Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 74: If possible, can we do another way?

Chapter 74: If possible, can we do another way?

While it didnt actually happened, I ... Alto=Azolias, for a moment did that the thing had already reached the happy end.

Searched for the evidence for the evil thing that the duke had done to the country, showed it to the world and save the kingdom from the evil plan of the duke.

It was because I kept that thought, I could stand in this place right now.

But that thought only last until several minutes ago.

In the current situation, I.... Actually, let me be honest.

I dont know what was going on right now, and confused.

You know, in the end, it seems that I still didnt know anything about what really happened.

At the end of my trial, the prime minister suddenly fly toward my father.... the king and beat him up badly.

It wasnt Grid=Ractos or even his son, Jake=Ractos who fell into fury, but actually the prime minister who stand behind his majesty all of this time who was doing such violent thing.

Well, more accurately.

This is loyalty! Loyalty! Oh! Loyalty!!

His beating continued.

The minister straddled the king with ghostly look and blindly punches his face.

His majesty could only let a faint groan escape his mouth the time the fist touched his cheeks.

What in the world was going on here?

What connection does the prime minister behavior with the trial that was done one the Grid=Ractos?

Was it due to the lack of my evidence, that even the prime minister was protecting the Duke Ractos?

Also, why did he beat his majesty?

Was perhaps, his majesty actually also working together with the Duke Ractos.... No no no, what I was thinking?

No, I shouldnt sit idly and thinking at the moment like this.

Yes, for now, I had to stop him.

I should stop this acrocity and save the king from the beating of the prime minister.

But, I couldnt .

As for why, I couldnt felt my feet as it felt like it was nailed to the ground.

And my body felt as stiff as an iron.

No, to be honest.

I was just scared of the prime ministers fist.

Everytime he swung, the shout of loyalty, it only add my fear more and more.

The loyalty that I knew wasnt something so rude, and aggressive.

Move, my body, move. If I let this thing goes one, his majesty will be...!

Wait a minute, wait a minute!

When I was trying my best to move my body to stop prime minister atrocities.

The first person who moved to stop the thing was the very person whom I put into trial, Grid=Ractos.

.... Governor, please don't stop me. This man wouldn't understand unless I smack things directly into his head. Its a loyalty, a loyalty. Therefore, he wouldnt die, because what I do is a loyalty, ha ha

I didnt know where the usual calm prime minister were gone. But the prime minister who seems already totally lost his mind said some word with unknown meaning at Grid=Actors who tried to stop his act.

Even so, when I could clearly saw the fear on Grid=Ractos as he trembled while looking at prime minister appearance, Grid=Ractos continues.

No, thats not it... Prime minister. Thats right! If you keep beating his majesty by the face, it would extremely difficult to treat his injuries before the founding anniversary next week and it would cost a lot to hire a sorcerer that could cure his wound! The country financial will wounded because of it!

haha, so that it! Thats right. Then lets stop with the face... Loyalty!

The prime minister stop straddling his majesty after hearing the word from Grid=Ractos, but then he kicked his majesty on the flank and sent him flying like a pebble.

His majesty made another painful groan as he glided on the ground.

That power was so much that his majesty flies like a small rocks.

NO! I didnt just mean that you shouldnt kick the face!.... Prime minister, Please stop! I will work! I will work hard!!

Are you serious! Thats good, I couldn;t stop being angry by the thought that his majesty havent told prince about the truth about you that could bring the downfall of the countrys finance. HAHAHA!

That right. So please, you should stop kicking his majesty soon... Look he is bleeding

No , for time being, I just want to show my loyalty to his majesty. Please let me continue for a while....OH!

The minister who stopped beating his majestys face, and now was showing his loyalty to his majestys body.

Wait a minute, why does Grid=Ractos worried about his majestys body? Didnt he intended to assassinate him in the first place? Beside, what did the prime minister meant by the collapse of the country financial in relation with Grid=Ractos!?

Also, What did minister meant just now? He was talking about his majesty forgotten to tell me something about the governor? And then....

Excuse me, your majesty. Is prime minister here? I have some information... Oh, could it be I have come in a wrong time?

As I pondered over the conversation between prime minister and governor, I heard a knock and stopped my thought.

I wondered who had came, and looked over there standing a blonde haired man with blue eyes just like me.

It was a young man who looked really similar to me but with a weaker body.

The second prince of the Azolias Kingdom, Hanz=Azolias. It was my brother.


Hanz looked around as if trying to asses the situation.

Prime minister who kicking his majesty and Grid=Ractos who tried to stop them.

Then his gaze moved to Count Raul who stopped his thought.

And then The assassins that I brought, also Jake=Ractos who fell dept in thought.

The witnesses and the guard who totally clueless about what was happened, and then myself.

Its just my conjure, but big brother, did perhaps you just put the Duke Ractos on trial?

Hanz body was too weak for martial arts.

I said weak, but its not like he was sickly or something like that. It's just, he was weak by the standard for the king of azolias.

Therefore, in his early days, he already gave up the right to inherit the throne and decided to become the assistant of the king.... and learn the way to become the prime minister.

Maybe that was why Hanz was so smart that he could able to deduce that I put Duke Ractos into trial in this chaotic situation that even I didnt know exactly what happened.

Ah, yes, I found the witnesses, evidence, and assassin...

I explained to Hanz that the prime minister started to hitting the king after I finished the trial.

In the middle of my explanation, Hanz face turned blue and then he sighed, and when I finished my story, he put his hand on his face and seems to understand what exactly was happened.

Now, brother, listen to me carefully... Duke Grid=Ractos, is a kind man. Maybe, he was one of the kindest among the noble in the country:

The first sentence that Hanz said to was Grid is a good person. Grid=Ractos, you said that Grid=Ractos was a kind person?

NO, You lie!

I didnt. He just not your normal kind noble on the top of that. He is the one who manage our country finances, without him, out country finances will be in danger. In worst case, it could lead into financial collapse

Hanz continued to said that Grid=Ractos was also a delicate man, he will stopped working whether his heart hurt. Hanz, said that with a serious expression different from his usual expression.

It really doesnt look like he was lied to me.

No, wait a minutes. If what Hanz said were all truth, then how did he would explain about the assassin? The assassins did confess that he was one, you know?

Thought about that, I moved my sight to the assassins.

Jake=Ractos stood on his knees, confirming the confession from the assassins

Hey, Yuuga, why do you call yourself an Assassins? Arent you a trainee cook?

assassin...? What?

assassin. Ah... its a people who kill people to make money

Hearing Jakes word, the man shakes his head violently with paled face.

NO, NO,I didnt kill! No money! He speak to fast! I dont understand!!

He gave Jake a very different answer from what he said to me before in our language.

It seems that not only he doesnt understood what brother is talking about, he doesnt know what assassins means, too. Well I understand what you feel, if I was on your position, it possible that I will also thought of the same things

Wait, wait a minute.

Seriously? Did Grid=Ractos and Jake=Ractos really didnt had any intention to harm the country?

Did you meant that Grid=Ractos was just a good guy with a scary face, all this time? And all of this, all of this was just my misunderstanding?

Hanz, did you already know about it? Did you know that Duke Grid=Ractos is someone who is not evil at all?!

Well, of course, whether it is his majesty, prime minister, knight captain, and the higher ups of Azolias kingdom are know about this fact. You see, the face of the governor is like that from the start, and indeed if you werent told directly it will cause some misunderstanding... nevertheless, In fact, no one has ever told me about it though

As Hanz said that, he looked away from me and moved his sight to the corner of the room where the loyalty still continued.

It seems that his majesty should told this fact to me and brother... but from what I have seen, it seem that he failed to do so, and as a result we arrived at today

I followed Hanzs eyes.

What happened today...

His majesty who groaned in pain as he kept received beating and kicking, the governor who couldnt even look at the event anymore as he covered his face with his hand.

All people who looked at this knew very well that his majestys face started to paled as he already lost so much blood.

I had done it. It seem I had done something so bad, right?

Although it was all based on misunderstanding, and father who did not properly convey the fact to me, and now the act of atrocities of the prime minister who based on the thought to prevent the financial downfall of the country, wasnt I the one who pulled the trigger for all of what happened?

... Hanz. Will I be punished of exile or something like that?

I asked Hanz, with a look of a dead man. Hanz showed a shocked expression for once, then sighed before answered my question.

Baah... Brother, havent you read too much book and plays? Although I didnt really know how the custom in the other countries. I would be impossible for that to happen in Azolias. Listen here? Only I and brother are the one who have the blood of the royalty, and I already withdrew from the right of the throne in the past. Only brother have the right and the ability to be the king of Azolias. Although the governor is important person for the country financial and could be said to be an indispensable person, you have the same value as him... no, youre more important than him. Moreover if this matter really ended up being exiling you from the country, the governor will think that the matter was happened because of him, and it will shock him much. Wouldnt that be meaningless act then? That is how much kind man the governor is. So it is impossible to exile you from the country, you know? Even if brother meaninglessly kill ten or so innocent people, it will be completely hidden, oh? Brother, I should say this, even if you shed tears and blood, and reject it, you still have to sit on the throne, you know. You know that right?

Oh, oh... I always felt that Hanz had a rude attitude toward me today.

At the end of his long monologue, I felt the same pressure as the prime minister, it scares me a bit.

Could it be. This guy got a little angry due to the riot that I caused?

But then again, you wouldnt abolish me? No, but.

Hanz. Even so, for things to end like this... It would be shame on me to not receive any kind of punishment. If all you say is true, and even if this all started due to father, I also still held responsible for this. After all, not only I misunderstood them , I also gone so far as to put them into trial

I told Hanz something that sound reasonable.

As I said, I did felt responsible for what had happened so far. If I had to honestly spoke my opinion, I would create a speech in order to make them easier to punish me.

I wonder if he was aware of this. But, Hanz punishment proposal was overly cruel one.

Ha, in that case... how about brother also try to taste the minister loyalty, as the one who involved in all of this?

I looked back at the scene that I really want to forgot by not looked. It was just a carnage scene where the prime minister lost all of this restrain.

OH! Loyalty kick!!

His majesty, under the impact to his flank(the loyalty kick) flied, rolled several times ignoring the work of gravity, turning horizontally like a wheel before hitting the wall and stopped.

It was due of this I understood. That his majesty was a king. The king of Azolias.

An existence that could stand in toes with the captain of the knights. It wasnt something that could be overwhelmed by the power of someone old.

Its just.... the prime ministers loyalty and righteousness was deviated from the norm in some respect.

... I am very sorry. Hans-san. Can we do another way?

That was the first time I used a honorific to call my brothers name.

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