Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 447 445-Eck’s Suggestion

Chapter 447 Chapter445-Eck's Suggestion

At the same time that Dart and Eck were meeting, Ethan and Shadow Elf remained in the abode of the High Priest, lost in deep contemplation over how to awaken Sherry from her slumbering state.

They had poured over countless books, documents chronicling almost every spell and ritual known to the Shadow clan.

Yet, despite their exhaustive search, a way to rouse Sherry remained elusive.

During this process, several elders of the Shadow clan had approached them, offering their advice.

However, the suggestions put forth by these elders proved to be futile, bearing no fruit in their desperate situation.

Ethan's frustration grew with each passing moment, culminating in a fit of rage.

In a sudden outburst, he hurled the books before him across the room, turning to Shadow Elf with a voice thick with emotion.

"I just don't see the point of us staying here any longer! It's clear that there's no solution to be found in the lore of the Shadow lands for awakening Sherry.As you've said before, her sleep is caused by some other force."

"We must first understand what power has ensnared her in this slumber. Only then can we hope to find a resolution."

Having vented his anger, Ethan sank back into his seat.

His outburst was merely a release of pent-up emotions; having calmed down, he knew they needed to continue their patient search for a means to awaken Sherry.

The Shadow Elf remained silent beside Ethan, as this wasn't the first time he had witnessed such a display of frustration from him.

The two continued their search through a plethora of books, hoping to stumble upon a method that could awaken Sherry.

However, their efforts were in vain, just as before.

Ethan was beginning to feel a sense of despair.

He suspected that he might never find a way to awaken Sherry and, in a gesture of defeat, threw the book he was holding.

"I think our current approach is entirely wrong. Should we consider a new strategy to solve this dilemma? Do you have any other suggestions? I need your help now, any advice will do," Ethan said, his voice heavy with dejection.

His mood was understandably somber, and he genuinely hoped to receive some assistance from the Shadow Elf.

After a moment of contemplation, the Shadow Elf spoke softly, "I wish I could help you, but I really can't think of any way to awaken Sherry. Perhaps we can only hope that the elders of the Shadow clan might offer some additional insight."

Just when both of them felt that hope was fading, a knock suddenly sounded at the door of the High Priest's residence.

Eck's voice came from outside.

"Is anyone there? I believe I have thought of a method that might awaken the High Priest."

After a lengthy discussion with Dart, Eck had finally decided that it was time to take action.

He had come up with a plan to lure Ethan into the heart of the Shadow Clan's Valhalla by disguising it as a method to awaken Sherry.

No sooner had Eck uttered those words than the door to the High Priest's quarters swung open.

Ethan looked at Eck with an expression of hope, even though he doubted that Eck's proposed method would succeed.

But for Ethan, any new approach was better than having none at all.

Even his own use of the Primordial Light had failed to awaken Sherry, leaving him feeling utterly powerless.

"You say you have a way to awaken Sherry? What is your plan, exactly? Tell us now so that we can assess its potential for success," Ethan invited Eck into the High Priest's chambers.

He intended to extract every detail about the method Eck was proposing to awaken Sherry.

Eck's expression remained natural, concealing the immense pressure he felt.

To succeed in his scheme, he couldn't afford to appear too anxious.

Despite the weight of his situation, he managed to maintain his composure.

"My plan involves harnessing the Power of Shadow to awaken the High Priest. I'm aware that you previously attempted the exact opposite approach."

"You believe that using the Power of Shadow won't be able to awaken the High Priest. But why not give it a try? Have you ever used such a method before? I believe you haven't. If you haven't, perhaps it might just work," Eck explained calmly.

Eck's proposed idea was indeed a novel approach.

However, both Ethan and Shadow Elf found it highly unlikely to succeed.

Shadow Elf had previously speculated that Sherry's slumber might have been caused by the encroachment of the Power of Shadow.

If Sherry had fallen into this sleep due to the Power of Shadow, how could providing more of it possibly awaken her?

"Your plan is simply impossible. The Power of Shadow is, in essence, a part of the Primordial Light's force. "

"Even after we utilized the power of Primordial Light, we were still unable to awaken Sherry. So, what good could a more potent Power of Shadow do?" Shadow Elf's tone was impatient as he spoke.

Shadow Elf didn't have any fondness for Eck; he perceived Eck as harboring hostility toward both himself and Ethan.

Eck nodded, seemingly unwilling to continue the argument.

He understood that his plan lacked convincing power.

If he wanted to persuade Ethan to accompany him to the Shadow Clan's Valhalla, he would have to come up with a different argument.

"In that case, I'll go back and see if I can come up with any new ideas. I promise to inform you as soon as I have a fresh perspective," Eck said before he planned to leave.

However, just as he was about to step out the door, Ethan called out to him.

"Wait! I think your idea might have potential after all! Could you please provide more details about your method?"

Ethan's reaction surprised both Eck and the Shadow Elf greatly.

Before Eck could speak, the Shadow Elf directly addressed Ethan, saying, "You actually believe in his plan? If his plan had any merit, I would have told you long ago. After all, as a Shadow Elf, I am highly familiar with the Power of Shadow."

The Shadow Elf's words left both Eck and Ethan momentarily speechless.

Eck couldn't help but think that Ethan's quick acceptance of his plan must be due to other reasons.

Consequently, Eck turned to Ethan and asked, "Why did you believe me so readily?

To be honest, I don't even have much confidence in the success of my own plan.

I merely wanted to offer you a new perspective."

Facing Eck's inquiry, Ethan's expression remained largely unchanged.

He stared at Eck for a moment before slowly responding, "Your plan indeed has a low likelihood of success. However, we've exhausted all other options. I think seeking help from the Power of Shadow may be our only remaining choice."

Ethan walked over to Sherry as he continued speaking.

He gazed down at her face and spoke softly to Eck and the Shadow Elf, "We must try every method available to us. I have a nagging feeling that if Sherry continues to slumber, she may never wake up. So, we must act swiftly."

At this point, Ethan turned his head around.

He believed there was no need to further delay the matter; staying here and searching for a solution in books seemed like a waste of time.

"Since you mentioned the Power of Shadow, perhaps it can awaken Sherry. We'll head straight to the most powerful place of the Power of Shadow," Ethan declared.

He had decided to take Sherry with him to the Shadow Clan's Valhalla.

Eck was naturally thrilled because his plan was about to be realized with relatively little difficulty.

However, at the same time, Eck felt a tinge of unease.

He couldn't shake the feeling that Ethan's quick trust might be an indication that he had already gained insight into Eck's plan.

So, Eck had no intention of letting his guard down.

He planned to closely observe Ethan's demeanor on the way to the Shadow Clan's Valhalla.

If Ethan displayed any unusual behavior, he would certainly not cooperate with Dart's actions.

Eck was acutely aware that his own abilities were significantly inferior to both Dart and Ethan.

He had no desire to put himself in grave danger due to his own carelessness.

Compared to Dart, Ethan was clearly a more cautious and formidable opponent.

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