Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 264 My Will is Undying!

Chapter 264 My Will is Undying!

3 seconds.

In Alina’s eyes, this was how long it took for the white ball inside Alex’s heart to change.

This white ball suddenly tripled in size, covering almost the entirety of Alex’s chest.

At the instant that this happened, Alex’s personality just turned for the worst.

Without any politeness in his voice, Alex demanded Lingo to give them the weapons, and he and the other Symbolists procured it without any qualms.

As Alex did these things, an undesirable expression could be seen on his face, which in all cases, was extremely unsuited for him.

What made things worse was the fact that Alex even forced Kiera to wield the weapons and fight for him!

Even if Alina was usually lenient to Alex, what he was doing now was nothing but just deplorable.

"Alex, what is happening to you? Why are you like this? Please show us some indications on what is wrong with you!" Allina thought to herself urgently as she started to rebuke Alex.

Alex, who ignored Alina’s rebukes, only tightened his grip on Kiera, forcing the little girl to cry out in pain.

"Bang!" Upon seeing this, Alina was left with no choice but to blast Alex away, which saved Kiera from his grip.

"Alex, what the hell is wrong with you now?" Alina shouted at Alex as she hid Kiera back in her storage. "Are you still in your right mind? You are being irrational here!"

While saying these words, Alina discreetly cut off Alex’s access to her Storage, making it harder for Alex to one-up Alina.

There is a chance that she had to subdue Alex, and Alina obviously will do everything that she can in order to reduce Alex’s chance in winning.

But even with this storage measure in place, Alina knew that it will be still difficult for her and her allies to subdue Alex.

"Alex, please talk to me. You, you are scaring me right now." Alina could not help but tremble as she said these words to Alex. Her lips also began to quiver as she tried to hide the nervousness inside her. "Alex... whatever is happening to you, please snap out of it!"


Alex, who safely landed himself a distance away from Alina, seemed to be deaf to what Alina just said. He could only be seen flexing his arms, as if he was more interested on his body rather than Alina.

"Alex! Listen to me! Look at me! Just pay attention to me!" Alina shouted out angrily as she unsheathed her sword. "If you don’t talk now, I will attack you seriously!"

These words of Alina seemed to have some effect, as Alex was forced to stop flexing his muscles.

His eyes, which now looked empty and hollow, stared at Alina directly, making her feel somewhat vulnerable and prone.

"I see... So you are the one who can manipulate the dimensions. Vessel 969 seems to have found a good partner... Hm, even if this vessel is a disappointment, it still managed to hook in some good allies." Alex said as his empty eyes just continued on staring at Alina. "You girl, if you begged for it, I shall allow you to be one of my concubines. What do you say of it?"

"Wh-wha-what?" Alina could not help but shout as she heard everything that ’Alex’ just said to her now. "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" ’Alex’ said as he tilted his head. "Well, I certainly am not Alex. That’s just a fake name created by this vessel. As for my real name... you are bound to know it later."

"Yo-you! Get out of his body!" Even when she’s still shocked, Alina managed to say these words as she pointed her sword at ’Alex’. "You are just someone that is trying to possess Alex! Get out of his body now, or else I shall make you suffer greatly!"

Even if she was still shocked by the current situation, Alina already had a hypothesis on what is happening right now.

Someone certainly is possessing Alex, and that white ball of light must have been related to his possession!

Alina has no idea on how and why Alex was possessed, but Alina does not care about that right now.

As of now, Alina was more worried about keeping Alex safe, and the only thing that she can do right now was to force the possession to end!

"Me? Trying to possess this vessel? Fufufufu... Hahahaha!" ’Alex’ has fully ignored Alina’s attacked as his whole body convulsed with laughter.

His skin flushed red, and tears started flowing from his eyes as his laughter just continued to rise.

"Hahaha! Little girl! I don’t need to ’possess’ this body! After all, this vessel is something that is mine, and I am just here to take back what is mine! Hahaha! What a bunch of idiots!" ’Alex’s said these words with much enthusiasm that everyone in the Blue Planet could not help but look at him.

At this point, everyone already realized that something was wrong with Alex, including all the Symbolists that just followed Alex earlier.

Everyone took some steps away from Alex, who has stopped laughing now.


At this point, the white ball inside Alex’s body has doubled in size, and it was not covering Alex’s whole torso!

With this change, Alex’s personality continued to change, and even a normal person can feel that the Alex in front of Alina was not the same Alex anymore!

"Alex... what do you mean by vessel?" Alina asked as her grip on her sword weakened. It could have fallen to the ground already, but Alina managed to keep a hold of it with her pinky. "You don’t mean that kind of vessel, right?"

"Well little girl, let me expla-" ’Alex’ was about to give Alina a reply, but before he could do so, he suddenly stopped in place, as if he detected something that only he noticed.

"Well little girl, I have to apologize, but I have to go now." ’Alex’ said as he waved his hands in a ’good-bye’ gesture. "I just detected one of my faithful servants, and I have decided to meet up with her now."



Alina tried to say something to stop Alex, but before she could do so, a sudden eruption of power from ’Alex’ made her stop on her tracks.

This power was composed of a golden shockwave which came out of ’Alex’s’ body in large quantities.

Anyone seeing this golden shockwave will only feel one thing.

Extreme Veneration.

This power, which was obviously different from the Abyss Energy or Esper Power, hit everyone on the Blue Moon head-on.

"Ugh..." Everyone could not help but kneel down, as if this golden power was forcing them to be submissive to ’Alex’.

Even Alina was also forced to kneel, and no matter what she did to make herself stand up, nothing worked.

’Alex’ only nodded his head after seeing what had happened, as if this was just a daily occurrence to him.

"So even in this kind of vessel, my Will is still working properly. That brings me relief." ’Alex’ said as an alien smile appeared on his face.

After saying these words, ’Alex’ looked back at all the kneeling people, and as he did this, his face suddenly turned contemplative.

’Alex’ seemed to be struggling to make a decision as he cupped his chin, and it took him around a minute before his face smoothed out.

"I want to bring you all with me, but from what I can see on your faces right now, I think going alone will be better." ’Alex’s said to the kneeling crowd as he jumped at Lingo’s direction.

"Thud." ’Alex’ landed on top of Lingo’s head, making the prisoner wince in displeasure.

’Alex’ ignored this reaction from Lingo as he started to sit on top of his head. He then flared up that golden shockwave once more, forcing the people around him to continue kneeling.

"You, Filthy Divine Beast, shall be my steed now. You should be honored by that." ’Alex’ said as he kicked Lingo’s head. He ignored Lingo’s wronged expression as he continued talking. "Now, for your first task as my steed, you shall bring me to my faithful servant! Don’t waste any more time here! Bring me to this Green Moon already!"

"THE-THE-THE-" Lingo seemed to want to say something, but the power being emitted by ’Alex’ right now was forcing Lingo to keep quiet.

"Don’t worry my stead. I am well versed in the art of steedsmanship. I can surely handle you." ’Alex’ calmly said as he caressed Lingo’s head. "So, just do what you are supposed to do. You don’t want me getting angry right?"


After ’Alex’ said these words, the whole Blue Moon starting trembling as Lingo’s whole body came out of the moon’s surface.

Lingo’s massive body, which now blotted a shadow over everyone, looked extremely intimidating and domineering.

"Hahaha! You really are a great steed! It’s good thing that I chose you! Now, let us depart!"

With these compelling command from ’Alex’, Lingo could only nod his head remorsefully as he started to fly away from the Blue Moon.

"No!" Alina thought desperately as she saw the departing Alex. She tried to move her body just to stop what she was seeing, but the golden shockwave held her still in place.

Forced to stay on their current positions, Alina and the others were forced to watch with red eyes as Alex and Lingo’s body turned like dots on the night sky.



It was only after 3 Hours passed by that the force stopping Alina from moving had disappeared.


Alina’s body slumped down to the ground, as an exhausted expression appeared on her face.

For the last 3 hours that she had been immobilized, Alina tried anything that she can to free herself, but none of it had worked.

She even tried attacking herself, but even that kind of move did not work for her.

Because of that, Alina’s mental reserves right now was at an all-time low, and it seems like she was in no condition to move properly.

And yet, even with this kind of mental fatigue, Alina still pushed herself to stand up, using her sword to support her body.

"Alex... just wait for me. I am coming for you now!" Alina haltingly said as her body swayed in place. She was about to fall over, but she forced herself to hold on by biting her lips.

"Alex, I...."

"Hooman, if you want to help Alex, you cannot just rush in." The one who said these words was [Asteria], who was giving Alina a complicated look. Her overall color scheme still looked to be blonde, although some kind of exhaustion could be seen on her face.

From the looks of it, even she was affected by whatever ’Alex’ did earlier, and she seems to be freed of it now.

"Alex’s life and survival depends on careful approach, and we don’t need to f**k it up by being rash!" [Asteria] said as she patted Alina’s cheek. "Hooman... I know that you want to go to him now, but things will not work that way."

"You... what do you even know about Alex’s condition right now? Do you even have the right to stop us?" Alina roared out as she pointed her finger at the fairy. Alina was usually fond of [Asteria], but right now, Alina was anything but fond. "All you f**king do is sleep, eat, and prank against Alex! What right do you have to stop us now? You are just a honey-hoarding freeloader! Do you even care for Alex? Maybe you are also related to what happened to him earlier!"


"What, you can’t say anything now?"


Surprisingly, the usually arrogant fairy did not look like she was insulted by Alina’s words.

Instead, [Asteria] looked sad, as if she was mourning for something.

"Hooman, what you saw earlier was Alex’s destined life and end." [Asteria] said as she let out a sigh. "That man that you saw earlier, that was Alex’s ’Destiny’."

"His... destiny?"

"Yes, hooman. That was his destiny. And Alex had been running away from that destiny for the entirety of his life..." [Asteria] mumbled as she fixed her hair. "He had been doing his best to avoid his destiny, but that chase has come to an end today. His intended purpose has been fulfilled already, and nothing except for us can save Alex from a doomed fate."

After hearing the words that [Asteria] just uttered, Alina could not take it anymore. She grabbed the fairy with her right hand as she started shaking her vigorously.

"Fairy! Tell me! What the hell is Alex’s destiny! Tell me the truth! Right now!"

Even though [Asteria] looked like she was affected by Alina’s shaking, she held her ground as she replied to Alina’s query.

"You want to know Alex’s destiny? It’s painfully simple. Alex, he... he was only born in this world for one sole thing. And that is to be a new vessel for the illustrious Emperor Litch!""

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