Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 207 Alchemists Tale Part 1

Chapter 207 Alchemist“s Tale Part 1


Alex, who was currently having a chess match with Kiera’s grandfather, stopped in his movements as he felt a surge of power coming from under the house.

"There it is!" Alex declared loudly as he, Alina, and Queen Mother all stood up with alert expressions on their faces.

"Old man, let’s stop this match for now. I just have to greet an ’old friend’." Alex said as he tipped the chess board over, spilling its contents on the table.

"Tsk, you just wanted this to end since you’re about to lose." The old man grumbled as Alex opened and entered the way to his lair.

"Pit pat pit pat." The footsteps of Alex and his companions resounded throughout the dark passageway, and it continued on doing so until Alex and his Companions stopped walking.

"...." As Alex reached the lair, his eyes immediately looked at the cauldron, which was at this point, was still covered and have flames roaring under it.

As Alex continued on observing the cauldron, he suddenly saw its cover wobbling in place.

After a few more seconds, the wobbling of the cover increased, as if there was something inside the cauldron that was struggling to escape.

"Clang!" As Alex decided to get nearer to the cauldron, the cauldron’s cover suddenly shot up into the air, falling into the ground with a clanging sound.

At the moment that this happened, Alex saw a hand coming out of the cauldron’s opening. The hand was pristine white, as if it was unblemished by time.

This hand gripped the edge of the cauldron’s opening in a tight grip, as if it was intent on crushing the cauldron itself.

Alex then watched as another hand appeared, which also gripped the edge of the cauldron’s opening.

Both of these hands then started to heave, as if they were trying to pull something out of the cauldron.

A few milliseconds later, and the effort of these hands were successful, as Alex saw a feminine body coming out of the cauldron.

This feminine body had no clothes on, which obviously showed itself on its naked glory.

Even if the feminine body was somewhat curvaceous and stimulative, Alex felt no kind of attraction on it, as his eyes were only glued on the crazed smile that the owner of this body had.

Alex shook his head in sheer amusement as he stared at Professor Frances’ head, which was now attached on her all-new body.

"Welcome back, Prof." Alex said as he threw a towel towards the naked Professor Frances. "Your experiment is a great success, and I hope that I will get the benefits that you promised to me."



Professor Frances, who seemed not that surprised that she had a new body now, only gave Alex a sneer as her body suddenly disappeared on the spot

"Boom!" Professor Frances suddenly appeared in front of Alex, with her face only a few millimeters away from Alex’s face.

She still had her crazed smile as she started to talk to Alex.

"Alex, you seem to be not that worried about me." The professor said as her breath tickled Alex’s face. "Are you not worried that I will try to kill you right now? With the exceptional materials that you used to recreate my body, I can assure you that the Professor Frances that you are facing right now is much more formidable than the one that you faced before!"

"Hmph, do you think I will be that dumb?" Alex replied as he did not wilt under Professor Frances’ close proximity. "At the moment that you gave me the recipe for your new body, I already knew that there is a chance that this might backfire on me. So obviously, I already had a safeguard placed in case you actually go rogue on me."

"Oho, and what could that safeguard be then?" Professor Frances asked Alex as she gave him a curious look. "And are you sure that it will work?"

"Of course it is." Alex said as he pointed his thumb towards Queen Mother. "Professor Frances go and look at Queen Mother. Tell me what you feel when you see her."

"That tree woman? I only view her as an ingredient-" Whatever Professor Frances was trying to say was cut off as her stare landed on Queen Mother.

"You... what did you do to me?" The professor asked Alex as her gaze swiveled back to him. "Why do I feel loyalty and fierce devotion to that tree wo- Mother? Wait, why do I call her Mother? What the f**k is happening here?"

"Hehehe." Alex laughed darkly as he watched Professor France’s discomfort.

There was only one reason why Professor Frances was acting like this to Queen Mother.

And that reason resides on the Life Force that Queen Mother placed on the soil earlier.

To those who already forgot, one of Queen Mother’s ability when she was still in her World Tree Form was to create a whole race of Sentient Beings.

These beings, which Queen Mother created from her Life Force, will all feel intense loyalty and devotion towards her. Alex of course saw this devotion at his visit on the Monster World.

But with Queen Mother’s current state right now, it will be pretty impossible for her to create another race.

However, she can still share her Life Force, and Alex used this to force Professor Frances to ally with them.

Since Queen Mother’s Life Force was involved in the revival of Professor Frances, it is actually right to say that Queen Mother was the one who ’gave life’ to Professor Frances.

Since it was like that, then Professor Frances can be considered to be one of Queen Mother’s creations!

With that, it is already inevitable for Professor Frances to feel devotion and loyalty to Queen Mother, as she’s technically the same as the Monster Race that Queen Mother had created before.

And since Queen Mother is Alex’s Companion, then it just means that right now, there is no way that Professor Frances can harm them!

"..." Alex gave the professor a short explanation of what happened to her, and once he finished talking, Professor Frances gave Alex a glower as she let out a sigh.

"Actually, I am planning to not harm you at all. But since you have something like this placed, then you really have nothing to worry about." As the professor said these words, she glanced at Alina’s direction as she asked her, "I’m not lying, right?"

"Yes, you’re not lying." Alina replied as she sat on the chair behind Alex. "But even if you are telling the truth, I still agree on placing this precaution against you. You never know, something wrong might happen to you, especially now that we just revived you."

"Fine, fine, I get it." The professor replied as she wrapped the towel around her body.

She then sat on the nearby chair, giving Alex an imperious gaze on him as she said,

"Now, that you have brought me back, tell me everything that had happened in this world. "

"Maybe before we do that, you should tell us about yourself first." Alex hurriedly replied as he shook his head. "I’m already dying to know why someone like you had incurred the wrath of the Endless Monarch. Oh and aside from that, I also want to know on how you were able to cheat death itself with this stunt that you did here. This is not something that anybody can just do this easily."


What Alex last said was true.

Even right now, he still could not help but feel disbelief as he watched Professor Frances breathing and talking in front of him, as if she just came here to visit them.

This woman already freaking died, and the disappearance of the Traveler Mark on her forehead was a proof of that!

After all, only the dead Travelers and those that failed their missions were the ones that will have their Traveler Marks confiscated.

Since even the Endless Monarch himself had thought that Professor Frances was already dead, then how was she able to pull off this kind of stunt?




"... Fine, I’ll talk." With Alex, Alina, and Queen Mother all staring at her intently, Professor Frances seems to be left with no choice but to acquiesce to their demands.

She cleared her throat loudly as she started to talk.

"First of all, you should know that just like you three, before I became a Traveler, I was also residing on a world too." Professor Frances said as she tilted her head. "The world I came from was a world that has high advancements in biology and alchemy, and it was these two lines of knowledge that shaped that world."

"There are two kinds of powerful people that rule in my world. They are the Bio-Sculptors and Alchemists." The professor said as her crazed smile started to get wider. "Bio-sculptors focus on Life itself, with them doing countless things to experiment with living creatures. They will hack, combine, mutate, and even create living beings just to increase their power or satisfy their curiosity."

"As for the Alchemists, their main focus was on synthesis and creation of new compounds, new materials, and new elements. They will do experimentations and crimes just to achieve their goals, and if a situation calls for it, they are even willing to kill for it."

After reaching this point, Professor Frances actually let out a sigh as she continued talking. "Normally, a person in my world does not become both a Bio-Sculptor and an Alchemist. Taking those two paths at the same time is extremely hard, as a Bio-Sculptor deals with living beings, while an Alchemist deals with non-living ones. Of course there are some who don’t follow that rule, and I am one of them."

Professor Frances then stood up quickly as a mad expression appeared on her face.

"Hahahaha! Many ridiculed my choice to become both a Bio-Sculptor and an Alchemist! ’You will just die there’, they say. "You will run out of resources’, they say. ’You will ultimately fail’, they say. Hahaha! Those stupid coogers!"

"So I take it that you succeeded?" Alex asked the professor as the latter continued to cackled madly.

"Well yes, of course I succeeded!" The professor replied as she sat back on her chair. "I reached the pinnacle of both paths, and that allowed me to create new things!"

"I created tireless laborers which tilled my farms and built houses. I created monstrous beings which destroyed my enemies and defended my territory. I created new compounds which led to the improvement of our civilization! I created them all, and that allowed me to rule my whole world! Hahaha!"

"Wait, so you are telling me that you used your knowledge to take over your world?" Alex asked the professor carefully as he stared at her warily. "You really did that?"

"Of course yes. What am I supposed to do with my creations then?" Professor Frances replied as she gave Alex a confused look. "Of course I have to conquer my world! That is the only thing that I can do with my knowledge and my power!"

"...Ok." That was all that Alex could say, as he realized that the woman in front of him was actually a fabled conqueror!

"Hmph, with my knowledge and my talent, I ruled my world smoothly." Professor Frances replied lazily. "Of course there were some mishaps, but I dealt with them with my iron fist and my flexible benevolence!"


"But everything changed when they arrived." Suddenly, the professor’s face morphed into that of rage as a growl could be heard from her throat. "20 years after I conquered my world, 3 groups of people suddenly appeared on my world!"

"All of them wielded powerful abilities not yet seen on my world, and they used those abilities to fight my rule!" At this point, the professor’s face was already red in anger, and Alex could see that she could still get angrier later.

"Those three groups of people that appeared, they are Travelers and Companions, right?" Alex asked the professor once more, this time in a low voice, lest he makes her angrier.

"Yes, they are Travelers and Companions." Professor Frances replied with gritted teeth. "But at that time, I only thought of them as some kind of mutated people created by my enemies... Hmph, even thinking of them now just makes my blood boil!"


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