Evil-like Duke Household

Chapter 57: Cooling Down Locally.

Chapter 57: Cooling Down Locally.

Cooling Down Locally

A certain sunny days dusk.

Wore my usual black metal armour, along with the clanking sound of the armor, I Erza=Ractos returned back home after heavy unit practice was over. I see the people in the house were busily preparing something.

All of the servants ran around changing the furnitures position, moved the furniture as how mother had told them to, on the other side father and big brother were discussing the plan and what cloth they should wear for tomorrow.

[[ Father. It seems that everyone is busy, is there something for tomorrow? Is there will be someone coming?]]

[ Hmm... Ooh, Erza, welcome back. Thats right, tomorrow Viscount Helix and his family will come. Tomorrow will be your marriage interview with his son, Zen=Helix, you know]- Grid

Father answered my question with a simple answer.

So that was it, so it would be my marriage interview.

Somehow, I felt that I had seen a similar spectacle before, so it was the same as when they preparing for big brother marriage interview, yeah.

I understand part of it, but there still something that I could not understand.

[[ Father! I never heard any news that I will have a marriage interview, though!?]]

[Its because Ive never told you, anything matter?]- Grid

He doesnt show any feeling of guilt! Other than that, father... included, I felt that everyones attitude toward me was a bit weird recently, yeah!!

Especially since big brother had his engagement announcement party, its become more remarkable, yeah!!

[[Never said it, you say... I wish you said it to me priorly, yeah! Rather, Ive never had any intention to do any marriage interview in the first place, though!?]]

[If I say it to you, youll think of some plan to run away, so I didnt tell you. Thats why I tell you now. And you have no right to reject. Also, please be silent for a moment]- Grid

Sharp! Fathers word is sharp!!

Also, no matter how you think about it, this was tyranny, yeah!

Indeed, sometimes I forget about it, but we were a duke household per se. I think I should have prepared myself for a political marriage that wouldnt care about the person concerned feelings.

However, the matter this time was too tyrannical!

How this was tyrannical you ask? Because today was the day before the marriage interview day that will be held tomorrow, that how tyrannical this is!

Because tomorrow was a day off, I had planned to put my armour for polishing!!

... rather, perhaps.

[[Father, dont say that the tomorrow marriage interview, umm, will be another no armour day!? Do I have to wear another frilly dress that cant make me calm down like before!?]]

That was right, it was the matter that happened in big brothers engagement announcement party that I would never forget.

At that time... though as an add-on, I became one of the centers of the party, and so I had to greet his majesty while wearing a dress.

Because of how unreliable the defense that that dress provided, it totally made my heart couldnt calm down at all, yeah!

If I wore armour that night, Im sure that I wouldnt end up being totally scolded by mother like that!!

Thats why I will say No thank you to a dress!!

[No, its okay for you to wear your armour... actually it's not good, but since youre like that, we finally find someone who is fine even if you wear your armour]

[ Eh!? Is it really alright for me to wear armour!?]]

Hearing unexpected answer from father, I unconsciously peeked to look at mothers expression, and at the end of my vision was mother sour expression that I had never seen even till this day, as she nodded reluctantly.

Hyohoo! She gave her permission!!

If I was permitted to wear my armour, I didnt care even if it was marriage interview or anything like that, come at me!!

Really, you guys should have told me that from the start!

[Aah, also, I said that this is marriage interview, but actually, the result is already fixed. No matter what happens Ill have you marry Zen-kun, so I hope you know]

Eh... is that so? Well, I didnt really understand about love, so I didnt really mind about that, but marriage, huh. Hmm, I didnt really have any good impression about marriage, though.

I heard a lot of story about a female knight who retired after the marriage. So rather than the partner, I didnt hold a good impression to the term of marriage itself.

[[ Father, Im fine about marriage interview... and the marriage thatll follow in the future, but I wonder if the marriage will be held immediately? There still some matter with the chivalric order, if possible, umm, I want to see how the thing turn out first]]

The reason that I became a knight, was because that was the thing I worth doing the most, and also the thing that was fit with me the most.

If my life as a knight got obstructed because of the marriage, itll become quite troublesome.

Thinking so I asked Father for his opinion, but it was Mother, who was ordering the servant, who answer my question.

[ You cant, Erza! Thats no! The most no!!]

With a loud voice that so unthinkable to came out from mother who usually gentle, she rejected my request.

Become surprised, I unconsciously took a stance to defend.

... The serious scolding from that time become a slight trauma for me, this would make me remember that accident, so please dont raise your voice like that, mother.

[[Wh, why? I dont really understand, whats not good with that]]

[Erza. Its not like my big sister... Aunt Rinna didnt have any plan for marriage when she was around your age. Even big sister have a fiance when she was young, you know]

Mother suddenly started a talked about Aunt Rinna.

With a serious expression, as if she tried to look directly through my helmet.

[ But, big sister at that time, admire and look up to Grid-samas father... Diebold-samas sorcery, and so she decided to postpone their marriage until she has a certain degree of accomplishment...]

From mothers gaze, I could see a gaze that was seriously worried about me, a warning for me.

[ The result for that, the lonely future where she has no one on her side!!]

The moment mother said that in loud voice, I felt that the temperature in the room suddenly dropped.

Also, from father and brothers position, I could hear the voice of someone gulping.

[ Aah... Mother? I think its better if we stop this conversation]- Jake

With a pale expression, big brother tried to interrupt mothers word in a humble manner, but it seems that his word was not even caught by her ears, still with serious expression mother continued his story.

[Hear me, Erza. A woman like you, who already has a job, if they miss their chance to marry, itll become fatal for their future. Its me, who has already seen someone like Sister, who missed her marriageable age from up close who understood... If we let the chance this time lost, you will be walking the same lonely path just like how your Aunt Rinna is!]

A lonely path. In another way, I couldnt marry, right?

Indeed, even if I didnt have any desire to marry right now, but as expected become alone when reaching the same age as Aunt Rinna was something that I hate, too, yeah.

However, if I married, my life as a knight will... uuh, I didn't know what should I choose anymore!

[[AaahUUh!... What should I do!? I dont want to stop become knight because of marriage, but I dont want to become like aunt Rinna who cant marry forever like that!! I dont want such lonely life, yeah!!]]

[Oi, Erza!? You didnt say that on purpose, right!? Please stop this conversation! If we make the room temperature lower than this, Neko will fell into hibernation!!]-Jake

Big brother tried to say something with a pale face and body that slightly trembled with desperate expression, but right now was not the time for that!

This was an important talk about what will I do from now on!!

Also, there was no way a snake would hibernate in the middle of summer like this!!

[Aah... Erza, It seems that you forget, but I already said that I found a person that will not complain even if you wear your armour. In other words, you dont have to stop being a knight even when you married. Thats why please stop this talk about Aunt Rin... Step sister]

Aah, so its like that.

Hmm? Then, it means that I didnt have to stop being a knight even if I married, and I also didnt have to walk the same lonely path like Aunt Rinna, was that true?

Somehow, there was no demerit in this! If that so, I didnt have any problem with this!! Im glad that I didnt have to become like Aunt Rinna, yeah!

[ Erza!? You're thinking something rude about Au... Rinna-san, right!? Father already said to stop this topic! Please dont make more trouble!!]-Jake

Nevertheless, big brother was quite noisy today.

It was improper if you make merry like that at your age, you know.

[ Eh? Our family who this far apart from her already become like this, wouldnt fathers body will be in danger?]- Grid

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