Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 319 317-Demi-God and Demi-Demon, Phito

Chapter 319 317-Demi-God and Demi-Demon, Phito

Ehan's gaze turned to the crystal flower beside Phito, flickering with enchanting light. 

The Celestial Blossom? Could it be that Daphne was the embodiment of Celestial Blossom?

The thought sent a chill down Ethan's spine, a coldness seeping into his marrow.

Ethan gazed at the Phito before him, suddenly unsure of how to proceed.

According to Phito's own account, Daphne had not yet been brought forth by the wolf.

The dreamscape of Daphne had utterly muddled Ethan's mind.

Celestial Blossom? Phito? And where was Daphne?

In Ethan's mind now loomed three vast question marks.

The days that followed were of stark banality.

For Phito, however, they were days of struggle.

Despite possessing immense power and wisdom, he found himself shackled beside the Celestial Blossom.

He had no freedom to speak of, even though he had transcended the world and become a legend, a Demi-god.

Throughout the years of his confinement, Phito gradually lost contact with the outside world.

Craving interaction with humanity, yearning for adoration and awe, he could only silently observe the world beyond.

His spirit slowly sank into the abyss of agony and solitude, becoming twisted and maniacal.

Ethan even witnessed Phito occasionally lash out at lost lambs and deer that wandered too close, pulverizing them into mist with a single punch.

The Phito that was now shrouded in a thick miasma of violence had murder seeping through his essence.

Even around his eye sockets appeared demon runes, tangled with deity runes.

Phito was on the verge of becoming a monster, both Demi-God and Demi-Demon.

As time passed, Phito grew restless and began to lose his grip on sanity.

He started to suffer hallucinations, hearing imaginary voices and seeing illusory visions. His powers and intellect became uncontrollable, his emotions unpredictable.

At times he wept bitterly; at others, he laughed maniacally...

In his most insane moments, he even mutilated his own flesh.

Yet, each time Phito neared death, the Celestial Blossom would bathe him in its dreamlike radiance, pulling him back from the brink.

The denial of death only fueled Phito's frenzy, intensifying the demonism within him.

The Phito who had been imprisoned too long became mad, his very existence a threat.

His madness seeped into everything around him, spreading destruction and chaos.

He began to emit bursts of violent energy, obliterating anything in his path.

Yet, even in his insanity, a spark of Phito's true nature clung to a sliver of light.

Sometimes, in moments of lucidity, he sensed his own peril and folly.

But such clarity was fleeting, soon smothered by the madness that consumed him.

Until this day.

Outside the Phito Valley, a beam of light surged skyward.

The column of light shone upon Phito, granting a rare moment of clarity amidst his madness.

Surrounded by a miasma of demonism, Phito gestured grandly.

Demon runes attached themselves to a demonic wolf, which, guided by Phito's will, brought the source of the light to him, clasped in its jaws.

Astoundingly, the creature carried an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, its skin milky white, its eyes large and luminous—utterly enchanting.

A smirk played on Ethan's lips—the protagonist had finally arrived.

This must be Daphne, who was certainly no avatar of the Celestial Blossom.

Though this Illusion was tethered to Phito's timeline, the hero's entrance invigorated Ethan's spirit.

With a single punch, Phito turned the wolf to a mist of blood, then held Daphne by one hand before his eyes.

Daphne's gaze was so pure, as clean as a pane of glass.

In it, Phito saw his own demoniac reflection, and from his eyes, tears welled.

Yet the demonism within him had far surpassed his divinity, and his eyes once more turned a blood red.

Inexplicably, he harnessed all his power and forced the demonism out of his body.

Phito shed the cloak of his demonism, reverting to the Phito that Ethan recognized.

Garbed in divine attire, with muscles coiled and imposing, his gaze now as bright and profound as the stars.

The demonism formed a sphere of light, lingering beside Phito.

It sought to re-enter his body, but Phito guided it instead into Daphne's small form.

Instantly, Daphne burst into loud cries.

Phito quickly rocked her, eyes brimming with indulgence:

"It might hurt a bit, but it'll be over soon."

"From now on, you shall be called Daphne, the name of a daughter I once conjured in my mind."

He was, after all, a Demi-god, and soothing an infant was effortlessly within his grasp.

Soon enough, Daphne smiled, giggling merrily.

For some reason, Ethan felt a profound chill at such a tender scene.

Something was amiss.

Ethan shook his head, his eyelids twitching wildly.

Phito had infused Daphne with decades of accumulated demonism.

What was he truly aiming for?

As time passed, Daphne grew into adulthood.

Ethan tried to transform into a little boy to interact with her. Daphne talked with Ethan enthusiastically.

She even boldly declared to Ethan that the world was an Illusion, a remark intended to snap Daphne out of her delusion.

Yet, Daphne showed no change at all.

Ethan's heart was breaking. Could it be that Daphne had fallen so deeply into the Illusion that she was beyond saving?

However, a turning point seemed to be on the horizon.

Daphne, viewing Phito as a father, naturally spoke to him about her encounter with Ethan.

Daphne had no reaction to Ethan's words.

But Phito's reaction sent chills down Ethan's spine.

Upon hearing that this world was an Illusion, Phito's face twisted into something grotesque.

It was as if the demonism, once stripped from his being, had found its way back to him.

The sky, previously clear, suddenly roiled with thunder and lightning.

The earth trembled violently, and fissures began to appear, the ground itself starting to collapse in places.

Ethan's mouth hung open as he stared at Phito.

It dawned on him that the Illusion wasn't Daphne's—it was Phito's.

Phito? The realization sent a shudder through Ethan, his body tingling as if struck by lightning.

Wasn't Phito dead? Or was it just before his own eyes? Why would Pochi use Phito's Illusion to entrap Daphne?

Shouldn't the essence of the Illusion be Daphne?

The more Ethan thought about it, the more terrified he became.

Ever since Daphne told Phito that the world was an Illusion.

Phito had become increasingly agitated, taking it upon himself to say to Daphne:

"The forest has been restless lately; gather some herbs for me, and I will inscribe deity runes on you. They will protect you."

Daphne, without a shred of doubt, gathered a plethora of herbs following Phito's instructions.

Serpent Desire Fruit, Illusionheart Herb, Ethereal Fragrancerose, Blood Essence Demonfruit…

Ethan, witnessing these ingredients, felt an ever-strengthening sense of foreboding.

Individually, these items were innocuous.

But combined, they took on a decidedly sinister aspect…

Hallucinogenic, soul-severing, essence-depleting…

Phito received these fruits and herbs, pressed their juices, and with a brush made of wolf hair, began to draw on Daphne's skin.

After half a day, Daphne was covered in dark, interlacing patterns.

Ethan remembered.

When he first entered Phito Valley, Daphne was adorned in this fashion.

He had thought it some sort of primitive attire.

But now, it was clear there was nothing ordinary about it.

Ethan activated his Eye of Alchemy, focusing on the eerie markings on Daphne's body.

[Soul Rend Magic Rune: a powerful taboo within dark magic. Typically used by a dark magus at death's door, capable of dispersing another's soul and usurping their body.]

Upon reading the description, Ethan's eyes bulged, nearly popping out of their sockets.

Phito was actually contemplating such vile means to possess Daphne's body.

It made sense, after all. Phito had spent a century ascending to Demi-godhood.

He had yet to truly revel in it; how could he willingly relinquish his life?

He would certainly devise ways to persist, even if it meant commandeering another's flesh.

Ethan's temples throbbed wildly, no longer caring whether he was within an illusion or not, he murmured:

"So it's clear now, Phito never died. His soul, along with the demonism he cultivated, has entered Daphne's body."

"Because of Daphne's pure heart, Pochi's rainbow bubbles have dragged Phito into this illusion."

"And since Daphne's soul serves as Phito's vessel, she too has fallen into slumber."

"All of this chaos is Phito's doing..."

The celestial voice boomed above, startling Phito.

His actions ceased, and looking skyward he asked, "Who? Who is speaking?"

Ethan's face appeared before Phito, etched with indignation:

"Phito, you truly deserve to die! You've deceived Daphne, and you've deceived me."

Phito looked bewildered, then roared: "Who are you?"

If this was indeed Phito's dreamscape, then by abducting Daphne, Phito would naturally collapse into turmoil.

He would awaken from the illusion, and Daphne would awaken as well.

Ethan extended a hand as vast as a deity's, capable of grasping the entire world, and seized Daphne:

"Phito, even if your soul hides in Daphne's body, I will ferret you out and make you die again."

Upon seeing Daphne taken, Phito's emotions shattered completely.

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