Everyone Knows I'm a Good Person

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

Editor: Casey

Seeing Ye Zi giving him a strange look, Gu Qiushu expressionlessly stared back.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Ye Zi: “...”

He glanced at the hand Shi Qing had on Gu Qiushu’s shoulder again, then back at his little shishu who had never liked people getting close.

“En...nevermind. I guess it’s fine if Shishu didn’t notice..”

Gu Qiushu slightly wrinkled his brow, not quite understanding what Ye Zi was saying.

But his attention was soon diverted.

Because Shi Qing let go of him and ran over to Lin Xingzhi after seeing him.

“Little Lin Zi.”

Shi Qing ambled over while Lin Xingzhi was in the middle of discussing which secret realm had the most spiritual medicines with a disciple from another sect and whether they should go together next time.

When he suddenly heard Shi Qing’s voice, he subconsciously turned around and saw that it really was who he thought it was walking towards him. He hurriedly bowed and saluted. “Sect Master Shi.”

Just as he straightened his back, he noticed Gu Qiushu also coming over. Thus, he had to bow once again.

“What are you guys talking about, ah? I heard something about secret realms. Hey Little Lin Zi, isn’t your collar a bit crooked?”

Lin Xingzhi looked down puzzledly at his neatly arranged collar. After confirming it was fine, he said blankly, “No, it’s not.”

He subconsciously glanced at Shi Qing’s collar as he said that. It looked like it had been pulled open, revealing a lot of skin.

Lin Xingzhi immediately spoke up, “Sect Master Shi, your collar is a bit crooked.”

“En? Is that so?” Shi Qing asked despite already being aware. He looked down before extending an invitation to Lin Xingzhi, “Why don’t you help me tidy it up then?”

Lin Xingzhi hesitated.

However, when he thought about it, the rudeness of the action could be mitigated because the other party had given permission.

He saluted again and reached over.

But suddenly, the white-robed Xianzhang, who was beside Shi Qing expressionlessly turned to face Shi Qing, blocking him off from Lin Xingzhi in the process.

His cold voice was calm and distant. “I’ll do it.”

Lin Xingzhi: “...”

It was like the sun had risen from the west for him.

Their Heavenly Derivation Sect’s Little Shishu, the same Little Shishu who avoided contact with everyone, had taken the initiative to help Sect Master Shi straighten up his clothes.

Oh my god!

Is he poisoned or hallucinating??

Ye Zi jogged over to Lin Xingzhi’s side. They observed this scene together.

“Da-shixiong, I’m not the only one finding this unbelievable, right? Hey, do you think Little Shishu’s hurt his uh...”

He was too afraid to say it out loud. He could only gesture at his head to Lin Xingzhi.

Lin Xingzhi: “...”

He couldn’t dismiss the possibility... No! How could he, as a junior, remark in secret about his seniors.

“Be quiet. Are Little Shishu’s affairs up to us to speculate over?”

The two little disciple’s conversation made Shi Qing’s lips quirk up. He watched as Gu Qiushu quietly helped adjust his collar with downcast eyes.

It has to be said, Gu Qiushu’s eyelashes were mesmerizing.

He seemed cold and distant, but all of his five features were quite beautiful. Every part of him radiated an otherworldly beauty.

Especially those eyes.

His long, thick eyelashes were something to be envied by all.

Oh, wait. That wasn’t quite right.

Shi Qing had great eyelashes as well.

He wasn’t jealous or anything.

He admired the white-robed Xianzhang who was assisting him for a moment before whispering, “Did you hear that? Your juniors think that something’s off with you today, ah.”

Gu Qiushu’s expression remained unchanged. “This is just meant to fend you off.”


Shi Qing knew very well that Gu Qiushu was trying to protect the Heavenly Derivation Sect from him, but he still played dumb. “What’s there to fend off? I thought Gu-xianzhang already knew that I hold no ill will towards them?”

Gu Qiushu’s eye twitched. His long, slender hands gently lowered as he looked up at Shi Qing and said coldly, “Stay away from the disciples of my Heavenly Derivation Sect.”

His fierce countenance was indeed very intimidating.

However, it wasn’t enough to deter Shi Qing.

He shrugged. “Alright, since Xianzhang is so protective and sensitive about me approaching your sect’s disciples, I’ll find my fun elsewhere.”

Gu Qiushu’s eyebrows faintly wrinkled. He never could shake the feeling that Shi Qing was up to something when he agreed so readily.

As he suspected, as soon as the words left his mouth, Shi Qing pulled a little disciple from another Sect passing by over.

“Young gentleman, you smell rather nice. May I see the ingredients in your perfume pouch?”

The little disciple was brimming with admiration for Shi Qing after he cured his illness. His idol’s request made him immediately nod enthusiastically and untie his pouch to hand over.

But Gu Qiushu suddenly intercepted it before it could reach Shi Qing’s hands.

After being taken aback, the little disciple met Gu Qiushu’s icy cold and deadly gaze.

The little disciple: “...”

Gu Qiushu: “Why are you still here?”

The young disciple shivered. He hastily bowed and ran away as fast as he could.

Shi Qing took the perfume pouch from the white-robed Xianzhang, a little discontented. “I say Xianzhang, what are you trying to do? I agreed to not mingle with your sect’s disciples out of respect for you, but you can’t possibly forbid me from interacting with everyone! There’s no way that disciple just now was from your sect.”

Gu Qiushu pursed his lips slightly.

Even he didn’t understand why he had stopped Shi Qing just now. After a moment of reflection, only one possible explanation came to mind.

“You are their senior. Why make trouble for these juniors?”

“What do you mean ‘trouble’? It’s not like I’m forcing them to get along with me or anything. I only wanted to chat for a bit. Xianzhang, you really shouldn’t be like this. It’s best for cultivators to not meddle in the affairs of strangers.”


Gu Qiushu tightened his grip on his sword.

He didn’t like what Shi Qing said, but it was the truth.

He and Shi Qing were indeed like strangers.

If Shi Qing didn’t capture them in order to treat them, they would’ve likely never crossed paths in this lifetime.

Gu Qiushu watched as Shi Qing sniffed the pouch and preened with satisfaction. Those ruby red lips opened and closed. “This fragrance really is unique. How wonderful.”

With the pouch in hand, he smiled at Gu Qiushu and said, “I like this fragrance. I’m going to test the waters with that disciple again too. Xianzhang, please don’t overstep and try to stop me again.”

Gu Qiushu stayed where he was, not saying a word.

He just watched as Shi Qing took that lotus pouch and found this little disciple again. The two of them chatted for a bit with smiles on their faces.

The young disciple’s eyes lit up at something Shi Qing said. Whatever it was made him nod his head a lot.

Gu Qiushu stared at that little disciple even as Shi Qing left.

Shi Qing just returned the pouch to him.

Then he tied the pouch back on his waist.

Did Shi Qing compliment him on its fragrance?

Gu Qiushu walked over expressionlessly, taking out a spirit stone and handing it to the little disciple.

The little disciple got quite a shock when he looked up to see such a cold person standing in front of him. Before he could react, he heard Gu Qiushu say in a cold voice, “This is to buy your pouch.”

The little disciple: “???”

Seeing that the Heavenly Derivation Sect elder was still looking at him, he quickly reacted. He scrambled to take off his pouch, handing it over to Gu Qiushu.

“H-here you go, Gu-xianzhang.”

Gu Qiushu took the purse and gave him the spirit stones. He watched as the little disciple scamper away like a mouse would from a cat.

The white-robed Xianzhang looked down at the pouch. He brought it to his nose and sniffed. There was indeed a clean fragrance coming from it.

He expressionlessly untied the jade pendant hanging from his waist and replaced it with this lotus pouch.

[Ding! Gu Qiushu’s animosity value: 65]

Shi Qing sat in a corner and threw a grape into his mouth. He watched Gu Qiushu stand in one spot like he was made of wood.

[Peipeipei. Men.]

The System suddenly popped up: [Host, there are people of unknown origins surrounding the Sect.]

Shi Qing looked at the time.

It should be the seniors of these disciples coming to save them.

[It’s alright. Don’t mind them.]

The Steel Bones Sect had a big banquet where everyone enjoyed themselves.

And outside, almost all the sect masters of the entire cultivation world had gathered.

“Were our juniors really captured by the Steel Bones Sect?”

“There’s no doubt about it.”


The sect masters all had grim looks on their faces, but no one backed down.

“No matter how many Ascension stage puppets they have, we must win this battle!!”

They had no choice, ah. The juniors they doted on the most were all inside.

Everyone here had a son or a beloved personal disciple they had actively raised for many years at stake.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to call those disciples their legacy.

But alas, the Steel Bones Sect crossed way over the line.

They actually dared to outright capture their junior disciples.

Their hearts ached just thinking about it.

There was no telling what those juniors had suffered in there.

One of the sect masters only had one son late in life, who he raised and taught with care. Only when he was sure his son’s foundation and cultivation were stable did he let him out to get some experience.

Originally, he was wary of letting his son go anywhere due to his young age and insufficient cultivation, but this excursion seemed different. After all, all the inner circle disciples of the major sects were participating.

With so many people there, his son was sure to be fine.

But who would’ve thought that something like this would happen?

And the Steel Bones Sect, with three Ascension stage puppets, were the ones responsible.

Thinking that the son he had finally gotten after so many years might be being tortured right now, the old sect master’s heart was bleeding. Who knows what nefarious plans the Steel Bones Sect had in store for his son?

“Don’t worry, I’ve brought spiritual medicine with me. I can definitely bring them back as long as they have a single breath left.”

“This Steel Bones Sect really is a scourge!!”

All of them concealed themselves and silently advanced on the sect.

Then, they opened the main gate.

As soon as the door was opened, the clamour inside was immediately revealed to all.

Inside, the immortal sect disciples were attending the banquet. There was even dance and song as entertainment.

“Hahahaha, I completely agree with you.”

“This is delicious. Come on, come on, Shixiong. Have some.”

“Shall we go out later to sightsee? Huh? Shixiong, are you going to the washroom? Take me with you.”

“Who is it, ah? Why did you open the door when it’s so cold out...Dad??”

“Shifu?? Shixiong stop drinking! Shifu’s here!”

“Why are you here, Grandpa?”

The saddened sect masters, who were prepared to give their lives to protect these disciples: “...”

For some reason, they suddenly wanted to beat up these little brats no matter what.

Author’s Corner

Asking for nutrient fluid!! Pretty please with a cherry on top! Please look at this cute little author and water me wuwuwu

My summary!! Was unlocked!!!

It took a whole day and night for the revisions to go through, ah!

I won’t dare to change my summary ever again

Randomly sending out red packets

Mua mua mua mua nighty night!

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