Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 412 410-Opening the Stone Door

Chapter 412 410-Opening the Stone Door

Ethan embarked on a quest around the mysterious stone door. 

It didn't take long for his perseverance to bear fruit. He stumbled upon an intriguing discovery: a stone platform. 

This wasn't just any ordinary assembly of rocks; it was carved out from a single block of stone, identical in material to the stone door, even the patterns were strikingly similar. 

It was evident to Ethan that both the door and the platform were crafted by the same hands.

Convinced of the connection between the two, Ethan surmised that this stone platform must be integral in unlocking the stone door. 

This realization filled him with an unparalleled excitement, as he began a meticulous search over the platform. 

After a short while, his efforts were rewarded. 

Ethan noticed a circular, protruding stone hidden in a discreet corner on the back of the platform.

Smaller than the palm of a hand, Ethan grasped the stone and twisted. 

To his amazement, the stone budged, rotating under his grip. 

This discovery sent a surge of excitement through him. 

He continued to turn the stone with more force, and it responded with a series of 'clanking' sounds, as if triggering some mechanism within.

Following these sounds, a loud noise echoed from the direction of the stone door.

It had opened!

Ethan's heart raced with excitement, affirming his belief that he had indeed succeeded. 

With a surge of exhilaration, he dashed towards the stone door. 

Upon his arrival, Ethan was greeted by the sight of the door, now ajar, revealing whatever secrets lay beyond.

The stone door was colossal, carved from a single massive rock. 

Ethan marveled at how the people of ancient times managed to transport such an enormous boulder to this spot. 

It was evident that creating this door must have taken extraordinary effort and ingenuity.

At that moment, Ethan peered into the darkness beyond the door, clueless about what lay inside. 

Taking a deep breath, he lit a torch and stepped into the stone doorway.

Once inside, Ethan discovered a staircase leading downward into the earth. 

The path extended below, and he followed the stairs for a considerable time until he reached their end, where a dark, narrow corridor lay ahead.

This corridor stretched on, its end out of sight. 

Illuminated by the torchlight, Ethan observed that its walls were constructed from huge stone slabs, seemingly of the same material as the stone door, likely sourced from the same location.

On these walls were numerous murals, their meanings elusive to Ethan. 

These ancient paintings held a cryptic allure. 

Driven by curiosity, he leaned closer for a better look but, after a lengthy examination, remained puzzled by their content. 

Eventually, Ethan decided not to dwell on them any longer.

He continued along the corridor, which seemed to stretch endlessly. 

After a long trek, Ethan finally reached the end of the passageway and entered a vast stone chamber.

The stone chamber was a perfect square, vast in size, resembling an enormous underground hall. 

Within it, numerous stone figures and statues of wild beasts were arranged. 

Ethan, upon witnessing such a sight, was filled with curiosity and wonder. 

He couldn't fathom why there were so many of these stone sculptures in this place.

As he gazed upon these statues, Ethan felt an eerie sense of unease. 

Among them were stone men and stone animals. 

The stone men, each bearing a ferocious and intimidating visage, seemed like malevolent spirits or demons, not to be trifled with. 

Their fierce appearances alone were enough for Ethan to surmise that these stone figures were not embodiments of anything benevolent.

The stone animals were even more bizarre. Each had a unique and unfamiliar form, the likes of which Ethan had never seen or heard of before. 

It was unclear whether these creatures were from an ancient past or simply born from the sculptor's imagination. 

These animals, with their odd and terrifying features, appeared formidable. 

If they indeed were representations of creatures from ancient times, then they must have been fearsome beings.

These stone statues stood in formation as if arrayed for a parade. 

It was unknown who had placed them there or for what purpose. 

The flickering flames of the torches cast their light upon these neatly arranged stone men and animals, endowing them with a solemn and majestic air. 

Their shadows danced with the flame, creating an ominous and terrifying spectacle.

Ethan gazed upon the peculiar stone men and animals, finding himself at a crossroads of uncertainty. 

Doubts plagued his mind on whether to proceed or not. 

The presence of these stone figures here was so bizarre and inexplicable that Ethan couldn't decipher why they were there. 

Advancing heedlessly might lead to unforeseen dangers.

At this moment, Ethan was truly perplexed. 

He could sense that these stone entities were not mere ornaments; they held a purpose, ominous and unknown. 

Without understanding their true nature and function, moving forward was a gamble that could invite peril. 

Thus, Ethan knew he had to tread with utmost caution and vigilance.

However, Ethan had already journeyed this far. 

He stood at the end of a long, narrow underground passage, possibly just steps away from a treasure. 

The thought of being so close yet having to turn back without the prize was inconceivable to him. 

To abandon the quest at this juncture would mean all his prior efforts and searches were in vain, a prospect Ethan was not willing to entertain.

After pondering for a brief moment, Ethan decided to move forward. 

Having come this far, giving up was not an option for him. 

Ethan was not one to surrender easily, regardless of the challenges or obstacles that lay ahead. 

His resolve was firm; no difficulty or hindrance would deter him from his chosen path.

At this moment, Ethan knew he had to exercise extreme caution. 

The true nature of the stone men and animals remained a mystery, and any potential danger they posed was an unthinkable risk. 

Even for a master of his caliber, facing the unknown warranted heightened vigilance.

As Ethan continued forward, he had barely taken a few steps when a faint creaking and squeaking sound reached his ears. 

The noise was subtle, yet Ethan's acute senses picked it up effortlessly.

Hearing this, Ethan immediately halted, scrutinizing his surroundings carefully. 

Despite his thorough inspection, he couldn't discern any abnormalities. This puzzled Ethan. 

He was certain he had heard something. 

His senses were exceptionally sharp, and he had great confidence in his hearing. 

Ethan was sure the sound was not a figment of his imagination; something had indeed made a noise. 

Yet, what it was and where it came from remained elusive, deepening the mystery.

After a moment of vigilance, ensuring nothing out of the ordinary was imminent, Ethan resumed his advance. 

Barely a few steps later, another sound reached his ears. 

This time, Ethan discerned it clearly: the sound of stone scraping against stone, faint but unmistakable, and then it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

Hearing this sound, Ethan felt a surge of perplexity. 

Although the chamber was filled with numerous stone men and animals, these figures were inanimate, incapable of movement. 

So, from whence did this sound of stone originate? 

Under normal circumstances, the sound of stone scraping would hardly be cause for alarm, and Ethan wouldn't have given it a second thought. 

However, in this place, devoid of any other living soul, human or animal, the occurrence of such a sound was downright bizarre.

Ethan had already surmised that there was more to this stone chamber than met the eye. 

It was far from the simple room it appeared to be on the surface. 

At this point, Ethan ceased his forward movement and instead focused on meticulously observing his surroundings.

This pause was not out of fear, for fear was a stranger to Ethan. 

Rather, it was the sheer oddity of the situation that demanded caution. 

Ethan had always been unflinching in the face of tangible adversaries, but now, he didn't even know what or who he was up against. 

In such circumstances, extreme caution was imperative.

As Ethan attentively monitored the chamber, the faint sound resurfaced, growing louder and more pronounced. 

Soon, the "click-clack" of stone against stone echoed all around him. 

The sound rapidly filled the chamber, resonating from every direction, flooding Ethan's ears. 

A sense of foreboding gripped him, as he realized he was likely facing a new, unforeseen situation.

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