Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 468 466-Cursed Dreamland

Chapter 468 466-Cursed Dreamland

Inside the inn's room, both Ethan and the Shadow Elf were burdened with heavy hearts.

They shared deep concerns about what lay ahead.

After a period of silence, they both spoke simultaneously, "We must take action."

The synchronicity of their words surprised them momentarily, but it was followed by shared laughter.

Their ability to voice the same sentiment indicated a profound understanding between them.

"It seems that after everything we've been through, we've developed remarkable synergy," Ethan remarked, his smile directed at the Shadow Elf.

He believed that his words implied a specific plan or idea.

"Since we've both decided to take action, please share your thoughts," Ethan urged.

The Shadow Elf returned his smile and spoke, "It appears that our experiences have forged a strong connection between us. Now, let me share my ideas with you."

While Ethan had his own thoughts about the upcoming course of action, he believed it was imperative for the Shadow Elf to voice his plan first.

He felt that if his plan held greater merit, he would readily follow his lead.

At this moment, the Shadow Elf's mood was quite upbeat.

Facing such a colossal crisis, the fact that he and Ethan shared the same thoughts boosted his confidence in their ability to tackle the impending danger.

"I believe we must swiftly investigate the intentions of these individuals within the inn," he began.

"We've already gained a rough understanding of how each of them arrived here, but the specifics elude us.

"Do you recall when, in the Shadow Clan's territory, you and Sherry were ensnared within the God of Curses' Cursed Dreamland? We can employ a similar method to enter the dreams of the others in this inn."

"Within their dreams, we can gather information about their precise circumstances."

"Indeed, I remember," Ethan replied, intrigued by his suggestion.

"It's true that beings, no matter their nature, tend to lose their rationality within dreams. We can use this to our advantage, learning more about them and devising our next steps accordingly."

The Shadow Elf nodded, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"Exactly. By infiltrating their dreams, we can uncover valuable insights that will guide us in our actions."

As Ethan listened halfway through, he had already made up his mind to proceed with the Shadow Elf's plan.

Compared to his own, his plan seemed far less risky.

Ethan's initial idea involved covertly observing the others within the inn, which inherently carried more risks.

He couldn't believe how effectively the Cursed Dreamland could be utilized for their purpose.

"If you're certain that the Cursed Dreamland can be used this way, then let's proceed with your plan," Ethan said.

"Your approach appears to be the safer option. I had considered an alternative, but it carries greater risks. The question now is, how do we utilize the Cursed Dreamland effectively?"

Ethan cut to the heart of the matter, emphasizing the critical aspect of their plan.

While the Shadow Elf's proposal seemed flawless, their success hinged on their ability to master the use of the Cursed Dreamland.

Without that skill, their plan remained unattainable.

The expression on the Shadow Elf's face had lost some of its earlier enthusiasm.

While he had proposed the plan, he lacked confidence in their ability to successfully use the Cursed Dreamland.

"I merely offered a suggestion, and I can't be sure if it will work," he admitted.

"But we can give it a try. After all, the blizzard is bound to last for quite some time. Even if our initial attempt fails, we can continue to explore other options tomorrow."

"The first method I thought of for utilizing the Cursed Dreamland involves simulating the God of Curses' Cursed Dreamland by harnessing the formidable Power of Shadow and Primordial Light."

The Shadow Elf's proposal was, in fact, the same approach the God of Curses had employed within the Shadow Clan's territory.

The God of Curses had successfully summoned the Cursed Dreamland by utilizing Dart's Power of Shadow and the Hero Spirits within the Shadow Clan's Valhalla.

Ethan pondered for a moment, convinced that this method had a genuine chance of success.

He and the Shadow Elf promptly began their preparations for entering the Cursed Dreamland.

Given the Shadow Elf's possession of potent and pure Power of Shadow, he took the lead in providing the necessary Power of Shadow.

Ethan's role, on the other hand, was to harness the strength of his own Primordial Light.

Both of them were wholly committed to the task, resulting in swift and purposeful actions.

Ethan merged the Power of Shadow provided by the Shadow Elf with the force of his Primordial Light.

Almost instantly, he felt a sensation reminiscent of the first time he encountered the God of Curses.

The Power of Curses was expanding rapidly, and this burgeoning force threatened to consume both him and the Shadow Elf.

Ethan abruptly halted their preparations, sensing that the Power of Curses had started to slip beyond his control.

If he allowed the Power of Curses to grow any stronger, they would be pulled into the Cursed Dreamland without a chance to resist.

"I believe this approach is too unstable," Ethan voiced his concerns.

"I have no control over the Power of Curses generated by the merging of Primordial Light and Power of Shadow.

If we cannot stabilize the Power of Curses, we will be drawn into the Cursed Dreamland ourselves.

At that point, there will be no one to offer us assistance.

The last time I entered the Cursed Dreamland, it was with Sherry's help that I managed to escape.

Now, we are far from the Shadow Clan's territory, and even if Sherry wanted to assist us, she would not arrive in time."

The Shadow Elf, fully aware of the risks involved and having witnessed the Power of Curses spiraling out of control, also ceased his actions.

Together, they paused, pondering whether there might be a safer alternative.

As the Shadow Elf contemplated the situation, Ethan was engaged in his own thoughts.

He considered the possibility of utilizing the weapons he had brought from the Shadow Clan.

These weapons were known to harness powerful Power of Shadow, and the Shadow Clan would have taken measures to seal and control this power to prevent it from spiraling out of control.

Ethan surmised that if these weapons could seal Power of Shadow, they might also be effective in containing the Power of Curses.

While it wouldn't be possible to seal the God of Curses' power entirely, Ethan believed that he could use the weapons to maintain stability within the Cursed Dreamland.

Voicing his idea, Ethan watched as the Shadow Elf's eyes widened in amazement.

He exclaimed, "You're truly a genius! I never thought of this solution before. Let's act on it immediately. I have complete confidence that your method will succeed!"

With the Shadow Elf's approval, Ethan and he resumed their efforts to construct the Cursed Dreamland.

This time, the Power of Curses did not spiral out of control, successfully contained by the Shadow Clan's weapons.

They could witness the Cursed Dreamland slowly taking shape.

Ethan contemplated the Shadow Elf's questions, all of which essentially boiled down to one: which of the inn's occupants had the highest likelihood of being an agent of the God of Curses and a potential adversary?

Ethan did not immediately provide an answer.

After a moment of contemplation, he turned to the Shadow Elf and said, "I believe our first priority should be to ensure that Prophet Magus is on our side. If even Prophet Magus is not in our favor, our future actions will undoubtedly be fraught with difficulty."

"The inn's proprietor places great trust in Prophet Magus. If he were to declare us as the culprits behind the demise of Cryo Magus, everyone in the inn would turn against us."

"Even if we possess considerable strength, it would be challenging to escape such a predicament. When pitted against everyone in the inn, they will go to great lengths to expel us. I lack the confidence to lead you to safety in this harsh weather. "

"Besides, Prophet Magus mentioned that during the ongoing blizzard, we won't be able to leave this town."

Shadow Elf was successfully convinced by Ethan's argument.

Although he had not doubted Prophet Magus before, Ethan's reasoning left him with no room for rebuttal.

If Prophet Magus truly intended to oppose them, they would indeed face formidable challenges.

Therefore, their first priority was to ascertain whether Prophet Magus was a friend or foe.

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