Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 218 Receive this ball of mine if you can!

Chapter 218 Receive this ball of mine if you can!

As Alex hid himself behind Alina’s dimensional shield, his mind began to flash as he thought about the possible identity of his attacker right now.

"With the start of the Fourth Calamity, it will be pretty hard for someone from the Three Factions to attack us... After all, their attention will surely be focused on the calamity itself." Alex thought to himself as he tensed his body. "In that case, the only possible attacker right now was most likely another Traveler Group..."

As Alex reached this conclusion, he could not help but sigh, as he realized the fact that a Traveler managed to pinpoint their location without even alerting Alex of his/her presence!

That does not bode well to Alex at all!

"Alex, our attacker right now is a Traveler, right?" Alina seemed to have reached the same conclusion as Alex as she uttered these words. "Is this Traveler similar to the one that you met in the City of Marshes?"

"No, from the way that this attack was made, this Traveler that we’re facing right now was a different one, which means it’s the 3rd Traveler here in this world." Alex replied hurriedly as he gritted his teeth. "I’m not sure if I should be happy about the fact that we met 2 enemies in a short amount of time..."


Before Alex could say something else to Alina, his body suddenly tensed as he felt the danger appearing right in front of him again.

"That’s the laser attack again!" Alex thought to himself as he did his best to dodge.

But after he moved his body away, Alex started to frown, as he did not see any laser attack hitting his former location.

"?" Before Alex started to feel confused about this, he heard a grunt from Alina, prompting him to look at her.

"Hrngh!" As Alex looked at Alina, he could see that her face was contorted in concentration, as if she was trying to do something that was extremely taxing to her right now.

Alex tried to see what was causing Alina to be like this, and he found the reason once he looked at the area right in front of Alina.

There, Alex saw something suspended inside Alina’s dimensional shield.

What was suspended there was a bright beam of laser attack, which suspiciously looked similar to the laser attack that almost hit Alex earlier!

"Nice!" That was all that Alex could say as he saw Alina’s success on stopping the laser attack from reaching them. "Even if that attack was extremely quick, it had no answer to your dimensional manipulation! Hehehe, now we don’t have to be worried about this attack!"

Alex then started to laugh as he looked at the suspended laser beam with amusement.

But before Alex could continue on getting pleased with what happened, he and Alina heard a slight cracking sound which came from the suspended laser beam itself.


Just moments after this cracking sound appeared, the suspended laser beam started to move again, as if Alina’s shield suddenly had no effect on it anymore!

"!!!" This time around, Alex was forced to dodge again, as the laser beam headed towards Alex’s body once more.

Fortunately for Alex, he was once more able to dodge in time, with the laser beam just narrowly missing his neck.


With its target gone, the laser beam shot off to the distance, vaporizing the unlucky tree that it collided with.

"... What the hell was that?" Alex exclaimed as he looked at Alina’s pale face. "How did that laser beam manage to move even inside your dimensional shield?"

"I do not know, Alex." Alina replied with irritation clear on her face. "It... just happened."


Before Alex could even start worrying about what he saw, he was forced to put himself on guard as 3 laser beam attacks suddenly appeared in front of him.

Alina was able to stop these 3 laser beam attacks, leaving them suspended inside her dimensional shield again.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

However, just like the laser beam earlier, cracking sounds were once more heard, which was followed by the 3 laser beams moving normally again!

This time around, Alex did not dodge as he used his tentacles to swat the laser beams away.

Alex made sure to coat his tentacles with Destruction Auras and numerous reinforcements.


But at the instant that Alex’s tentacles touched the laser beams, their surface skin started to burn.

Alex has to grit his teeth through the pain as he rotated his body, making his tentacles assume a sweeping motion, which in turn, swatted the 3 light beams away from him.

"..." As Alex watched the 3 light beams sailing across the sky, he could not help but stare back on his tentacles as he observed their current state.

Right now, the tentacles that slapped the light beams away looked like they were cooked, with their surface brown and full of burn wounds.

Some parts of these tentacles were also letting out steam, as if they were still affected by the contact with the laser beams earlier.

"S**t, this hurts like hell!" Alex exclaimed in anger as he tried his best to repair his damaged tentacles. "What the hell is up with these laser beam attacks? This reeks of fishiness!"

Needless to say, Alex was pissed and unhappy with what just happened to him.

But even though he was extremely pissed, Alex was also slightly happy, as he was able to point out some traits of the laser beam attacks.

First is that these laser beam attacks were extremely fast, to the point that it can bypass any kind of warning systems, including Alex’s danger sense.

Second is that these laser beam attacks can still be stopped physically just like with Alina’s dimensional shield.

But for whatever reason there is, these laser beams seemed to have some kind of property that allows them to break through any physical obstacles placed on them.

That could be directly observed from the way that the laser beams managed to move even when they got stopped by Alina’s shield.

Third is that there seems to be some kind of reaction between Alex’s monster body and the laser beams.

Through his own experiences, Alex could see that his tentacles did not react that well when it got into contact with the laser beams earlier.

It was as if there was something inside the laser beams that has a negative reaction with Alex’s monster body.

There was no reason to doubt this analysis, as the pain that Alex is experiencing right now is a proof of that.

"With these three facts alone, I can somehow say that whoever is attacking me must have some kind of power with an attribute that is against my Abyss Power. And this person is using this power to attack with laser beams, which for some case, can somehow resist Alina’s defenses too..." This is the conclusion that Alex made as he put all the facts together. "...Tsk, talk about a great sniping ability."

At that point, Alex realized that if he does not get serious, there could be a chance for their attacker to seriously injure them later.

Alex of course does not want to expose all of his abilities this early, but with his enemy peppering them with powerful attack, Alex has no choice but to be more serious right now.

"Here I go then..." Alex muttered to himself as he attempted to use his Gravity Manipulation to change the landscape around him.

But before Alex could even interact with the gravity waves around him, he suddenly felt the arrival of a massive presence right behind him.

"Huh?" Alex looked at the location of the massive presence, and there he saw a sight which had him somewhat stupefied.


Alex could see a gigantic lion running towards their location.

This lion was truly massive, with its size comparable to a massive mountain!

If Alex can compare this lion to something, then he can compare its size to Turtel, one of the superweapons that had been awakened before!

As this massive lion got nearer to them, Alex could not help but grimace as he thought to himself,

"From what I can see, this lion is just like Turtel. It is a Titan, a superweapon by the Three Factions... But if it really is a Titan, then what the hell is it doing here? Isn’t it too early for it to be here? Its just the first wave! And why the hell is it running towards us?"

At that point, Alex started to feel more irritation as he thought that this Lion could be another enemy for him to face.

"Ugh, what a bother..." Alex muttered to himself as he let out a sigh. "Why do I have bad luck like this? This just sucks!"

As he stared at the approaching lion, Alex started to entertain the thoughts of blasting it away with his gravity waves.

But before Alex could start doing that, he saw something on top of the lion’s head which made him stop on his tracks.

"What the?"

With the lion extremely close to them now, Alex could see a person standing on top of the lion’s head.

With Alex’s enhanced senses, Alex could clearly see the features and appearance of the person on top of the lion’s head.

"Why the hell is he here?" Alex hissed as he could perfectly recognize who the new arrival was. "DIdn’t I tell him to be on standby among the Celestials?"

The person on top of the lion’s head was someone that Alex had already met here in this world.

No, more specifically, this person was someone that Alex had captured before!

"Why is Nero here, and why is he bringing a freaking Titan with him?" Alex muttered as he saw the lion stopping on its tracks. "Is he planning to do something devious with this lion?"


Alex’s suspicions were confirmed as he saw the lion doing what Alex can only call as a very aggressive movement.

The massive lion opened its mouth wide and inside that open mouth, a large ball of plasma suddenly appeared, with the plasma ball slowly growing for every second that passed by.

"Oi oi oi..." As Alex stared at what the lion was doing, he could not help but complain as he saw the firepower contained inside that plasma ball. "What the hell do you plan to do with that Nero?"

The answer to this question was given as the lion let out a roar, before sending the massive plasma ball towards a mountain 10 kilometers away from Alex.


The explosion that happened after that was momentous, with the whole mountain disintegrating into nothingness, leaving nothing but a massive crater at that location.

"...Damn, that’s something else." Alex muttered as he saw the shockwaves emanating out of that explosion. "Was that meant for the Travelers attacking me earlier? Well, well, well, I would be happy if they were killed by that blast..."

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