Evolving Ghost System: Phantom Universe Expansion Pack

Chapter 78: 7 Days Remaining Until the Water Army's Crash!

Chapter 78: 7 Days Remaining Until the Water Army's Crash!

Harvard put what Candy Kid gave him in his pocket, and looked up at the Great Sealed Dungoen.

They had to climb three mountains, and ford three rivers, and ride three different types of donkeys to get here. It had been a long two days. Harvard sighed while a prompt appeared in front of him. Why did it always have to happen at the same time of day! He couldn't get any more infamy, or he wouldn't be able to any quests!

[7 Days until the Monsoon Kraken turns Central Continent into his own personal palace under the sea! Please leave behind wills, so your families won't go without food!]

'This-this has got to stop!' Harvard jumped down from the back of a Donkey, and looked at Snow Lilly. "We-we have to defeat the Monsoon Kraken before the 7th day arrives! Now what is it? Why do you all seem so upset?"

"It took us two days to get here!" Tilly stomped the floor, "Hmph, this was your great idea? I-I've never been so attracted, and hated someone so much in my entire life!"

"Calm down," Snow Lilly said, "There wasn't a single monster we saw on the way here. This might really be the only place on all of Central Continent without Quests monsters. However, is it me, or are the coordinate for this place 176.176.176 Doesn't that mean it's in the Central of Central Continent?"

Snow Lilly was onto something here, but didn't have it quite right. Because Central Continent was a strange shape, it wasn't technically the center of Central Continent, and it was just an accident. Nonetheless, the dungeon in front of them was impressive. Though it was called the Great Sealed Dungeon, it was really in the center of a massive opening in a mountain.

Looking down, Harvard saw hundreds of different types of monster on a large staircase that literally went all the way to the bottom of the mountain 3 kilometers down. He could even see several bosses, dozens of treasure chests, and lots of warning about danger! This was perfect! This was definitely the right place to go!

"Guys, are you ready to enter?" Harvard opened the prompt for the dungeon. "I-I'm sure it will be dangerous. Probably the most dangerous thing we've ever done."

"Dude, just go," Snow Lilly patted him on the back, "We have like 20 out of the 30 top players in all of Central Continent. We even have Harvest King here with us! We'll be fine!"

"I'm leading the way," Harvard looked at Harvest King and gulped. "You hear me Harvest King! Don't go down any strange paths! This is for the future of Central Continent! So remember to go to the bathroom first!"

"I'm entering us in," Tilly winked at Harvard while ten girls from her guild behind her snickered. "Now, remember, Harvard, I lead the team against the first boss, and you against the second. The one who does better gets to lead the battle against the Monsoon Kraken."

Harvard nodded his head and then watched the prompt appear in front of him. To say it wasn't terrifying, would be a huge lie!

[Great Sealed Dungeon]

[Dfficulty: B++] (Almost an A- dungeon)

[20 Person Dungeon!]

[Current Team: 20 / 20]

[The resting place of the Great Dungeon Designer is here. Some say, that the Great Dungoen Designer is still alive, creating new terrifying dungeons at the bottom of the Great Sealed Dungeon! Though you might not think the Great Dungeon Designer is a terrifying existence, he himself is considered an S level boss! If you can reach him, you can ask him for one request. If he likes you, there is a small chance you can unlock the Great Dungeon Designer Subclass! With it, you might even be able to alter dungeons you enter! Do not underestimate this subclass!]

'That's so impressive,' Tilly smiled, 'If that class does what I think it does, if you enter a dungeon and you want to build a wall to the boss, you can probably do it.'

'However, I would never take a subclass You have to use skill points from your main class in order to level up your subclass. It-it's not worth it for anyone except the most pathetic of men."

"I want that class!" Grinning Sword smiled, "Now guys! Let's go in! Invite me to the party"

"We can't," Tilly said, "Only 20 party members are allowed. "However, there is another dungeon over there, Grinning Sword. Why don't you clear that while we're taking care of business?"

"But-but I came all the way here. Harvard invited me," Grinning Sword's eyes started to water. "Why? What did I do wrong? Is it because I'm level 40 and you're all over level 45?"

"Grinning Sword," Harvard tapped him on the shoulder, "You have a ton of potential. However, right now, you're like a young woman without experience. In a few years, you can either have a lot of experience from doing multiple dungeons, or a little experience. Right now, though, we need women with a lot of experience. You understand what I'm getting at right?"

"When-when I went to a brothel, it's true the woman that worked the most hours tended to be the best in bed," Grinning Sword nodded his head, "You're right! I'll go clear that small Dungeon! Haha! Thanks Hamlord!"

"Dude, we going?" Snow Lilly tapped him on the arm while her light blue eyes sparkled. "As my best friend, I'm touched you care for such a weakling. It's making me feel weird,"

"And, off we go," Tilly activated the dungeon before a large gate shot open and a smaller one behind that and a smaller one behind that. "Tanks, Shield Lancers, go first! Dps, get behind me!"

[Welcome Ghost Adventurers to the Great Sealed Dungeon! In a couple seconds, the first boss will come to greet you! Please be patient and wait by the first staircase!]

'Ugh, I can tell this dungeon is going to be a pain in the ass,' Harvard walked inside the dungeon and began to feel a sweltering head traveling up his body. 'However, at least we don't have to clear our way to the boss.'

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