lex, showing the fox beasts that she didn't mean Lex any harm.

Seeing that her intentions were not malicious towards their master and also knowing that their master had initially ordered them to protect and help her and the other people, they allowed her to see Lex as they opened up a path for her.

She slowly walked over to Lex and when she reached him she placed her two fingers on his pulse to find that his heart was still beating, but his pulse was faint and she knew that he had pushed his body past its limits.

However, she could see that he hadn't suffered any physical damage and that was all thanks to the Soul Fusion and the activation of his Third Eye that had allowed Lex to have instant recovery through his Elemental Body.

Sitting down and closing her eyes, Angela began to absorb and recover her energy as she also activated her saint spiritual roots and began to pour her warm, golden saint energy into Lex to help him recover.

As she did so, Ella suddenly appeared out of thin air and sat down near the fox beasts as she awaited Lex's awakening.

'It seems that his strength has increased massively and he had also been able to find such a weird beast that seems to be a race of beasts that are descendants of a legendary beast of some sort. He has the cultivation level of a Golden Mortal, yet was able to defeat a former ascendant that was displaying the strength of a peak Mortal King or even higher. He is finally on track to reaching where he has the potential to reach and the Lower Plains won't be able to hold him for long' thought Ella to herself, who was pleased with Lex's capability and growth as she saw him becoming more and more dependable.

Angela spent hours pouring saint energy into Lex's body, but Lex was yet to awaken as she was unsure what was stopping him from regaining his consciousness even though there weren't any detrimental injuries to his body that would keep him from awakening.

Meanwhile, inside Lex's mindscape, he stood before a figure that was identical to himself in every way apart from the red eyes and another figure beside the Eye Demon that was completely black and seemed to be a physical shadow.

"You must be the soul of Ashura" stated Lex as he walked over to the shadow figure, curious as to what it was.

"Move away child" murmured the shadow in a hoarse voice that intimidated Lex and caused him to step back.

"What do you two want" asked Lex who wasn't afraid and knew that since they were in his body, he had the upper hand over them.

He could have forced them to leave his mindscape and back into the Third Eye, as he had power over them in the mindscape, but he was curious as to what they wanted.

"We have fused souls using the Soul Fusion so you must know and have felt what I was capable of, so how about we make a trade where we can both exchange things that we want" offered the Eye Demon.

"What do you want and what are willing to exchange for it," asked Lex, curious as to what the Eye Demon was after.

"Its simple, I want you to allow Ashura's soul to enter the Third Eye and relinquish your control over him as a Soul Pet" stated the Eye Demon with his usual smile.

Thinking about it, Lex was willing to do so, depending on whether what he acquired was worth the exchange and whether or not that would have any consequences for him in the future.

"Would that put him in a similar position to yourself, where you are residing within my Third Eye and upon activation, he would be released into my body" asked Lex who wanted to be careful.

"No, he would become integrated with my soul so you won't have to worry about him causing you problems as he will become my Soul Pet of sorts" answered the Eye Demon.

Thinking about it, it was exactly what Lex wanted as it would get rid of Ahura, who he had to seal and monitor within his soul, and would also increase the power boost that he would receive when he activated the Thrid Eye or fused his soul with that of the Eye Demon.

After confirming everything with the system and making sure that there wouldn't be any issues in the future, he decided what he wanted in exchange.

"Alright then, in exchange I want the Hell Blaze Flame" stated Lex shamelessly.

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