Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 348 346-Abundant Harvest

Chapter 348 346-Abundant Harvest

The third item was quite peculiar - a dagger sheath. 

The sheath, crafted from a hard type of bronze, bore exquisite patterns on its surface, exuding an ancient and mysterious aura. 

The intricate yet harmonious designs seemed to embody a mystical power bestowed by nature itself. 

Its clasp was made of a shiny gold metal, glittering brilliantly. 

This sheath fused a sense of antiquity with freshness in a complex manner.

Ethan felt that this item, like the previous two, must be extraordinary.

Stepping out of the Space Ring, Ethan held the three items in his hand. 

Bogart had not disclosed the origin of the Space Ring to Ethan. 

After all, Bogart himself had only a little knowledge about its secrets and couldn't clarify further, so he chose to stay silent.

Ethan held up the golden bone shard before Bogart: "Do you recognize this?"

Bogart took the shard in his hand, feeling its smooth texture: "Hisss – this appears to be a fragment of an Elder Deity's skull. Fernard indeed had extraordinary luck to acquire such a divine object."

"Elder Deity?" Ethan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, Elder Deities are even more ancient than ancient deities. They coexisted with ancient deities in the same era. Each Elder Deity is unique and rare... to have a fragment of their remains is unimaginable."

Bogart's eyes were filled with shock. 

He tried to decipher the patterns on the Elder Deity fragment, but even with his extensive knowledge, he couldn't do it.

"How is this used?" Ethan asked.

Bogart shook his head again, handing the fragment back to Ethan: "I don't know, you'll have to figure it out yourself."

"Alright," Ethan said, putting the fragment back into the World Ring and taking out the second item, the green Jade Scroll.

Bogart's face showed difficulty as he looked at the Jade Scroll, seemingly overwhelmed: "This item likely dates back to the ancient era, probably from the time of the ancient deities."

"What is its purpose?" 

"I speculate that the Jade Scroll was used for recording information. After the era of the ancient deities, numerous races began to flourish on the continent. Back then, we used parchment or paper for recording information, making Jade Scrolls rare and uncommon."

Bogart's eyes shimmered as he tried to probe the Jade Scroll with his Power of Soul, but to no avail. 

Ethan, undeterred, put the Jade Scroll away and brought out the third item – the mysterious dagger sheath.

"..." Bogart, holding the sheath, was at a loss for words. 

As a follower of the God of Wraith, who had traveled across various planes, his knowledge was as vast as the ocean. 

Yet today, he found himself unable to elucidate the origins of the three items Ethan had presented. 

His title as a scholar of the Wraith Cult seemed insufficient.

"I... I haven't seen this before. However, it looks more like a sealing item. Be careful when studying it."

Ethan, filled with curiosity, twirled the sheath in his hand: "Interesting. What background does Fernard have to be so fortunate, to find so many great items? Too bad for him, they all ended up benefiting me."

While unsure of how to use these items, each one was exceptional. Ethan's smile was broad and radiant.

Bogart also agreed with Ethan's sentiment, musing: "Fernard indeed had good fortune, even finding the Grip of the Underworld from somewhere unknown."

"I'm actually looking forward to encountering Fernard again. He's sure to bring more wonderful things my way." 


Ethan meticulously organized his spoils of war and continued his training atop the temple. 

His focus was on mastering the arcane secrets of the Wraith Cult from the Library. 

These were essential learnings for every custodian of the Wraith Cult.

Bogart spent each day by Ethan's side, watching him study with a mix of awe and trepidation. 

Ethan would rapidly skim through scrolls or books, then swiftly move to the next. 

Bogart couldn't help but wonder if Ethan was truly absorbing the knowledge.

Once, he decided to test Ethan. 

He chose some obscure pieces of information, yet Ethan responded correctly to each query. 

After that, Bogart ceased to interfere with Ethan's studies.

Thus, Ethan delved deeply into the ocean of knowledge. 

In the temple, time seemed to stand still as he immersed himself entirely in learning. 

Before long, he systematically evaluated his entire being, reestablishing the foundation of his cultivation.

As he read and learned, Ethan underwent a profound transformation. 

His body started to emit a strong, radiant light, dazzling like the sun and impossible to gaze upon directly.

With the passage of time, this luminescence grew ever more intense, illuminating the entire temple. 

The ghastly green light of the altar was completely overshadowed by the brilliance emanating from Ethan's body.

Simultaneously, Ethan's physique underwent significant changes. 

His muscles became more robust and powerful, his skin unusually smooth, as if enveloped in a mysterious aura. 

His bones and internal organs were greatly fortified, enhancing his vitality remarkably.

His blood surged more vigorously through his body, a relentless force pulsating from within. 

This newfound strength was not just physical; it was a transformation at the very essence of his being, a metamorphosis that heralded a new era in his journey of cultivation.

The Golden Divine Dragon Blood within Ethan underwent a transformation, his blood becoming crystal clear, flowing like mercury, solid and heavy. 

It was then that Ethan felt his body had become a unified whole.

He also sensed a powerful energy surging into his body. 

This energy, akin to a Dragon, weaved through his meridians, continually fortifying his physical form. 

Under its influence, Ethan's body gradually became stronger, eventually reaching a new realm.

Ethan suddenly opened his eyes. 

His gaze was profound, as if encompassing the entire universe, with stars twinkling within, making him seem exceptionally transcendent.

Bogart, with a warm smile in his eyes, moved beside Ethan. 

Standing up, Ethan, feeling an incomparable strength, asked in surprise: "What has happened to me?"

Bogart's lips curled slightly, and he bowed his head respectfully: "Congratulations, my lord. You have finally entered the Cocooning stage."

"Cocooning?" Ethan was somewhat puzzled.

"Yes, to step into the divine realm, one must go through three stages – Cocooning, Metamorphosis, and Divinization. Each stage has a different significance. Cocooning, as its name suggests, is like enveloping oneself in a cocoon, nurturing oneself. During this period, a practitioner's body does not leak any aura and is as one entity, understated yet containing immense power."

At this moment, Ethan quickly checked his status panel.

[Name: Ethan] 

[Strength: 10th-rank (Cocooning)] 

[Bloodline: Golden Divine Dragon (Excellent)]

Indeed, the panel had changed, showing an increase in strength to 10th-rank. 

Now, Ethan understood. 

Beyond S-level was the 10th-rank, followed by the 11th-rank, and ultimately, it seemed, the realm of deity.

Bogart continued to enlighten Ethan: "As your cocoon becomes thicker and stronger, there will come a day when you need to break through it, completing the Metamorphosis. At that time, you will need to use the power of Law to tear open the cocoon. If you succeed in this step, you will have achieved Metamorphosis. At this stage, you will shine brightly, revealing your true potential, dazzling like a butterfly. This phase is also the most dangerous period in your cultivation."

"When you have deeply understood and mastered the power of Law, enough to break the chains binding you, you will have achieved Divinization, stepping into the realm of deity, and can be called a demi-deity."

This journey to the Santos Tower indeed had not been in vain. 

This was Ethan's sincerest thought. 

The Wraith Cult had completely supplemented the system within his body, and Bogart, like an encyclopedia, had guided him on how to proceed further. 

Essentially, Ethan would encounter no more difficulties on his path to becoming a deity.

His trip to the Santos Tower had been immensely rewarding.

"Thank you, Dr. Bogart," Ethan bowed slightly to Bogart, "I have benefited greatly from your assistance."

Bogart's mouth fell open, visibly moved, as he quickly helped Ethan to stand. 

Drawing a deep breath, his eyes shone with unprecedented joy: "My lord, all this is but my duty to perform."

Ethan chuckled lightly, shaking his head: "You could have chosen not to involve yourself with me, yet you've been so devoted and helpful. I haven't offered you anything in return, only formal thanks. I owe you."

Bogart was deeply touched, increasingly convinced that Sheimodo had not chosen the wrong person. 

Ethan was the most suitable inheritor for the Wraith Cult. 

He possessed decisive talent, a transcendent temperament – qualities befitting the successor of the Wraith Cult.

Ethan turned his head, looking at the throne formed from skeletons and bones: "My mission here is complete. It's time for me to venture out."

Bogart raised his eyebrows slightly, speaking in a low tone: "A flower grown in a greenhouse, even in full bloom, is merely pleasant to look at. True strength must be gained amidst the harsh winds and storms. My lord, it's time for you to go out into the world."

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