Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 422 420-The Battle of Speed

Chapter 422 420-The Battle of Speed

In this very moment, Ethan sensed the Unicorn Venomous Serpent once again lunging toward him. 

Ethan didn't dare to underestimate the situation this time. 

He swiftly dodged to evade the serpent's attack, narrowly escaping its strike. 

However, what Ethan didn't expect was that the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's assault was far from over. 

This time, it didn't manage to sink its fangs into Ethan, but without hesitation, it changed its attack strategy and charged directly at him head-on.

This was the first time Ethan had witnessed a Venomous Serpent using such an aggressive technique, using its head as a battering ram. 

It was a surprising and unconventional move that momentarily caught Ethan off guard. 

However, upon reflection, Ethan began to understand the serpent's approach. 

This particular creature was distinct from other Venomous Serpents, featuring a horn on its head, which explained its unique method of attack.

Previously, Ethan hadn't anticipated that this Unicorn Venomous Serpent would employ such a tactic, directly ramming him with its horned head. 

For a moment, Ethan was slightly unprepared and narrowly avoided being struck by the head of the serpent. 

Nonetheless, Ethan's swift reflexes, combined with his extensive combat experience accumulated over time, allowed him to evade the serpent's attack successfully.

However, this close call served as a stark reminder to Ethan that he needed to be exceptionally cautious. 

The Unicorn Venomous Serpent possessed incredible speed and an ever-changing array of attack strategies that caught him off guard. 

Ethan couldn't afford to let his guard down even for an instant.

Ethan was well aware that this Unicorn Venomous Serpent would prove to be a formidable and challenging opponent. 

He couldn't afford to be overconfident at this juncture and needed to remain vigilant.

Just as Ethan was contemplating this, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent charged at him once again. 

This time, Ethan had learned from his previous encounter and anticipated the serpent's move. 

He was better prepared, and it was clear that he wouldn't be caught off guard as he had been before.

With this newfound preparedness, Ethan gracefully evaded the serpent's attack. 

His strength was undeniable, and he held the upper hand when it came to speed. 

After absorbing the energy sealed within the stone he had found earlier, Ethan's abilities had once again surged, significantly boosting his speed. 

In this prepared state, Ethan's speed surpassed that of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent.

However, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that he was constantly on the defensive. 

To onlookers, it might appear that Ethan was at a disadvantage, but in terms of sheer power, he outmatched the Unicorn Venomous Serpent by far.

Ethan recognized the need to shift from a passive to an active stance. 

He needed to quickly change the current situation, even though he hadn't truly been at a disadvantage. 

Ethan preferred to be in control rather than fighting defensively.

Fortunately, Ethan's strength far exceeded that of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, making it relatively easy for him to alter the course of the battle. 

Seizing an opportunity, Ethan aimed a powerful punch directly at the Unicorn Venomous Serpent.

Ethan's punch was lightning-fast, catching the Unicorn Venomous Serpent off guard. 

The serpent seemed momentarily surprised by Ethan's sudden counterattack. 

However, being a creature of remarkable speed, it quickly evaded Ethan's strike.

Ethan couldn't help but be amazed at the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's swift reaction. 

It was evident that this creature possessed extraordinary strength, particularly in terms of its astonishing attack speed.

Nevertheless, Ethan had a follow-up plan. 

Without missing a beat, he followed his missed punch with a powerful kick. 

Seizing the moment before the Unicorn Venomous Serpent could react, Ethan's foot made contact with the serpent's slippery body. 

It was like kicking a slippery fish; the attack lacked the desired impact and didn't inflict significant harm on the creature.

Nonetheless, even though the kick didn't cause severe damage, it still sent the Unicorn Venomous Serpent tumbling in pain. 

The creature rolled away from Ethan, creating some distance between them before coming to a stop.

At this juncture, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent had recognized Ethan's strength. 

It understood that taking a hit from Ethan was a potentially life-threatening ordeal. 

Consequently, the serpent refrained from launching another reckless attack. 

Instead, it maintained a cautious distance from Ethan, adopting a standoffish posture, as if biding its time for the right moment to strike again.

Seeing that the Unicorn Venomous Serpent refrained from attacking, Ethan didn't rush into action either. 

The brief exchange they had just shared had provided insufficient insight into the full extent of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's capabilities. 

Ethan remained uncertain about whether the serpent had any hidden tricks up its sleeve. Thus, he chose not to initiate an attack prematurely.

Since the Unicorn Venomous Serpent showed no inclination to strike, Ethan remained patient. 

The two of them stood there, engaged in a standoff, as if challenging each other's endurance.

In this current situation, both Ethan and the Unicorn Venomous Serpent possessed considerable strength. 

They were locked in a tense standoff, where acting impulsively could prove detrimental. 

Initiating an attack prematurely made it easier for the opponent to exploit weaknesses. 

However, those who exercised patience and composure had a greater chance of seizing an advantageous moment when the adversary made the first move.

Ethan's wealth of combat experience had taught him the value of patience in such situations. 

He knew that waiting for the right moment was often the key to victory. 

However, it became apparent that the Unicorn Venomous Serpent lacked Ethan's patience. 

After a period of tense stalemate, the serpent succumbed to impatience and launched an attack against Ethan.

This was the opportunity Ethan had been waiting for. 

As he saw the Unicorn Venomous Serpent moving in, he swiftly dodged its attack and retaliated with a powerful palm strike to the serpent's body.

It must be acknowledged that the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's movements were incredibly swift. 

Ethan's punch had only landed on the serpent's tail, much like his previous kick, resulting in a rather ineffectual impact. 

Nonetheless, even though the strike was not as devastating as anticipated, Ethan could sense the serpent's pain. 

After taking the punch, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent swiftly retreated, avoiding further engagement, and chose to create some distance for another standoff.

This time, the Unicorn Venomous Serpent seemed to have learned its lesson. 

It stood not far from Ethan, maintaining a cautious stance and refraining from launching another preemptive attack. 

During the previous encounter, it had been the aggressor and had fallen prey to Ethan's counterattack. 

Clearly, the serpent was still reeling from the pain inflicted by Ethan's punch and had decided not to seek further confrontation.

Although Ethan's punches and kicks had been less effective due to the slippery nature of the Unicorn Venomous Serpent's body, his formidable strength was undeniable. 

The blows had left an impact on the creature, and it had felt the pain.

Seeing that the Unicorn Venomous Serpent had grown wiser and was avoiding further aggression, Ethan decided not to prolong the confrontation. 

He had other priorities, and he didn't want to waste any more time. 

Ethan opted for a swift resolution, determined to put an end to this encounter with the Unicorn Venomous Serpent.

At this moment, Ethan didn't hesitate any longer. 

He threw a punch directly at the Unicorn Venomous Serpent. 

The serpent, clearly wary of Ethan by now, swiftly evaded as it saw Ethan's fist approaching. 

Ethan had gained an understanding of the serpent's speed and had anticipated its evasive maneuvers. 

Without wasting a moment, he followed up with a second punch.

Ethan's second punch was equally swift, and the Unicorn Venomous Serpent, now well aware of Ethan's speed, dodged rapidly, leaving no room for delay, as if afraid of being struck by Ethan's fist or foot once more.

It seemed that this time the Unicorn Venomous Serpent had learned its lesson. 

Previously, it likely hadn't encountered formidable opponents and had mostly preyed on other creatures. 

Its lack of battle experience had been evident, and it couldn't compare to Ethan in terms of combat proficiency.

However, even though the Unicorn Venomous Serpent had grown wiser, it still couldn't match Ethan's strength. 

Ethan didn't regard it as a significant threat.

Ethan was determined to finish off the Unicorn Venomous Serpent with a final blow. 

Unexpectedly, the serpent managed to escape once again, putting some distance between itself and Ethan, avoiding further confrontation.

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