Eye System

Chapter 144: Angela's Revenge

Chapter 144: Angela's Revenge

Hiding outside Jackson's residence, Angela and Ella were prepared to repay Jackson for what he had done to Angela.

Looking at Angela, Ella could see that she was struggling to control her emotions and she was both furious and slightly scared.

'Allow the cold to flow through you and make it so that you are unaffected by anything and capable of anything. This is where you cut ties and is where you deal with anything that is holding you back' stated the Jade Empress within Angela's mind.

"I am here to support you and this is your time to avenge yourself and show who you truly are" reassured Ella who crouched beside her.

With the support of Ella, the Jade Empress and Lex, Angela felt the reassurance and warmth of friendship and care that she never felt from her parents that were heartless and only cared about their own power.

"I am ready" stated Angela as she clenched her fists tightly.

She didn't want to cause a massive commotion, but wanted to be satisfied with her revenge after what Jackson had done to her, so with Ella beside her, Angela felt much more secure in her ability to escape if they needed to.

Angela followed by Ella jumped over the 3-metre tall walls that surrounded Jackson's residence and landed calmly onto the ground.

Jackson was still living in the luxurious manner he was living in before the Voltiac invasion and had a large garden with a well-kept pond and lived within a grand mansion within the manor.

"His room should be that one, and I sense two other people with him within the room" observed Ella pointing at a dimly lit room.

"Yes, I will deal with the rest, could you stay here and look out for anybody that may be coming" asked Angela, not wanting Ella to see her getting her revenge and also wanting her to make sure they didn't cause any trouble.

"Sure, but be careful, we don't know how powerful he has become since you left" warned Ella.

Angela nodded, heeding Ella's warning, and carefully sneaked into the mansion.

The door was open and Jackson was confident in the ability of the dozens of guards that were situated in most places in the royal district and was also confident in his ability and didn't see many people as a threat to him.

As Angela was carefully climbing up the long rows of stairs, she began to hear loud noises from the room she was heading towards.

She could hear two high pitched voices along with one that she recognised as Jackson's.

Angela knew that he had a very scandalous and careless nature, but it still angered her to know that he dared to do so with two women and within the royal district, without the fear of getting into trouble.

'What a scummy bastard, but now I have no choice but to kill the two bitches with him' thought Angela to herself as she carefully continued to climb the stairs.

As she reached the second floor, where they were many rooms including Jackson's, Angela began slowly creeping towards Jackson's room.

Engrossed in the two women with him, Jackson who was a peak Sky Mortal, which was incredible considering his age, hadn't sensed Angela who was approaching his room.

The loud and annoying noises were getting louder as she approached the room, but Angela was still calm and allowed her coldness to take over any warmth within her, just as the Jade Empress had instructed.

Angela held her breath, as not to alert Jackson with her breathing, knowing that levellers and cultivators had sensitive senses, and standing outside Jackson's door, she prepared herself to get her revenge.

Angela had slaughtered thousands while fending off against the Voltiac Guild, but they were all for the good of innocents and she didn't feel any guilt at all, but to become a murderer with her kind nature was hard.

But as the warmth within her was completely suppressed by her cold spiritual roots, Angela felt unshakable and unaffected by what she was about to do.

'Whoever dares to mess with the ice queen, shall not live to tell the tale' declared Angela within her mind, becoming more and more like the Jade Empress in terms of temperament and actions.

Freezing the door that crumbled under her ice control, Angela waltzed into Jackson's enormous room while he was infatuated with two women.

Without remorse or hesitation, Angela shot two icicles at the two naked girls she saw on the bed with Jackson who was also naked.

Her attack wasn't a simple icicle and was a new skill that she had learnt along the way to the Gamma Country with the help of the Jade Empress.

Engulfing Icicle

A skill that after striking the enemy would engulf them in ice and freeze their entire body, instantly killing them.

But it was only a guaranteed kill on someone weaker than the user or wasn't prepared and didn't have the ability or knowledge to be able to thwart its effect.

Watching the two women with Jackson become completely engulfed in ice, Angela had a satisfied expression, while Jackson screamed in fear and shock.

Regaining composure, Jackson jumped up, despite being naked, and prepared to fend off against the black-robed figure that stood at the entrance of his room.

"Do you remember me Jackson?" asked Angela calmly as she took off the hood that was covering her face in the dimly lit room.

As she did so, she revealed her hair that was completely ice cold and the purple jade that was embedded into her forehead.

The jade within her forehead, was the symbol of the ice queen and was also an effect of the cultivation method she was cultivating that she inherited from the Jade Empress.

The icy blue engulfed her previously the half of her hair that was golden, and her eyes were void of emotion as she allowed the coldness to take control of her body.

"A...A....Angela" he uttered while stuttering.

He felt his body becoming slow and sluggish as the cold aura that Angela imbued, penetrated into his body and affected his blood stream.

"You forced me to have to leave the comfort of m own home, that wasn't much with my cruel parents, but yet look at you. Weak, scummy and a leech living off my parents" announced Angela, adding more power to the coldness she emitted.

Frost began to form around not only the room but the entire house as she truly appeared to be the ice queen.

Angela was not only at a higher stage than him, but was also using a true cultivation method that used her spiritual roots and had many skills in her arsenal, making Jackson an easy opponent in her eyes.

"I.. I... I... am sorry" he stuttered while feeling his legs beginning to give way and his body urging him to get away.

The overbearing Angela slowly approached Jackson, with a cold expression, as she began to form what seemed to be an orb of ice.

Angela streamed more and more energy into the orb of ice, that continued sucking more and more of her energy, as she continued to approach Jackson who was frantically scrambling to escape.

However, his body was not obeying his commands as the ice continued to spread through his body.

"Please Angela I am sorry. I beg you let..." pleaded Jackson.

But before he could finish begging Angela, she launched the orb of ice at his chest as his entire body was instantly frozen.

The skill had drained Angela massively and was a skill she had never attempted using before, but the effects were shocking to behold as not only was Jackson instantly frozen, but the ice spreaded throughout the entire manor, coating it in ice.

Before preparing to escape, Angela kicked over Jackson's frozen body that shattered as it hit the ground.

Seeing the pieces of his body spread throughout the ground Angela was satisfied with the despair she had caused Jackson and the defaming way he was killed, but was also slightly dazed and deepin thought.

"Hurry up we need to get out of here" called out a voice from behind her.

Ella grabbed the hand of the dazed Angela and jumped out of the window of Jackson's room, carrying Angela with her.

The sudden lowering of temperature and the entirety of the area around Jackson's manor becoming enveloped in ice, caused a massive commotion as most of the guards headed towards Jackson's manor, while others rushed to alert the King and Queen of the situation.

Angela who had snapped out of her daze, had noticed that she was already a few miles away from the royal district and was on Ella's back.

Jumping off Ella's back, Angela continued to dash away from the royal district, following after Ella.

"Thank you" thanked Angela gratefully, unsure of what may have occurred if not for Ella.

"I don't know what happened I.." explained Angela before being cut off by Ella.

"There is no need to explain, but we must hurry and find somewhere to hide for the time being before returning to converse with your parents" interrupted Ella, as they dashed off into the distance.

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