Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 443 441-A Greater Threat

Chapter 443 441-A Greater Threat

The Shadow Elf had been waiting at the edge of Shadow Moon Lake specifically for Ethan's arrival.

During a previous venture with Ethan into the Chronicle Mist, he had utilized the historical fog to glimpse the future.

In his vision, he saw Ethan and Sherry entangled in significant trouble, a predicament only he, as a Shadow Elf, could resolve.

"I knew well in advance that you would come here," the Shadow Elf began.

"For, upon entering the Chronicle Mist, I employed the art of Divination, a skill known to all Shadow Elves." 

He paused, his gaze distant with the weight of foreknowledge.

"In my divination, I saw both you and Sherry ensnared in grave danger."

"Moreover, I discerned that a formidable power was behind this threat. I could only catch a vague glimpse of it, but I do not know who or what it specifically is." 

His words only deepened Ethan's confusion, weaving more mystery around the already complex situation.

Ethan, growing increasingly impatient, no longer wished to hear riddles and obscure prophecies.

His patience was wearing thin, and he was close to taking matters into his own hands if clarity was not provided soon.

"Stop speaking in riddles," he demanded.

"I can't understand these cryptic messages. You must explain clearly what situation has arisen."

"Sherry is now in great peril, and I fear her life might even be at risk. If anything happens to her, I assure you, every Shadow Elf will pay the price." 

Ethan had no desire to let the Shadow Elf know about the quarrel he had with Sherry.

In his eyes, his relationship with Sherry was fundamentally amicable, and he considered their recent dispute as an anomaly, likely influenced by an external force.

The Shadow Elf, aware of Ethan's growing anger, wasted no time in divulging his insights.

"Sherry is likely troubled by a potent form of the Power of Shadow," he began.

"Her innate talent as a member of the Shadow clan is the very reason she ascended to the position of High Priest."

"But you must be acutely aware that when a person naturally resonates with a certain type of power, it becomes easier for that power to erode their essence." 

His voice carried a hint of concern.

"This is what has befallen Sherry. She's under the absolute corruption of the Power of Shadow. However, I am currently unaware of who, or what, is behind this corruption."

"It's possible that her affliction is due to a powerful entity of the Power of Shadow. Or, more alarmingly, it could even be the God of Shadow himself." 

The mention of the God of Shadow caused a discernible shift in Ethan's demeanor, a sense of foreboding settling over him.

While Ethan possessed sufficient strength to challenge the God of Shadow, the question of where the loyalties of the Shadow clan would lie in such a confrontation loomed large in his mind.

Would the members of the Shadow clan willingly stand against their own deity?

Even the Shadow Elf before him, a devout follower of the God of Shadow and born of the same divine source, now seemed unreliable.

As Ethan pondered these complex matters, the Shadow Elf spoke up again, offering further explanation.

"I know what you're thinking," the Shadow Elf said, addressing Ethan's concerns.

"You believe that the Shadow clan and we, the Shadow Elves, have become untrustworthy. But you don't need to be so apprehensive."

"Not all members of the Shadow clan are followers of the God of Shadow. Take Dart, the Shadow clan traitor you encountered before; he doesn't follow the God of Shadow but pledges allegiance to another, far more powerful deity." 

The Shadow Elf's voice dropped to a whisper, heavy with unease.

"I dare not even utter the name of the deity he follows. I cannot even speak his title out loud, for to do so would draw his attention."

The Shadow Elf's evident fear of the deity followed by Dart piqued Ethan's curiosity.

However, he realized that Sherry's predicament was of more immediate importance.

"The majority of the Shadow clan are capable of independent judgment. In fact, many of them no longer even use the Power of Shadow. How could they be under the absolute control of the God of Shadow?"

"You can still trust the information provided by them. However, you must never trust the words of the Hero Spirits from the Shadow clan's Valhalla. Those Hero Spirits are utterly under the control of the God of Shadow." 

His tone suggested a deep-seated suspicion.

"I even suspect that Dart's rebellion was aided and abetted by the God of Shadow from the shadows. Without his assistance, how could Dart have instigated such an uprising? And after instigating it, how did he manage to gain the support of so many members of the Shadow clan?"

The Shadow Elf's series of conjectures made Ethan realize that he had unwittingly been entangled in a vast conspiracy.

Had it not been for Sherry's abnormal condition, he might never have recognized his involvement in such a sinister plot.

"Alright, I now believe what you've told me is true. So, how exactly can I help Sherry? If she can stand with us, the likelihood of our plan's success will be much greater." 

Ethan was no longer interested in additional information; his focus was solely on finding a way to save Sherry.

The Shadow Elf, without hesitation, shared what he believed to be a viable solution.

"Since Sherry is suffering from the corruption of the Power of Shadow, we just need to use a force that is completely opposite in nature to purify it. You possess the Primordial Light, don't you? Using it should awaken Sherry."

This response, however, only added to Ethan's confusion.

He had already attempted using the Primordial Light, but it hadn't succeeded in waking Sherry.

He was well aware that the Primordial Light and the Power of Shadow were diametrically opposed in nature.

"Your suggestion doesn't work; I've already tried it. Do you have any other methods? If not, I must return to the Shadow clan's territory," Ethan said, his tone reflecting a mix of frustration and urgency.

"Perhaps the members of the Shadow clan might have some other ideas. If you can't help, then I have no choice but to head to the Shadow clan's Valhalla. I must find a way to save Sherry from them."

Ethan's response left the Shadow Elf somewhat surprised.

His understanding of the Primordial Light was more profound than Ethan's.

He was acutely aware that the Primordial Light should be capable of significantly impacting any force belonging to Second-generation Deities.

If Ethan had indeed used the Primordial Light, even the God of Shadow shouldn't be able to continue corrupting Sherry.

After pondering for a moment, the Shadow Elf admitted his lack of alternatives.

"Perhaps your only option now is to return to the Shadow clan's territory. I have shared all the information I possess with you, and I only know of using the Primordial Light to awaken Sherry."

"I am baffled as to why the Primordial Light didn't work. Could it be that some other, more powerful force is keeping Sherry in her slumber?" 

He mused, his tone tinged with confusion.

"Even the God of Shadow himself should fear the Primordial Light. May I join you in your quest? I feel I am soon to face great danger myself."

The Shadow Elf believed that accompanying Ethan was the only way to ensure his own safety, sensing that the entity corrupting Sherry possessed overwhelming power.

Ethan did not object to the Shadow Elf's desire to join him.

He saw the potential benefits – the Shadow Elf could provide additional information and help discern the truthfulness of what the Shadow clan members might say.

"You can join me," Ethan agreed, "but you must follow my instructions.

And if you think of any information, you must share it with me immediately."

Faced with Ethan's request, the Shadow Elf readily agreed.

After all, encountering a powerful being like Ethan was a rare occurrence, and the Shadow Elf knew it would be a long time before he met another of Ethan's caliber.

"There's no problem at all; I can follow your instructions. Moreover, I assure you I won't interfere with your actions. I will only provide assistance," the Shadow Elf responded with a sense of earnest commitment.

Having reached an agreement with the Shadow Elf, Ethan promptly returned to the Shadow clan's territory at the greatest speed.

Upon his arrival, he found several of the Shadow clan's elders in a state of anxious deliberation.

They seemed to be discussing something of great importance, constantly scanning their surroundings with vigilance, as though deeply concerned about their conversation being overheard.

Moreover, throughout their discussions, one name was repeatedly mentioned with a tone of urgency: Ethan.

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