Eat The World Tree

Chapter 116: Retreat (3)

Chapter 116: Retreat (3)

People burdened by hard work often didnt know how to have fun, but my case was different.

Just enjoy everything you see.

I was born to enjoy playing around.

I was the type who found even breathing in a hotel room fun.

I looked around the convenience store nearby.

I bought all sorts of new foods and cracked open a can of beer with a friend who came along, gossiping - that was a vacation, that was healing.

Moreover, the financial power of El Academy was overwhelming.

The training camp organized by the academy was well-planned, so it was impossible not to get excited.

I felt like I couldnt stop smiling no matter what I did.

Literally, everything felt good.

Even if I became a human pillow.


In the limousine.

I woke her up from sleep in the airplane, and on the way to the accommodation, Seyeong hugged me like a body pillow, not caring about appearances and drifted off to dreamland.

It meant she was that comfortable with me. After all, we had seen each other at our worst.

I didnt mind, but my back hurt.

Shes too strong.

Lee Seyeong, who had graduated from the academy, could freely control wood magic and had outstanding combat abilities.

Using that strength in a hug was maddening.

It really hurt.

Love you.

Maybe dreaming, Seyeong often smacked her lips and talked in her sleep.

I wanted to drop her, but she was too pretty.

I didnt want to wake her up because of her sleeping face.

It felt good to see someone who always acted tough being so clingy.

Men couldnt resist this kind of thing.

I dont know how it came to this. It wasnt like this in the beginning.

As I tidied her tousled hair with my hand, a sweet floral scent wafted through.

If Hwangdos scent was intoxicating and disorienting, Seyeongs scent was softer.

It was like the fragrance of May, just before spring leaves.

A natural body scent.

Added with the fragrance of flowers.

Pulling her cheek, I felt the softness.

Not as chewy as Sansuyus texture, but still pleasant to touch.

Uh. Hmm!

She resisted slightly, shaking her head to dislodge my hand.

We used to be at each others throats, but not anymore.

The unpredictability of peoples lives never ceased to amaze me.

Smiling, I finally diverted my gaze from her face, only to notice her top had rolled up, revealing her stomach.

The smile on my face turned bittersweet.

A small scar, barely perceptible unless looked at closely, adorned the area beside Seyeongs navel.

A scar that resembled one from an appendectomy or a similar procedure, which hadnt been there before.

I wonder if this is even possible.

I covertly activated the power of the World Tree, extending my hand.

A faint current of energy, different from magic, gathered at my fingertips.

-Woong, woong.

Carefully, I touched the surface of the long scar with my index finger, and as I did, it began to fade gradually.

A sigh of relief passed my lips.

She never spoke of her hardships.

But she should have told me about something like this.

I was grateful it wasnt a severe scar like the ones that marred my own body.

I pulled her clothes back down to cover her navel and draped a blanket, which had been tucked beside the seat, over her. Then, overcome by drowsiness myself, I started to feel sleepy.

Perhaps it was because I had finally allowed myself to relax.

I was able to drift off into a deep slumber.

Upon arrival at the accommodation, Lee Seyeong was the first to retire to her room to catch up on some rest.

-Today is a bit How about tomorrow evening? We have some free time after midnight anyway Come to the special room?

I couldnt help but look forward to it with a smile. I eagerly joined the other students.

Although somewhat tardy, it was time to form groups.

The first day unfolded like a typical membership training (MT) with games, recreational activities, and a drinking session.

Usually, to avoid hangovers, such festivities were reserved for the last day. Were we planning to drink and get sick all week?

Having informed them in advance, I assimilated into the group seamlessly.

The first thing that caught my attention in the spacious auditorium was a woman with golden hair standing by herself.

Upon seeing her, I involuntarily sighed.

She stood like a nun: modest, expressionless, and seemingly unaware of her surroundings.

She appeared not to know what time it was.


It had been a while since I had contacted her after she lost in the finals due to Jung Siwoos awakening.

For some time after her defeat, she didnt answer calls or come to the academy.

Worried, I contacted her secretary and discovered she had been confined and lectured for a while, repeating training.

Being a noble with a quite strict father, that seemed expected.

She looked pitiful.

Someone should take her away.

My situation wasnt much different from Sansuyus, of course.

Did you just arrive?

Guseul approached and spoke to me while I was looking around the entrance.

She played with the switch of the microphone, checking the devices status, and she seemed quite competent.

Yeah. But Im late; is there a group I can join?

Its just starting. We only need four more people. Youre not a loner without four friends, are you?

That comment stung.

Jung Siwoo isnt here today either.

I guessed that his younger sibling was not participating in this training camp.

Four people, four people

As I tried to recall a few names I knew, Guseul poked my waist with the back of the microphone.

Do you, by any chance, have no friends?

Thats harsh.

Pffhaha. You just wander around, and people will naturally join you. Good luck~


Someone hit me on the back.

I rubbed my sore back and blended into the crowd.

It didnt matter which remaining group I joined.

But just in case, there was a needy puppy and a restless cat I should take care of.

I approached Sansuyu, who was continuously looking for friends, and tapped her shoulder.


She turned her head, and as our eyes met, a flicker of emotion crossed Sansuyus indifferent gaze.


I had promised to introduce a friend to Sansuyu last time.

This was the perfect time to fulfill that promise and fill a spot in the group.

Havent formed a group yet?

No. I dont have anyone to group with.

That was quite open of her. Well, not having friends wasnt a crime.

She didnt talk much, standing like a princess, so no one approached her, but her beauty was unmatched in the academy.

Her expressionless face would have been amazing if she smiled.

I wondered if she would ever have a reason to smile brightly in her lifetime.

Next was Jin Dallae.

There were many things on my mind, but she was the first friend that came to mind.

I had accidentally found out her affection level through the status window, so it was a bit awkward to approach her.

I still hadnt figured out how to deal with her.

Luckily, Jin Dallae spoke to me first.

Um Did you already form a group?


I prolonged my answer while observing her uneasy complexion.

Her current affection level was 94.

It was just 1 point different from Lee Seyeongs temporary level.

Considering Seyeongs blushing and obvious signs compared to her usual level fluctuating between 60 and 70, a score of 94 indicated a level of affection that was hard to achieve even among close couples.

Can I join if theres a spot available?

For some reason, Jin Dallaes eyes, asking for permission, seemed frightening today.

I decided to act as normally as possible.

I knew the situation, but Jin Dallae hadnt done anything yet.

It meant I still had reason. If I handled the conversation well, I could shake off this obsession.

With Jin Dallae and Sansuyu, thats three. I need to find one more person Who should it be?

Two men and two women. It was a perfect ratio, but the absence of Jung Siwoo was a flaw.

Ill look for someone.

Fortunately, Jin Dallae took the initiative to fill the remaining spot.

It was a woman, but what did it matter? I knew her.

Shiheon, it feels like its been a while since Ive seen your face?

One of the relatively normal girls I knew.

Kim Sooyoung, whom I had met at a drinking party and often did group projects with.

I havent seen you in class lately! Contact me sometimes.

A miraculous gender ratio of one male to three females posed no problem.

This setup was only for the games; during the drinking later, the groups would mix, providing Sansuyu with a chance to make friends with other students.

We finalized our group and received our group number.

It was a competition in which several groups gathered for team games or individual contests, earning points to exchange for prizes.

Ah~ Mic test~ Mic test~. Hello? Hi there!

Guseul, standing at the front of the auditorium and holding the microphone, began the event with ease, drawing laughter from the students with her jokes.

Everyone worked hard because of the midterms~ How did you do on your exams?

Totally exhausted.


Guseul really was something. Mysterious, yet in settings like this, she had an incredible presence.

Like a female Jung Siwoo.

Friendly, with many friends, and knew how to stand out.

Anyway, since were all here, lets enjoy ourselves to the fullest. Were here to drink and throw up, right? Shall we see the first prize? Drum roll~ Ta-da~!

Guseul pulled a sparkling sake bottle from a small box and began explaining it.

Japanese alcohol.

People usually thought of cognac when it came to high-end liquor, but here, it was Japan.

Expensive sake could cost over 5 million won. The one she pulled out was one of those, released with only 2800 bottles a year!

The students, especially the freshmen, gasped in admiration, not knowing much about alcohol, but the price made them want to try it.


As Guseul explained the rules, Sansuyu tapped my knee from the side.


Yes, why?

She seemed hesitant.

Waiting for her to speak, Sansuyu cautiously asked.

This is my first training camp, how should I go about it?

It was a difficult question to answer.

Knowing that her question wasnt a typical inquiry, she even brought her face closer to ensure others wouldnt hear.

I didnt have much to say.

A training camp was a training camp, and MT was MT. Why ask how to do it?

Have you never done this kind of thing before?


Um just enjoy it. I dont have anything else to say.

Swept up in the unique atmosphere, throwing oneself into the fun, making jokes, and taking risksthat was the essence of enjoyment.

I wasnt sure if Sansuyu could do that, but what was the point of living if life wasnt fun?

Cough, lets keep our distance for now.

I subtly pushed Sansuyu away, feeling Jin Dallaes burdensome gaze.

His thoughtful yellow eyes blinked.

Sansuyu had learned a bit about the secular world by being around me.

Surely she couldnt be completely unsociable?

Now, I was determined to enjoy myself thoroughly.

Of course, the goal is

First place.

Dont you want to try winning that?

Shall we give it a shot?

Exchanging words with Sooyoung, we affirmed our intent.

Jin Dallae also looked in the direction of the alcohol with a fierce gaze and slowly inched closer until our knees touched.

Do you like sake?

I dont dislike it.

Then lets try to win it.

Jin Dallaes proactive approach was fitting, though I wasnt sure if her words were directed at me or the alcohol.

Lets take it slow.

I thought we could easily win since all four of us sitting here were quick and smart.

Shall we start with a simple quiz?

Guess the movie.

It didnt take long to realize that this was a bad idea.

This is bad.

Two people here knew nothing about the culture of this world.

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