Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 287 Calamity of the Seven Sins!

Chapter 287 Calamity of the Seven Sins!

"Bastards. All of you are bastards!" Emperor Litch thought angrily to himself as he watched the attacks that are about to rain down on him. "You dare make me fall to ruin? Hmph, once I get out of this dilemma, I will make sure that I will make you all suffer!"

Right now, Emperor Litch’s whole body was riddled with fatal injuries, as he could only barely keep his bodily functions working.

Most of his bones, muscles, and organs were broken, and it was only his sheer will that allowed him to stand up.

He could only barely grimace as his lips were almost mutilated now.

"F**k. I have overestimated myself." Emperor Litch thought as he gritted his teeth. "Right now, I only have around 40% of my real power restored. I thought that this would be enough for me to win here. But it seems like I am mistaken..."

The Emperor then looked at the demon, as shades of rage appeared inside his heart.

"You f**king demon! I do not know how you managed to suppress my Conqueror’s Aura, but I promise that if I leave this place alive, you will be the first one that I will kill!"

After making this promise inside his mind, Emperor Litch smiled grimly as the attacks landed all over him.



Emperor Litch only felt pain as his body started to break down under the attacks of his enemies. It was so painful that he was forced to kneel down, which just added another blow on his ego.

At that point, any confidence that Emperor LIich had has now disappeared, as panic rose in his thoughts.

"No! I am dying right now!" The Emperor thought to himself as he realized that once his current body gets destroyed, even his soul will be destroyed too! "S**t s**t s**t!"

Earlier, Emperor Litch thought that there is a chance for his soul to survive, even if his current body gets destroyed from the battle.

But as his current body was slowly getting dismantled, Emperor Litch felt that his soul was also starting to break down along with the body!

This, in itself, was already enough to show to Emperor Litch that his life was about to end here.

"No! I can’t die here! I am the glorious Emperor Litch! I am the founder of the great Undying Empire! I cannot just be slain at a place like this!" Desperation began to flood the Emperor’s mind as he realized that his long life was about to end now.

"No!!!" At this point, Emperor LItch lost any semblance of calm, as he quickly turned into a crazed person.

"I can’t die here! No! I can’t die here!"

Out of his desperation, Emperor Litch tried to use any powers that his current body has to protect him, but it was already too late.

The Emperor had already brought his body to its current limits, and there is no way for him to make it move anymore.

"No!!!" What remained of Emperor Litch’s face began to turn feral as he abandoned all kinds of rational thoughts.

At this moment, he forgot all of his ambitions and dreams as he only thought of one thing.

"Survive! I must survive!"

These 4 words rang inside the Emperor’s mind continuously, making him almost attached to these words.

"Survive! I must survive!" Emperor Litch already ditched his schemes and suspicions, as he desperately used the last of his strength to look for a way to survive!

With the state that he is in now, Emperor Litch was barely conscious.

He only had a sliver of sanity left, and this was also rapidly fading as the Emperor felt his death approaching him.

"No! No! No! Why must I die here? I cannot die!"

As the remains of his rational thoughts began to fade away, Emperor Litch forced his eyes to open as he desperately observed the skies above him.

Maybe, maybe there was just a chance for him to survive...

It was a longshot, but with the Emperor almost losing all of his mental faculties, something like this is the best thing that he can do.


All hope seems to have been lost for Emperor Litch, but it was at times like these that his luck starts to favor him.


Emperor Litch, who was about to become mad from his desperation to live, suddenly found hope as he saw Alina’s actions!

Alina, who was not attacking the Emperor anymore, pulled something out of her Storage.

Once Alina had pulled out this object, she wasted no time as she threw it towards Emperor Litch!

As the object approached him, the despair in Emperor Litch’s heart began to recede. His eyes lit up crazily as he stared at the object with intensity!

His despondency disappeared, as a powerful will to survive erupted out of his body!

"Hahaha! Heavesns have not abandoned me! I really am a chosen one!" Emperor Litch thought to himself as he started to cackle mentally like a mad person. He ignored all of the attacks landing on his body as he waited for the arrival of the object thrown by Alina.

"Survive! I can survive now!" Emperor Litch thought happily as his whole body trembled in happiness.

"Stop him!" The Emperor could faintly hear the demon shouting these words, but Emperor Litch knew that the demon was already too late.

The object was already 5 meters away from him, making it possible for the Emperor to use his technique.


Emperor Litch eyes then glowed black as a sinister aura erupted out of his body.

He heard wailing sounds all around him, which all attempted to make him feel guilty.

Emperor Litch ignored all of these awails as he focused on the present.

He forced his mouth to go wide open as he chanted inside his mind,

"Initiate Soul Transfer!"


The object thrown by Alina towards Emperor Litch was, in all terms, the best thing that Emperor Litch could receive right now.

That could already be seen from the way that Emperor Litch reacted as he saw the object.

But why did the Emperor become this happy?

Well, the answer to that was actually both simple and praisewrothy.

As it turns out, the object thrown by Alina was actually a perfect clone of Alex’s body!

A clone of Alex’s body, which was stored by Alina in her Storage, was now thrown away by Alina towards none other than Emperor Litch himself!

For Emperor Litch, the appearance of this body clone was like a heaven-sent gift for him!

After all, since this body was a clone of Vessel 969, then Emperor Litch can easily use his Soul Transfer on this clone!

The similarities between Vessel 969 and this clone was surely high, that there will be no problem for the Emperor even if he possesses the clone!

"Hahaha!" As he activated his Soul Transfer Technique, Emperor Litch began to laugh inwardly as his eyes started to close. "I’m really lucky! Now I can leave this highly injured body, and possess this clone! Hahahaha! By doing this, I will be able to escape death! Hahahaha! Heavens had indeed blessed me!"

Because his mind was muddled by desperation and panic, Emperor Litch forgot to feel suspicious on the circumstances regarding the sudden appearance of this clone.

Emperor Litch forgot the fact that it was Alina who brought out the clone, and that she was the one who threw it to him.

The Emperor also forgot on how it seemed like Alina had meant to give the clone to him.

The Emperor also forgot the fact that the clone appeared only when he was close to dying, as if Alina was only meant to give it to him at this point.

Emperor Litch ignored all of these warning flags as his mind was only preoccupied on him surviving right now.

"Survive! I will survive! Hahahahahaha!" Emperor Litch thought as his Soul Transfer Technique began to show its effect.


The Emperor’s soul, which had been nestled inside Alex all this time, rushed out of Alex’s body as it headed towards the chest of the clone!


This faint sound could be heard as the Emperor’s soul made contact with the clone’s skin.

His soul, which now looked like a white ball, then started to seep through the clone’s chest.

Everyone saw what had just happened, but it happened so quickly that none of them were able to stop it.

"Hahaha! I survived!" Emperor Litch thought to himself as his soul was now halfway assimilating with the clone.

With the speed that his soul was assimilating with the clone, it will only take another 0.1 seconds before his soul fully melds with the clone.

"Hahaha! Suck this, you little f**kers!" Emperor Litch thought as his soul was now 80% assimilated to the clone’s body. "You never expected me to have this luck, right? Hahahaha! Too bad for you all, I am the lucky Emperor Litch!"

Emperor Litch then continued giggling inside his mind as he ruminated on the power of his Soul Transfer Technique.

The Soul Transfer Technique, in its entirety, was just simple.

By using this technique, Emperor Litch can force his soul to leave his current body. Once he did this, his soul will then assimilate itself on another body, which will be Emperor Litch’s new body.

This technique might sound simple, but for one to succeed in this technique, one must have an extremely powerful soul and have perfect vessels for his soul to be transferred to.

Luckily for Emperor Litch, he has fulfilled both of these criteria with flying colors.

And right now, this luck seems to be working for him again, as he just used his soul transfer on another perfect vessel!

"Once I had assimilated with this body, I will make a temporary retreat first." Emperor Litch thought to himself as his soul became 90% assimilated with his new body. "After that, I will slowly recover my forces and once I have my full power back, I will come back here and exact my revenge on all of you!"

Emperor Litch then continued cackling as his soul assimilation reached 99% percent.

"Lucky, I am really lucky!"

At this point, Emperor Litch’s mind was filled with relief and smugness, as he thought that this world was favoring for him to succeed.

Everyone who saw what just happened thought the same thing too.

Emperor Litch could have continued gloating, but he was forced to stop as he suddenly felt something wrong!

He looked back at Vessel 969’s body, and at the moment that he did, his metaphorical eyes widened in surprise!

Emperor Litch could only stare dumbfoundedly as he felt a spark of life from Vessel 969’s body, which he had already abandoned!

Vessel 969, who should have been already dead, was seemingly still alive!

Emperor Litch then started to feel alarmed as Vessel 969 suddenly opened his eyes!


Emperor Litch started to feel uneasy with what he was seeing, especially when Vessel 969 started to stare at him intently.

Vessel 969 then gave Emperor Litch a sneer with his already destroyed lips.


Emperor Litch started to hasten his assimilation with his new body, but at the moment that the assimilation reached 99.99%, an extremely powerful aura erupted out of Vessel 969’s drained body.

Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Pride, Envy, Lust, and Sloth all appeared behind Alex, with power emanating out of their bodies.

Before Emperor Litch could react to their appearance, these 7 Abyss Sprites opened their mouths as they all said,

"Original Spell: Calamity of the Seven Sins!"

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