Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 172 Discoveries and Responsibilities

Chapter 172 Discoveries and Responsibilities

"You." Before Alex could stop himself, he found himself facing staring at Foresight, asking her a question. "Did you plan all of this?"

"I do not know what you are talking about, Eldritch." Foresight replied quite innocently as she tilted her head. "Do you really think I could have seen all of this happening, even with Duplicator blocking my future sight? I am flattered that you think highly of me, but I am not related to what you are saying."

Both Alex and Myth grimaced from what Foresight said, as if they both do not believe her.

"Lies." Alina whispered behind Alex as she shook her head imperceptibly. "She’s lying here."

Because Alina’s tone was low, nobody else heard what she said.


Alex does not even need to rely on Alina’s power to know that Foresight was lying. Just with the use of his own cold reading and emotion manipulation, he can see that she was really lying!

"Oh great, now what do I do with her?" Alex thought to himself as he looked at Foresight, and at her Pantheon teammates, who seemed to not doubt her.

Well, except for Myth, who seemed to be still fixated on staring at Foresight head-on.

Right now, Alex was 100% sure that Foresight really have foreseen the future... but why was Foresight so satisfied right now?

Does her satisfaction right now imply that the future that she wanted to see all along was about to come into fruition?

"..." Even if Alex was satisfied with what was happening now, that satisfaction was partially dampened by what he discovered from Foresight.

"Wait a minute..." But before Alex could feely actually disgruntled from it, he realized that he can actually still benefit from what Foresight was doing now.

Alex was barely able to hide the grin from his face as he thought of the proper question that he should ask from Foresight.

"..." After a few seconds of intense thinking, Alex found the question that he was looking for.

"Hey." Alex said as he pointed his finger at Foresight. He concentrated his gaze solely at her face as he slowly asked her,

"With everything that happened now, do you think that this world will go to a better place?"

As Alex asked this question, he also discreetly deactivated Miden’s power on Foresight, which basically allowed her to regain her future sight.

Foresight only twitched for a second after this, before her face started to light up.

Alex then saw a huge smile appearing on Foresight’s face, as if she just received the best gift that she could have asked.

She then started laughing, much to the bemusement of Alex and to the shock of the other Pantheon members.

"Now, this is what I wanted to hear!" Foresight shouted loudly as she continued laughing. "Now, I can be assured that everything will be great!"

"You..." This time around, the emotion that Alex could feel inside Foresight was extreme jubilation. There was actually even no need to have emotion sensing powers to sense that Foresight was happy right now.

Just the sight of her laughing at the top of her lungs was enough to show how happy she was now.

While the other Pantheon members were still speechless from what just happened, Foresight started to talk as her laughter died down.

She looked as Alex as she wiped the tears that appeared around her eyes.

"Eldritch, are you worried about what will happen to this world once you take the Legacy of Tartaros? Hahaha! Do not worry, this world will go into a better future with the Legacy staying with you!"

Foresight said these words merrily as she ignored the scandalized reaction of Myth. "You can say that right now is actually the best day of my life!"

"..." This time around, the Pantheon members all looked like they have already realized what Foresight was talking about.

"Foresight, you knew that all of this would happen?" It was Tetra who asked this question. He stared at his female teammates with a questioning look on his eyes, as if he could not believe what she just said. "You knew that we would be in a disaster like this, and yet you still allowed it to happen?"

"Tetra.... I just have to do what I have to do." Foresight replied as she shook her head. "If Eldritch would not have obtained the Legacy of Tartaros, this whole world will be destroyed."

"Destroyed?" This time, it was Alex who was surprised with what Foresight said. "How the hell could this world be destroyed? Am I the one who did that?"

"No, not you." Foresight replied as she shook her head once more.

Her gaze then went blank, as if she was now viewing on something different.

Foresight’s voice then became sonorous as she continued talking.

[Even if my vision right now was still limited because of Duplicator, I can still see what happens if Eldritch will not obtain the Legacy today.]

Foresight’s body then started to tremble as Alex saw the vestiges of fear blossoming inside Foresight.

Her sonorous voice started to have semblance of cracks as she haltingly said,

[If Eldritch does not get to obtain the Legacy... A massive hand the size of Jupiter will descend from the sky and destroy this world. Nobody... not even us can resist that hand. Once that hand appears, everyone in this world... will be killed by that hand.]

"Wah?" Alex found himself unable to speak as he heard what Foresight just said.

A hand will destroy this world? What kind of f**kery is this? Was Foresight high right now? Or did she just have a mental breakdown?

"Ugh..." With these thoughts inside his mind, Alex slowly approached the woman as he asked her,

"So, you are telling me that this world will be destroyed if the Legacy of Tartaros stays in this world?"

[Yes, that is the future that I could see.] Foresight said as her blank eyes focused on Alex. [I do not know where that hand came from, but I am sure that nobody among us can fight against it... not even you.]

"Truth." Alina muttered behind Alex as he saw her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Foresight is telling the truth here."

After receiving that confirmation, Alex shook his head as he tried to absorb what Foresight just said.

"If nobody finishes this Main Mission in this world, this world will be destroyed by a Jupiter-sized hand? What the f**k?" With his experiences as a Traveler, this was the first time that Alex heard something like this.

Alex gritted his teeth as he realized that he just discovered something extremely worrying.

"Why would someone do something like that to a freaking world? Is this the norm on every world where no Traveler finishes the Main Mission? Do these worlds just get destroyed?" Alex’s tentacles twitched behind him erratically as he continued gritting his teeth.

"And who owns that Jupiter-sized hand? Is that from a Traveler, or is it... from the Endless Monarch himself? F**k, this just got more convoluted!"

Alex knew that what he heard from Foresight was something that he should have not have discovered at all.

He looked at Asteria, who was currently avoiding Alex’s gaze, with the dumb fairy whistling an out-of-tune song.

"Tsk. It seems like this is another mystery that I have to solve later." Alex thought to himself, remembering that now was not really the right time to worry about that hand.

"Professor Frances... she surely must have known something related to that Jupiter-sized hand... Heck, maybe that was one of the reasons she was forced to die here..." Once Alex reached this line of thought, he knew that he must do everything that he can to complete Professor Frances’ plan.

"..." While Alex was busy on thinking up of these things, he could hear the Pantheon members arguing at the background, with Foresight receiving the brunt of the questions.

"You knew something like this, yet you did not tell us about it? Why?" The one who asked this question was Tetra, and it was quite obvious on his face that he was disappointed. "If you told us that something like this will happen, then maybe we could have..."

"If I tell you about what I saw, someone will swoop in to kill me before I could tell it to you." Foresight replied as she shook her head. "I do not know who that person was, but at every future that I tried telling you what I saw, that person will always come in to kill me..."

"She’s telling the truth." Alina said from the background, effectively interrupting the arguments of the Pantheon members.

"...Is that so." This time around, it was Myth who spoke up. Her face still looked pissed, although it looked like she was not that angry at Foresight. "Good job letting us be beaten up here. Are you happy now?"

"I’m really happy." Foresight replied as her body sagged in relief. "You do not know how stressed I am since the Travelers started to appear... It was only now that I felt... secure."

"Hoho, I’m flattered that you think of us like that." Alex replied as he decided to take note of Foresight’s future killer too. "Are you secured because we are about to leave already?"

"Exactly." Foresight replied as she leaned back on Myth’s body. Myth flinched at the contact, but she gritted her teeth as she let the taller woman lean on her body. "So, it will be better if you will all leave now..."

"Wait!" Before Alex could give his reply, Tetra spoke up from within his constraints.

He was still heavily struggling from his lethal binds as he asked Alex,

"Do you really need to take my home world with you? Can’t you just... leave it alone? I... I cannot trust you two with something like that!" Tetra said these words with steel in his eyes, as if he will still not let the two leave even if he was still heavily constrained like this. "Tell me why you need to take my home world! If I see that your reasons are not noble, I will sacrifice my own life to protect my home world if I have too!"

"Tetra!" Myth’s shocked exclamation was ignored by Tetra as he continued on gazing at Alex intently. "Go on. Tell me the reason now."

"..." After hearing Tetra’s declaration, Alex let out a sigh as he looked at Alina.

Alina, whose stare was concentrated on Tetra, looked back at Alex as she gave him a resolute nod, as if she was saying that she was ready now.

"Now we’re talking." Alex thought to himself as he looked back at Tetra.

Alex then took a deep breath as he started to talk.

"I understand why you are unwilling to let us take your home world... but maybe if we do this, you will immediately agree."

After saying these words, both Alex and Alina closed their eyes as they started to concentrate.

Seconds later, and energy began to leak out of their bodies.

All the objects around Alex and Alina started to tremble from this energy, with the floor creaking every second.

"!!!" Tetra, who saw what Alex and Alina was doing, had his eyes wide open as the energy released by Alex and Alina started to increase.

"That is..." Tetra’s words got stuck in his throat, as if he was struggling to understand what he was seeing in front of him. "There is no way..."

"Sorry, but what you see right in front of you is the truth." Alex said as he and Alina continued pouring out the Mental Power out of their body.

The combination of their Mental Power produced an eerie visual display which captivated everyone who saw the sight.

"Your power? We have that too." Alex said as he and Alina started to approach the frozen Tetra.


The floor creaked at every step that the pair took. Alex slowly relished this sound, as he felt satisfied hearing these creaking sounds.

It took them a few seconds to reach Tetra himself, who did nothing to fight back at them.

After observing Tetra’s visage for a second, Alex let out a smile, leaning in towards Tetra as he slowly said,

"If you can see that we also have the same power as you, then you should already know what that means, right?" Alex said as his breath tickled Tetra’s right ear. "Not only are we qualified to take care of your home world... It is also our responsibility too."


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