Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 395 393-Continuing the Journey

Chapter 395 393-Continuing the Journey

However, just as Dart was about to strike, Ethan swiftly intercepted him.

A hint of vigilance and determination shone in Ethan's eyes, as if he had anticipated Dart's use of forbidden arts.

Ethan easily blocked Dart's attack, their palm and fist colliding with a dull thud.

The immense force of the impact numbed Dart's arm, forcing him to stagger back several steps.

Ethan looked coldly at Dart, his voice filled with authority and warning:

"You really don't understand the rules."

Frustration and resentment appeared on Dart's face as he clenched his teeth, attempting to launch another attack.

However, Ethan was already prepared. His fists struck Dart's body with lightning speed.

Dart groaned in pain, unable to withstand Ethan's heavy blows.

Ethan forcefully grasped Dart's throat, disdainfully saying:

"What are you? With such little strength, you think you can stir up a storm in the Shadow Clan? Go and stay out of the way."

With that, Ethan tossed Dart aside like trash.

Due to the High Priest's presence in Valhalla, Ethan was reluctant to spill the blood of a Shadow Clan member.

Sherry, feeling a stir in her heart, pursed her lips and picked up the Dark Dominator.

Her hand trembled as she slowly reached for it.

She could feel the power emanating from the darkness, a force both mighty and mysterious, as if it could devour everything.

As her fingertips touched the Dark Dominator, a chill instantly spread from her fingertips throughout her body.

She felt as though she was being enveloped by darkness, unable to free herself.

However, Sherry did not recoil.

She took a deep breath and firmly grasped the Dark Dominator.

She could feel its icy touch, like shaking hands with a ruthless demon.

Suddenly, a surge of dark light erupted from the Dark Dominator, enveloping Sherry entirely.

She felt her body being permeated by dark forces, merging with the Dark Dominator as if they were one.

Under the influence of this dark power, Sherry's body underwent miraculous changes.

Her skin turned pale as paper, and her eyes became deep and shadowy.

Black nails grew on her fingers, resembling claws from hell.

At the same time, Sherry felt her own power growing continuously.

She could sense the strength bestowed upon her by the Dark Dominator, a power unparalleled, filling her with immense strength and confidence.

Just then, an ancient voice emanated from the Dark Dominator: "You have earned my approval, Sherry. From now on, you shall be my emissary, conquering this world for me."

Ethan, observing Sherry's transformation, felt slightly uneasy:

"What's happening to Sherry?"

The High Priest, almost moved to tears, spoke with a trembling voice:

"Her body is undergoing a transformation to darkness, Sherry has been approved by the Dark Dominator..."

Being recognized by a divine artifact, does it change one's body?

Ethan was unclear about this, but recalling Luther, who also received approval from a divine artifact, he noted that Luther wasn't assimilated by his sword.

Ethan didn't quite understand Sherry's current state, after all, he had never been recognized by a divine artifact himself.

Sherry suddenly opened her eyes, the glow within them distinctly black, yet Ethan saw everything clearly.

"Fellow members, from today onwards, I am the High Priest of the Shadow Clan."

Naturally, the rebel forces did not recognize Sherry, but the Shadow Clan members beside the High Priest all knelt on the ground, bowing deeply:

"We welcome the High Priest."

In this moment, Sherry appeared exceptionally cold. She looked icily at the rebels: "Why do you not bow?"

Monroe's eyes flickered as he observed Dart's miserable state, his expression conflicted:

"We welcome the High Priest..."

Though reluctant, he could only bow to Sherry.

Seeing this, the rebels, lacking a leader with Dart severely injured and unconscious, had no choice but to kneel, hoping to avoid punishment.

With the Dark Dominator in her grasp, managing the affairs of the Shadow Clan became much simpler for Sherry.

As for Dart, Monroe, and other leaders of the Shadow Clan's rebels, Sherry banished them from the clan.

Ethan suggested executing them, especially Dart, whose ambition posed a future threat to Sherry.

However, Sherry was unwilling to take such drastic measures and chose only to expel Dart and the others.

Ethan, watching Dart leave with a flame of vengeance in his eyes, knew that Dart's continued existence would bring trouble to Sherry.

To prevent another situation like Dart's from arising among her people,

Sherry issued a decree.

She allowed clan members to leave the Shadow Forest, but they were strictly forbidden from revealing the existence of the Shadow Forest while outside.

Members of the Shadow Clan carry fragments of the Rule of Shadow in their bodies, making them offspring of darkness.

Many powerful beings associated with darkness relish hunting members of the Shadow Clan.

If the location of the Shadow Forest or their encampment is revealed by Shadow Clan members outside, it could bring catastrophic consequences to the clan.

This was the reason the previous High Priest forbade the clan members from leaving.

Now, this policy has been overturned by Sherry.

Ethan was skeptical of this decision.

After all, not every member of the Shadow Clan is unyielding. 

If even one weaker individual is captured by a dark power and divulges information about the Shadow Forest, it could bring another storm of bloodshed to the clan.

However, Ethan did not interfere. After resting for three days in the Shadow Clan, he prepared to set off on his journey again.

He said his farewells to Sherry once more.

Her skin was pale as snow, radiating a mysterious glow. Her eyes were deep and shadowy, as if they could peer into one's soul.

Her long hair was as black as raven feathers, cascading over her shoulders. 

Each strand shimmered with a faint blue light, imparting an incredible aura.

Sherry wore a black priestess's robe, adorned with complex runes and patterns that twinkled with a mystical light. 

The sleeves of the robe were wide and loose, fluttering gently with her movements.

Around her neck, she wore a necklace of black pearls, each emitting a subtle dark aura. 

At the center of the necklace was a large obsidian stone, seemingly harboring endless power within.

Sherry's fingers were slender and delicate, adorned with a black ring on her fingertip. 

The ring was engraved with ancient runes, emanating a mysterious power.

Her entire being exuded a cold and authoritative aura, almost too daunting to look at directly.

She was the High Priest of the Shadow Clan, possessing immense dark power and an object of reverence in the hearts of many.

The Sherry now was far from the smaller, endearing woman Ethan had first met.

"Sigh," Ethan felt a tinge of melancholy in his heart, smiling faintly as he looked at Sherry, "Are you doing alright?"

A smile spread across Sherry's face, softening her previously icy expression:

"I'm fine."

"I have to go..."

Sherry's smile froze for a moment, then she pursed her lips and said:

"Can you stay with me for one more day?"

Initially wanting to refuse, Ethan, seeing Sherry's lonely expression, found it hard to say no:

"I... can... stay."

Sherry and Ethan walked through the narrow paths of the Shadow Forest, the sunlight filtering through sparse leaves, casting mottled shadows on them.

Their faces were lit with excited smiles, as if returning to a carefree time from the past.

Hand in hand, they stepped on the thick layer of fallen leaves, creating a rustling sound.

Their footsteps echoed in the silent forest, intertwining with the singing of birds, forming a cheerful symphony.

Their eyes sparkled with curiosity as they looked around, searching for the secrets hidden deep in the woods.

Sherry suddenly halted, pointing towards a dense thicket ahead, and said with a smile, "Ethan, look over there, a little bird!"

Ethan followed her pointing finger and saw a small, vibrantly colored bird hopping about in the bushes. 

Its feathers glistened in the sunlight, shining like a splendid gem.

The two of them tiptoed closer to the thicket, trying not to disturb the beautiful bird.

They crouched down, hands clasped together, gazing intently at the little bird. 

It seemed to sense their gaze, paused its hopping, and turned to look at them.

Its eyes were bright and alert, as if questioning their presence there.

Sherry and Ethan exchanged a knowing smile.

They understood that the bird wasn't afraid of them but was rather curious.

So, they started gently tapping their fingers against their palms, mimicking the bird's chirping sounds.

The bird seemed to understand their invitation and gently flew in front of them, perching on a branch.

Sherry and Ethan carefully extended their hands, softly touching the bird's tender feathers.

The bird didn't shy away but instead closed its eyes comfortably, enjoying the warm caress.

Their faces lit up with contented smiles, as if rediscovering a pure joy from the past.

As night fell, they lay on the grass. Suddenly, Sherry pressed her lips against Ethan's:

"Before you leave, can you leave me with a beautiful memory?"

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