Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 323 321-The Chaos After Becoming Deity

Chapter 323 321-The Chaos After Becoming Deity

King had a clear knack for storytelling, his knowledge of the history of Deityforsaken Land was detailed and profound.

His voice echoed with the solemnity of ancient scriptures:

"Decades of millennia ago, perhaps even longer, people had ventured into the Deityforsaken Land. Some, in their quest for divinity, chose to remain. At first, none sought to erect cities; after all, they were pursuers of power, and to become deities was their sole pursuit."

"Power, wealth, sensual pleasures—they meant nothing to the mighty. They were but dross. However, the path to becoming a deity was arduous, especially so for the corporeal ascent to divinity. Over time, not a single soul achieved this exalted state."

At this juncture, a sneer twisted upon King's face.

Ethan nodded subtly, a quiet ridicule in his gesture.

How ludicrous it was! A heart set on divinity, yet every effort fruitless.

Instead, they wiled away the years in the vast expanse of the Deityforsaken Land.

King pressed on, "Time etched deep marks upon them, and they felt their journey shouldn't be in vain. Thus, by then, there were those who wished to depart the Deityforsaken Land. After all, it was a place rife with danger and ennui, scarcely fit for habitation."

"Time left its indelible marks upon them, convincing them their journey shouldn't be for naught. Hence, some had the desire to leave the Deityforsaken Land. But they found, perhaps due to the prolonged stay within its bounds, that they were marked by divinity and the Rune of Law. So the portals from Deityforsaken Land to the outer realms would not grant them passage."

"Oh?" Ethan couldn't help but interject, "Is that so? Where exactly is this portal located?"

This time, King did not respond; instead, Lana Mokos took the initiative to explain:

"After some time, space rifts appear in the Deityforsaken Land. Those wishing to leave can simply walk through these rifts. There's no fixed location."

Ethan asked with curiosity, "Then how does one ensure they return to their original place?"

"That, I do not know. Perhaps it's one of the secrets of the Deityforsaken Land," Lana Mokos said with a shrug.

"Continue," Ethan nodded and directed his words to King.

"Yes, Master," King bowed slightly towards Ethan and resumed, "Time had left its profound marks upon them, and they felt their journey should not end in futility. Thus, at that time, there were those who wished to leave the Deityforsaken Land. But they discovered, perhaps due to the excessive time spent within, they had been branded with divinity and the Rune of Law. Consequently, the portals leading out of the Deityforsaken Land would not permit them passage."

Ethan almost laughed aloud; the phrase 'to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it' might have been coined for those whose desire to become deities had failed.

Even as Ethan himself walked resolutely forward, determined to reach the realm of deity, he harbored no thoughts of remaining in the Deityforsaken Land.

"At that point, those with no hope of becoming deities in this life began to consider leaving descendants, to pass on their dreams to their progeny. Hence, twelve thousand years ago, most people in the Deityforsaken Land congregated in tribes. Yet a turning point arrived; twelve thousand years prior, there emerged a powerful being of the 11th-rank..."

Ethan interrupted King, "11th-rank? What is that?"

"Master," King replied with a smile, "this is a classification unique to the Deityforsaken Land. It is said that the realm divisions from the outside world do not apply here, hence the emergence of a new set of tiers."

Ethan was intrigued, "Explain in detail."

"In the Deityforsaken Land, our ranks go from 1st-rank to 11th-rank. The first six ranks are equivalent to the lower realm warriors, while the 7th-rank, 8th-rank, and 9th-rank are mid-realm warriors. The 10th-rank and 11th-rank ranks signify high-order warriors."

"Only warriors? There are no mages?"

"That's right. A long time ago, there was a council of 11th-rank warriors who incorporated spiritual cultivation as a key part of the path to deityhood. All Deity Keepers are dual cultivators of strength and soul."

"Those 11th-rank warriors had some foresight."

"You speak truly, Master."

Ethan shrugged, his tone casual, "What rank would you say I am according to the Deityforsaken Land's standards?"

King tilted his head, pondering carefully before responding:

"There's no doubt about your strength, Master, easily capturing me as you did. You should be around the 9th-rank."

Ethan's eyes widened, his facial muscles twitching slightly.

He was only 9th-rank? In the outside world, he was already an S-level warrior, the first under deities.

The next realm was the Divine Realm, yet in the Deityforsaken Land, there were still two ranks above him.

"How powerful is a 10th-rank warrior?" Ethan's curiosity surged, and he felt a rush of excitement.

He wasn't disheartened; he felt that he had found a path for growth.

"10th-rank warriors," King's face lit up with admiration, "are the sort who can traverse the void and shatter mountains with their fists. In City 32, there are only about a dozen of them."

Ethan realized that the most significant difference between 9th-rank and 10th-rank must be the latter's ability to walk through the void.

He wasn't there yet; he needed wings conjured from illusion to soar through the skies.

"And the 11th-rank?" Ethan inquired further.

King pursed his lips, slightly embarrassed, "Master, the 11th-rank stands at the pinnacle of the Deityforsaken Land. I... I have never seen such a being."

Unperturbed by the lack of an answer, Ethan waved his hand slightly, signaling King to continue, "Go on then."

"Very well, Master." King pondered briefly before continuing where he left off: "One hundred and twenty thousand years ago, an 11th-rank warrior suddenly declared a breakthrough, an event that was nothing short of spectacular."

"According to the elders, it was a marvel, monumental."

"On that day, he stood in the midst of a vast field, bathed in sunlight that cast a mystical glow around him. His body began to emit powerful energy fluctuations, and the air around him seemed drawn to his presence, creating a formidable aura."

"Suddenly, his muscles expanded, becoming firm and powerful. His eyes shone with an intense light, as if he could see through everything. A golden halo appeared above his head, reminiscent of a deity descending to the mortal realm. He raised his hands, and a powerful energy burst forth from his palms, tearing the sky apart, forming a colossal rift. The energy around his body grew stronger, as if it had the power to shake the entire world."

"He leapt a thousand meters into the air, his body cutting through the wind, leaving a lightning-like trail behind. With a gentle flick of his fingers, a series of pleasing harp-like notes resonated in the air, with the musical notes dancing as if alive."

"Those notes, carrying a terrifying energy, enveloped him as he vanished into the air..."

Ethan was taken aback by the vividness of King's account but then thought it natural.

That 11th-rank warrior had shattered the spatial fabric of the Deityforsaken Land and soared into the Divine Realm.

Lana Mokos, driven by curiosity, asked, "How come you know these details so precisely, as if you had witnessed them yourself?"

King scratched his head, his cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment, "I've watched the performance at the theater - the saga of the warrior breaking through the heavens to become a deity. I've seen it countless times, so much that I know it by heart."

"Ethan, continue," called King.

"Yes, Master." King sighed deeply, assuming the persona of a storyteller from an era long past, "Alas, the ascension of an 11th-rank warrior to deity did not improve our lives. Instead, it brought endless nightmares."

Ethan and Lana Mokos inhaled sharply, awaiting King's continuation.

"After the breakthrough of the 11th-rank warrior, the Deityforsaken Land was plunged into a cycle of inverted days and nights. A silver moon rose during the day, casting a radiance akin to the sun's. At night, a blood sun emerged, bathing the Deityforsaken Land in a crimson hue."

"Since then, Deityforsaken Land has known no peace. Ghosts and ghouls arose at night, terrorizing the tribes of Deity Keepers."

Ethan and Lana Mokos exchanged glances, both visibly shaken.

The breakthrough of the 11th-rank warrior didn't pave the way to the Divine Realm for the Deity Keepers; it plunged the Deityforsaken Land into turmoil.

Surely something had occurred, perhaps even related to the deity-like 11th-rank warrior.

"Given the severity of the conditions, the various tribes had to band together for warmth, resulting in cities springing up like bamboo after rain. Since the world outside was chaotic, dark, and evil, people longed for a return to order, so each city was named an 'orderly city.' As for the numbering, it was bestowed by the 11th-rank Mighty Conference."

"Master," King bowed slightly toward Ethan, "I have finished my tale."

Ethan pondered the information he had just heard, then posed another question, "What exactly is the 11th-rank Mighty Conference?"

"Every person who remains in the Deityforsaken Land harbors the ultimate wish to ascend to deity. Whenever an 11th-rank warrior emerges in any city, they journey to the Orderly City 0 to engage with other 11th-rank warriors in discourse, seeking the spark of inspiration that will lead to their ascension."

Reasonable, Ethan nodded subtly, now understanding the nature of those who call themselves Deity Keepers.

It seemed they were a collection of deity-obsessed individuals who, upon realizing that ascension was not as simple as they had imagined, turned their desires towards indulgence, power, and even carnal pleasures.

Deity Keepers, Ethan shook his head slightly, finding the notion quite amusing.

At that moment, King halted in his steps, pointing ahead, and proclaimed with clarity, "Master, welcome to Orderly City 32."

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