Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 229 787898

Chapter 229 787898

The Abyss Plane.

This is the place where Alex’s source of Abyss Energy comes from, and this is also the place where his current monster body had originated from.

But even with that knowledge in his mind, Alex was not sure on what kind of place the Abyss Plane really was.

Was it just another world, or was it located at a higher realm?

Alex had no answer to that, as of right now, he had no way of going to the Abyss Plane yet.

With this kind of situation, Alex thought that he will only encounter another Abyss Monster once he goes at the Abyss Plane.

But how could have thought that he will meet an Abyss Monster right here in the 144th wave!

"... Damn it." Alex muttered to himself as he stared at the appearance of the massive Abyss Monster that came out of the portal. "This one’s stronger than my monster body!"

Even if he had no exact way to measure someone’s power level, Alex was definitely sure that the Abyss Monster in front of him was of a higher level than he was.

He was sure of it, as he can feel some kind of suppression from this Abyss Monster!

With Alex’s current level of power, only an Abyss Monster around at least Grade 9 – Grade 10 could suppress Alex like this!

"Ugh, and to make matters worse, this monster is also gigantic. This is not going to end good..." Alex muttered to himself grimly as he gritted his teeth.

As he said these words, Alex forced himself to look up as he observed the Abyss Monster’s full appearance.

The Abyss Monster that Alex could see right now was the size of a mountain, with its whole body made up of black and rotting flesh.

This Abyss Monster had no limbs, or even a head.

It was only a large ball of rotting flesh, rolling its way towards Alex and the Symbolists.

As this Abyss Monster started to ’roll’, Alex could not help but scrunch as his nose detected the scent of something horrible.

Beside him, Astria’s face was contorted in pain and agony as she covered her nose. From the looks of it, she was highly affected of this terrible smell.

This smell was coming out of the Abyss Monster, and just like the Abyss Energy earlier, it also started spreading out.

"Ugh..." After a few more seconds, Astria’s eyes rolled back to her head as she lost consciousness.

It seems like her special nose was unable to take the smell being emitted out by the monster for any longer.

As her body was caught by Queen Mother, Alex frowned as he had to physically stop himself from breathing through his nose just to avoid the smell.

Right now, the smell coming out of this flesh mountain was so putrid that the land around it started to visibly decay.

In Alex’s opinion, only those dumpsites back in his home world can compete with the smell that he can breathe in right now!

That’s just how nasty their current predicament is!


"What the hell are you doing? Activate the trap!" Someone from the Symbolists shouted as the flesh mountain approached them. "We have to kill it before it gets near us!"

With this reminder, the Symbolists who were still able to keep their wits stood up as they simultaneously activated the pre-written Symbols.

These pre-written Symbols were activated right at the moment that the Abyss Monster were above these Symbols, which placed the Abyss Monster right under the effect of these Symbols.


The massive Abyss Monster suddenly lurched as its whole body was pushed downward, as if there was something massive pressing on it right now.

Whatever was pressing down on the monster was so great, as Alex could see the ground around the Abyss Monster being crushed into liquid state!

This was the effect of the pre-written Symbols that were activated by the Symbolists earlier!

From what Alex could remember, these pre-written Symbols were written in a way that once they were activated, they will create a region of extremely high pressure, which will crush anything that goes inside its range.

With around 100,000 Symbols used to create this high-pressure Symbol Trap, Alex was sure that this trap was bound to do some damage to the Abyss Monster.

But to everyone’s surprise, the Abyss Monster seems to be not that damaged by the high pressure at all!

In fact, it started to wiggle on its place, as if it was attempting to move forward again!

"(*U%@!!!!)" The Abyss Monster let out another roar of anger, which made more Symbolists turn unconscious from fear.

With more Symbolists rendered invalid, the effect of the high-pressure region became weaker, which in turn allowed the Abyss Monster with some leeway to move!

"What the f**k are you doing! You had it trapped now! Commence your attacks!" The Grand Symbolist, who was watching what was happening with impassive eyes, started to shout out as he glared at everyone on the battlefield. "Use any of the attacks that you want to use! Just make sure that it dies once we were done!"

"Hah!" With this command from the Grand Symbolist himself, the remaining Symbolists activated their signature attacks, hoping to pepper their target with everything that they can throw to it.

A couple of seconds later, and the skies were covered with attacks, which then rained down on the Abyss Monster’s body.

As this was happening, the remaining Titans started to make their move too.

All of them opened their mouths to unleash their energy attacks.

These energy attacks, which were already shown to be able to decimate mountains, were now all blasted towards the ’defenseless’ Abyss Monster.

"Boom boom boom!" As the surroundings were covered with extreme flashes of light, Alex’s Companions started to attack too.

For Alina, she used the strongest dimension-tearing ability that she can use, and she used it right at the spot where the Abyss Monster currently is.

As for Queen Mother, she summoned a massive mountain-sized tree. She uprooted this tree by its roots, and once the tree was off the ground, she swung the whole tree against the body of the monster!

The ground visibly rumbled as Queen Mother continuously swung her ’tree bat’, with her treating the Abyss Monster as her practice baseball.

Professor Frances on the other hand did not participate in the battle, as she could be seen flitting across the field, giving first aids and emergency resuscitations to the Symbolists that were affected by the Abyss Monster’s earlier attacks.


While everyone else were doing something, there were some who were not yet making a move on their own.

Some of these were the higher officials of the Symbolists, who were watching the ensuing attacks with impassive expression on their faces.

It was hard to see what were they thinking at that time, as they could only be seen staring at the whole battlefield with that blank facial expression on their faces.

Another one who did not join the attack yet was the Grand Symbolist, who was currently crossing his arms.

His attention seemed to be elsewhere, and he seems to be uninterested to attack the Abyss Monster for now.

If one will look at the Grand Symbolist intently, his eyes could be seen to be only concentrated on one person.

And this person was Alex, who coincidentally, was also not attacking the Abyss Monster.

Just like the Grand Symbolist, Alex was also crossing his arms and he looked distracted, although nobody was sure on what he was thinking off.

Nobody dared to call out Alex right now, as most of the Symbolists already knew that Alex and his companions were people that should not be trifled with.

If he does not plan to attack now, then maybe Alex could be scheming on doing something.

This has already happened in the 90th, 116th, and the 140th wave, so everyone just let Alex stay on his place.

"Boom boom boom!"

The bombardment carried out by the Symbolists and Alex’s companions went on for half an hour before everyone stopped from fatigue.

Even though Alina and Queen Mother were not yet tired, they also stopped attacking, as they wanted to see the damage that everyone did on the Abyss Monster.

As everyone simultaneously stopped with what they were doing, all of them started to look at the direction of the Abyss Monster, with all of them wanting to see how badly injured the monster could be.

"That 30-minute bombardment was already the strongest offense that had been used here in the Fourth Calamity..." Someone among the Symbolists said as the smoke covering the area began to clear. "If we had used this attacks on the 143rd wave, they will already be wiped out in just 10 minutes! That’s how strong these attacks were!"

"Yeah! These attacks are really strong!" Some of the Symbolists shouted as they raised their arms high in the air. "Even if that monster is really strong, there is no way that it can go uninjured from our attacks!"

"Yeah, it should be at least half-dead now!"

"Yeah that’s right!"

As these cheers from the Symbolists started to increase, the smoke around them began to decrease, prompting them to cheer louder.

A few seconds more passed by and the smoke completely cleared up, and everyone was now able to see what had happened with the Abyss Monster.

"..... No way. This is not possible." These were the words spoken by one of the Symbolists, and the disbelieving expression on his face was something that was plastered on the faces of the other Symbolists too.


The Abyss Monster, which everyone expected to be injured, looked like it did not suffer massive injury at all!

Only large surface wounds and lateral burns could be seen on the Abyss Monster’s body, which shows that any kind of damage poured on this monster had only affected it at the surface level!

"This is ridiculous." Alina could not help but say these words as she looked at the monster’s appearance. "That 30-minute attack only barely scratched it? This monster deserves to be the final monster!"


Even if everyone were already clamoring in surprise and fear with what they saw, Alex was still quiet as he stood still on his place.

"Alex, what is the matter with you?" Alina asked Alex as she saw Alex’s strange behavior. "Did you discover something about that monster?"

"Yes I did... and it is not good." Alex replied as he put down his arm on his sides.

"Not good?"

"You will understand it any moment from now." Alex replied as he pointed at the body of the Abyss Monster. "Look at it, it’s starting to make its move already."


The Abyss Monster let out another shout, and before anyone could even react, its whole body suddenly shrunk down to the size of a large carriage.

"Boom!" The ground underneath the carriage-sized monster formed a crater as the monster started bouncing up and down.

Yes, the Abyss Monster acted like it was a ball, with its body bobbing up and down on the ground.

"Alex, what is it doing?" Alina replied warily as she activated her dimension shield.

Alina could not help but get a chilly feeling on her heart, as if something horrible was about to happen now.

This notion of hers just got stronger as she saw the serious expression on Alex’s face.

"It’s doing what it was supposed to do now." Alex replied as he shook his head.

"Alex you are being cryptic here!" Alina hissed as she glared at Alex. "Tell me what will really happen!"

"B-" Before Alex could give a reply, Alina suddenly felt the arrival of something massive towards their direction.

Alina looked at the incoming object, and to her surprise, she saw that it was the Abyss Monster in front of her!

This monster was zipping towards them with a speed so great that nobody among the Symbolists were able to stop it from moving.

It was only Alina, with her special eyes, who was able to see where the monster was.

"No good!" As Alina observed the monster’s movement path, she realized that it was heading towards Alex!

"Crash!" As Alina reached this conclusion, she felt her dimension shield shattering as the Abyss Monster barreled across it easily.

She could only watch as the Abyss Monster collided with Alex.


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