Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 414 412-The Stones General

Chapter 414 412-The Stones General

Since there was no other way to deal with these stone animals and stone men except to shatter them one by one, Ethan had no choice but to patiently continue his assault. 

At this moment, his options were limited, and all he could do was press on with the battle. 

Yet, battling these stone men and stone animals in this manner was becoming rather monotonous.

Ethan proceeded to tackle these stone men and stone animals one by one. 

Soon, the fallen creatures piled up in the narrow passage like a small mountain, nearly blocking the entire path.

Seeing this situation, Ethan quickly retreated, running back quite a distance. 

After all, if these fallen stone men and stone animals managed to completely block the path, he would have to clear a new path for himself, which he wanted to avoid at all costs. 

Ethan had no intention of adding unnecessary labor to his already demanding journey.

After retreating a fair distance, the stone men and stone animals followed Ethan. He once again entered his harvesting mode.

Ethan found it relatively easy to defeat these stone men and stone animals. 

His strength was undeniable, and while these creatures were incredibly resilient, they posed no real threat to him in battle. 

In fact, they couldn't even withstand a single strike from Ethan. 

He could easily take down one with a single blow.

The only real challenge posed by these stone men and stone animals was their sheer numbers. 

This was the sole factor that could potentially trouble Ethan in this situation.

However, this wasn't really a problem at all. 

While the numbers of these stone men and stone animals were formidable, Ethan believed that clearing them all was merely a matter of time. 

After all, dealing with these stone men and stone animals was akin to harvesting vegetables for Ethan, with no real resistance involved. 

It was a one-sided slaughter, and as long as Ethan had enough patience and was willing to invest some time, he knew he would eventually eliminate all these stone men and stone animals.

After battling for an extended period, the stone men and stone animals in front of Ethan gradually dwindled in number. 

He could see that he was on the verge of completely clearing them all.

Ethan couldn't help but feel elated. 

Once he had wiped out these stone men and stone animals, he could continue his quest to find the treasure. 

So, at that moment, he decided to push through and eradicate the remaining stone men and stone animals.

Ethan fought on, strategically retreating and taking down wave after wave of stone men and stone animals, piling them up in the narrow passage. 

Finally, Ethan managed to defeat every single stone man and stone animal before him. 

There was not a single moving stone creature left in his sight. Ethan breathed a sigh of relief. 

He had successfully cleared out all of these numerous stone men and stone animals.

Having battled so many stone men and stone animals, Ethan's shoulders were sore. 

He took a brief rest before continuing forward. 

Now, the area that had previously been crowded with stone men and stone animals standing in formation appeared spacious and empty. 

The contrast was striking, and the once bustling passage now felt deserted.

With the stone men and animals no longer obstructing his view, Ethan immediately noticed a stone table on the other side of the chamber. 

He surmised that the treasure he sought must be atop that table. 

Excited by this thought, Ethan quickened his pace towards the table. 

However, after only a few steps, he suddenly heard the sound of stone scraping against stone underfoot.

The sound instantly sent a shiver down Ethan's spine. 

He had heard this very noise when the stone men and animals had first come to life. 

Hearing it again, the ominous "grating" of stone, Ethan realized that something else was about to happen. 

Clearly, the mechanisms in this chamber were not limited to the stone creatures he had just battled. 

It seemed there were other safeguards in place to protect the treasure.

With this in mind, Ethan clenched his fists, readying himself for further combat. 

Just then, a loud noise erupted from beneath his feet, and he quickly looked down to see the stone floor beginning to shake violently.


Ethan's instincts screamed, and he hastily retreated. 

He hadn't moved far when he saw a small door open up in the floor ahead of him, from which a stone man leaped out, landing right in front of him.

This stone man startled Ethan. 

It was distinctly different from the ones he had encountered before. 

Not only did it look different, but it also seemed far stronger than the previous stone men and animals.

Ethan also noticed something distinctly different about this stone man: its attire. 

Unlike the previous stone men, this one was garbed in what appeared to be the ancient attire of a general. 

It was clear to Ethan that this was a Stone General.

Given its title, it made sense that the Stone General would be stronger than the other stone men and animals Ethan had encountered earlier. 

Observing the Stone General, Ethan braced himself for a battle against a much more formidable opponent. 

This Stone General, with its imposing presence and the aura of strength it exuded, was evidently far superior to the previous adversaries.

Ethan could feel the powerful aura emanating from the Stone General, preparing himself for what he anticipated would be a challenging fight. 

The prospect of battling an ancient Stone General excited Ethan; he was certain that such a foe would possess considerable combat prowess.

Ethan understood that the strength of this Stone General was incomparable to the other stone men and animals he had faced. 

His interest in this new opponent grew; he was eager for a real, exhilarating fight with the Stone General.

Previously, although Ethan had been continuously engaged in battle with the stone animals and men, those encounters had not been particularly satisfying. 

The stone creatures, despite their durability and overwhelming numbers, lacked real strength, making the battles more tedious than thrilling.

For Ethan, these fights had been somewhat dull and unfulfilling, a mere expenditure of time and energy.

But this time, upon seeing the Stone General, Ethan's interest was piqued. 

He wanted to engage in a serious battle with this formidable opponent. 

Just as this thought crossed his mind, and before Ethan could make his move, the Stone General unexpectedly initiated the attack.

The Stone General moved with astonishing speed, so fast that Ethan barely had time to register what was happening. 

In an instant, the Stone General was upon him, swinging a fist that resembled a massive stone hammer, hurtling through the air towards Ethan. 

Reacting swiftly, Ethan dodged, narrowly avoiding the Stone General's powerful strike.

The Stone General's punch had been alarmingly sudden. Without any warning, the General had launched into the attack, giving Ethan hardly any time to react. 

Had it not been for Ethan's quick reflexes, that formidable punch might have struck him directly in the head.

The Stone General's fist, akin to a colossal stone mallet, would have had devastating consequences had it connected with Ethan. 

Even Ethan couldn't help but feel a surge of apprehension at the thought of what might have happened.

Fortunately, Ethan's agility allowed him to evade the Stone General's attack. 

He hadn't expected the Stone General to be so devoid of chivalry, to attack without so much as a warning. 

As Ethan's mind raced with thoughts, the Stone General launched another swift punch in his direction.

Here it comes again!

This time, Ethan didn't dare to be careless. 

He quickly dodged, narrowly evading the Stone General's incoming fist once more. 

The Stone General's attack was incredibly fast, a stark contrast to the earlier, more ordinary stone men. 

Its agility seemed almost unnatural for a being made of stone, resembling a real person in its fluidity. 

Every joint and movement was remarkably flexible, making the Stone General a formidable opponent. This realization only heightened Ethan's excitement.

After successfully dodging the Stone General's attack, Ethan noticed that his adversary didn't pause for even a moment before launching another aggressive assault. 

This time, however, Ethan decided not to keep dodging. 

Instead, he chose to confront the Stone General head-on, eager to test the hardness of the General's fist with his own.

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