Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 478 476-The Plan to Retreat and Advance

Chapter 478 476-The Plan to Retreat and Advance

Ethan and his companions' efforts did not yield immediate success.

They had spent a considerable amount of time searching the four floors of the hotel, but to no avail.

There was no hiding place to be found.

After a while, all three of them regrouped in Ethan's room.

It was time for a careful discussion about their next steps.

"We can't continue this haphazard search of the entire hotel. While the hotel isn't large, we haven't found any place where they could hide. The individuals in black must be using some unknown method to remain hidden. We need to rethink our approach. Continuing this aimless search will only waste more time. If we can't find them in the next few days, they might successfully escape. After all, once the storm subsides, all the guests will choose to leave the hotel."

At this moment, Prophet Magus's mood was utterly dismal.

He had initially believed that the clues they had gathered would be of great assistance.

He had thought he could rely on his prophetic abilities, coupled with Ethan's help, to swiftly locate the enigmatic figure in black.

However, reality had taken a starkly different turn from his expectations.

Instead of finding the elusive individual, they found themselves ensnared in a substantial predicament.

The guests at the hotel had pinned all their hopes on them.

If they couldn't locate the person in black promptly, blame would surely fall upon their shoulders.

Ethan's countenance, in contrast, didn't carry the same weight as that of Prophet Magus.

That was because Ethan cared little for the potential reproaches of the other hotel guests.

"Perhaps we'll have to wait until the storm subsides to find this elusive individual. If the storm doesn't abate, they'll remain hidden, and we won't have any leads," Ethan's words left Prophet Magus even more disheartened.

He had expected Ethan to at least support his quest to swiftly locate the person in black.

"Are you really giving up so easily? I thought you were a person of unwavering determination. If you're willing to give up so quickly, why did you offer your help in the first place?" 

Prophet Magus' frustration grew as he confronted Ethan.

Ethan remained silent, choosing not to explain his earlier judgment.

In his eyes, the other person wasn't worthy of an explanation.

At that moment, the Shadow Elf stepped forward to explain on Ethan's behalf.

"The reason he offered his help initially was because he believed that the person in black was targeting him. However, after our assessment, we've come to the consensus that the person in black isn't after Ethan. Since it's not directed at Ethan or me, there's no need for us to be so anxious. Let's take it easy in the next few days and not be so tense."

The combined stance of the Shadow Elf and Ethan left Prophet Magus seething with anger.

In response, Prophet Magus stormed out of the room, deciding to take matters into his own hands.

After Prophet Magus had left, Shadow Elf turned to Ethan and asked, "Do you truly believe this plan can succeed? Prophet Magus seems incredibly angered right now. After this, he might not be willing to help us anymore."

Ethan's expression remained somewhat relaxed at this point, concealing the fact that he and Shadow Elf had already discussed an action plan.

In Ethan's view, if they continued to press on relentlessly, the person in black would only become more cautious.

They needed to appear as though they had given up the pursuit of the person in black, potentially causing them to expose themselves.

"I believe he'll help us eventually. Our goals align; it's just our methods that differ," Ethan replied.

He had faith that Prophet Magus would come around.

Ethan's words momentarily quieted Shadow Elf, but he still harbored concerns about Ethan's devised plan.

After Prophet Magus angrily left and retreated to his room, he couldn't help but dwell on the mistake he had made in his judgment of Ethan.

He realized that his earlier assessment had been significantly flawed.

After spending some time alone in his room, Prophet Magus decided it was time to seek out the innkeeper.

He needed to explain the current situation to her, as he didn't want to disappoint her too much.

Upon entering the inn's lobby, Prophet Magus found the innkeeper engaged in conversation with other guests.

The atmosphere in the room was far from cheerful, with everyone's mood decidedly somber.

The innkeeper quickly made her way over to Prophet Magus when she spotted him.

"How's it going? Have you found any new leads? If you've discovered anything, I'll cooperate with you to locate the person who has been a constant threat to us."

The innkeeper's optimism remained intact.

In her eyes, both Prophet Magus and Ethan were extraordinary individuals with immense power, and she believed that these exceptional beings could help her solve the most significant problem she currently faced.

In response to the innkeeper's inquiry, Prophet Magus shook his head slowly and said, "I haven't found any useful leads yet, and there's something else I must tell you. Ethan has decided not to continue our collaboration."

As Prophet Magus uttered these words, a wave of shock rippled through everyone present.

The innkeeper, in particular, was left bewildered.

After a moment of gathering her thoughts, she asked, "Why? Why did he suddenly give up?"

Prophet Magus, with a hint of resignation in his voice, replied, "I believe he thinks the chances of finding the person in black are slim at this point. So, he has decided to leave once the storm subsides."

After offering this brief explanation, Prophet Magus turned his gaze toward the other guests in the inn and continued, "I don't think you all need to worry too much. After the storm ends, you can leave quickly. I believe that until the storm passes, the person in black is unlikely to launch any more attacks on you. We can all breathe a bit easier now, and there's no need for the same level of tension we had before."

After Prophet Magus had delivered his explanation, he took a seat in the inn's lobby.

As he settled in, many of the inn's guests approached him to inquire about the current situation.

Prophet Magus took the time to answer each of their questions, feeling a sense of responsibility towards the inn's patrons despite his failed efforts.

Meanwhile, the person in black remained concealed in the shadows, opting not to approach Prophet Magus to gauge his thoughts.

In the eyes of the person in black, revealing themselves in front of Prophet Magus might lead to unwanted vulnerabilities.

The person in black was content with the current state of affairs, even though they were uncertain about the veracity of Prophet Magus's statements.

They could sense that Ethan was unlikely to continue pursuing them.

As long as Ethan ceased his pursuit, the person in black felt confident in their ability to handle Prophet Magus.

Through previous encounters, they had assessed Prophet Magus's true strength and considered him no match without proper assistance.

In the person in black's estimation, Prophet Magus posed no real threat to them.

Without adequate support, eliminating Prophet Magus would be a straightforward task.

With Prophet Magus and Ethan both abandoning their plans for further action, the occupants of the inn grew even more vigilant than before.

Despite having only four days left until the storm's end, none of the guests could be certain whether they might encounter additional dangers during this time.

Thus, every guest in the inn heightened their sense of alertness on this particular evening.

In his room, the person in black silently contemplated their next course of action.

They believed that targeting Prophet Magus immediately tonight could be met with resistance from Ethan.

Moreover, they were not entirely convinced that Prophet Magus and Ethan had truly given up.

The person in black even suspected that Prophet Magus and Ethan might be employing a strategy of retreat to advance.

Faced with this strategic situation, the best course of action for the person in black was undoubtedly to observe the circumstances.

And so, the person in black decided to take a day to rest and recuperate, intending to regain their optimal condition before taking action.

Prophet Magus, consumed by a sense of despondency, had no intention of taking further action.

Instead, he chose to rest in his room.

Only Ethan and Shadow Elf emerged from their rooms, careful to ensure that no one had detected their presence.

They ventured out to gather more intelligence, their determination undeterred by the prevailing uncertainty that hung over the inn.

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