Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 312 310-The Gathering of the Mighty

Chapter 312 310-The Gathering of the Mighty

As the two conversed, a commotion arose from the crowd in the distance.

Voices rang out, clear and loud: "The Adrien family has arrived, the Adrien family is here."

Ethan gazed into the distance as the once compact crowd parted to create a narrow path.

A carriage adorned with gold and crystal, unmistakably magical, rolled in at a leisurely pace.

The drivers, garbed in pricey woollen coats and towering hats, exuded an air of grandeur.

Ethan watched the magical carriage, a trace of reflection in his heart.

The Adrien family was indeed affluent; the carriage alone was a pricey asset.

He could even perceive the magical vibrations with each bob of the carriage – it was engraved with shock-absorbing magic runes.

The use of magic runes for such a purpose, Ethan thought, was truly a waste of their splendor.

Following the magical carriage was a throng of youths, their eyes alight with fervor and excitement, shouting at the top of their lungs:

"Noble sirs of the Adrien family, might you test my qualification?"

"I am willing to trade my time for a chance."

Ethan's eyebrows lifted slightly as he looked towards Luther.

Without waiting for Ethan to ask, Luther explained, "The Adrien folk are shrewd. There are many ways to earn a chance at their assessment."

"You either have the wealth and resources to pique the Adrien's interest."

"Or you're willing to sacrifice your soul, to become a lapdog for the Adrien family. In any case, the Adriens never lose out."

Ethan nodded slightly, appraising, "Those who come to the Deityforsaken Land are talents from all corners. These individuals working for the Adrien family will only bolster their strength further."

"Isn't that the truth?" Luther smacked his lips, "Those deities would never imagine that the emergence of Deityforsaken Land would profit a kingdom's family the most."

Ethan felt a stir in his heart but said no more.

The Adrien family quickly chose their spot, and the magical carriage opened to transform into a luxurious encampment.

The contents within the encampment were completely obscured, guarded by warriors and magi at the entrance.

In an instant, the magical carriage became a military bastion.

Ethan's curiosity was piqued once more.

Luther volunteered an explanation: "The Adrien family's secret technique for assessing qualifications is highly confidential. Apart from those who pay and sign a contract, no one may enter."

"How cautious," Ethan remarked with a gleam in his eye, his initial desire to investigate thoroughly quashed.

"If you held the key to a golden vault, you'd be even more careful than the Adrien family," Luther said with a cheery smile.

"That's true."

As they conversed, a long line had already formed in front of the Adrien family's encampment.

With just a cursory glance, Ethan estimated the queue to be well over a thousand people.

These individuals were about to add a considerable sum to the wealth of the Adrien family.

After parting ways with Luther, Ethan found Daphne.

Standing at the end of the long queue, Daphne asked curiously, "What are we doing?"

Ethan squinted slightly and said in a calm tone, "You're going to accompany me to a place, and now it's time to test your qualification."

Daphne, looking at the seemingly endless line, said in a bored tone, "How dull. Are we just going to stand here?"

Ethan shrugged: "No choice, unless you want us to part ways."

In fact, Ethan had some confidence that Daphne could enter the Deityforsaken Land.

But Ethan could not risk it, not even the slightest bit.

Hearing they might have to separate, Daphne could only settle down quietly, like a kitten tired from play: "Alright, I'll listen to you."

The Adrien family worked with efficient speed, with each person taking but a short while.

Those who paid entered the encampment, and after reciting a passage of scripture, they quickly emerged.

Some wore faces of sorrow, others of excitement...

Ethan also noticed that among the throngs who queued for qualification, the majority bore despair and dejection on their faces.

The opening of the Deityforsaken Land saw many virtually empty their family coffers, all for the slim chance of entry.

A fortune spent in minutes, this high-stakes gamble was not something everyone could withstand.

Ethan even saw many emerge as if soulless, their vitality drained, shuffling away like the walking dead.

One particularly agitated soul even attempted to throw himself against the stone monument.

But the magi of the Adrien family intervened, averting tragedy.

Ethan watched all this in silence, filled with profound emotion.

So often, they gambled everything on a mere chance, even though the Deityforsaken Land promised almost certain death, they rushed in, moths to a flame.

To become a deity, those suffocating words.

Ethan saw it clearly.

In truth, most lacked the qualifications to enter the Deityforsaken Land.

Yet still, they paid unhesitatingly, or sold their souls...

Amidst Ethan's contemplations, the distant hubbub surged anew.

A woman, with a procession trailing her, approached steadily, bypassing the long queue and walking straight to the encampment's entrance.

Ethan's eyebrows arched slightly, a flicker of surprise in his heart as he murmured low, "Why, she's here? Of course, it's only natural she'd come."

Daphne, catching Ethan's whisper, asked in confusion, "Who? That woman who carries herself like a queen?"

Ethan nodded slightly, a smile in his voice as he introduced, "Her name is Lana Mokos, a member of the Azure Empire's royal family. She comes from a very powerful background."

Daphne watched Lana with interest, surveying her from head to toe before exclaiming with a laugh, "Wow, she must be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

Ethan chuckled softly, "That's because you haven't looked in a mirror."

"What do you mean?"

"After you look in the mirror, you'll realize you are in no way inferior to Lana Mokos."

Daphne playfully punched Ethan in the chest, her laughter sweet, "You sure have a way with words!"

Ethan just smiled, saying nothing more.

Lana Mokos's line-cutting stirred discontent among those waiting.

"How can this woman just cut in line?"

"Hey, get to the back, don't block our way."

From the Adrien encampment, a young man emerged, bowing slightly towards the queue with an apologetic smile:

"Please understand, Miss Lana is a member of the Azure Empire's royal family."

With that, he ushered Lana into the encampment.

Ethan's eyes twinkled with insight; it was clear the young man was smitten with Lana.

The moment he laid eyes on Lana Mokos, the fervor in his gaze, though he tried to mask it, did not escape Ethan's notice.

He even attempted to take Lana's hand, but was rebuffed.

Yet, receiving a cold shoulder did not anger the young Adrien; he remained the epitome of grace as he escorted Lana into the encampment.

Soon after, Lana Mokos emerged, with the young man wearing a smile at her side.

Her demeanor had visibly brightened, suggesting she had qualified for entry into the Deityforsaken Land.

Ethan had no desire to encounter Lana just yet; he felt there would be an opportunity to join her company within the Deityforsaken Land itself.

Ethan stood in line, idly observing the chat box of the Dark Lord faction.

The Dark Lords were in a frenzy, all vying for entry into the Deityforsaken Land.

[Dark Lord Vampire: Who has resources? I'm willing to trade with Epic-level Essence blood, any resource will do.]

[Dark Lord Half-Orc: I'm looking to trade too. I must get into the Deityforsaken Land to change my fate. I refuse to be a Half-Orc all my life.]

[Dark Lord Nightstalker: Idiots, all of you. If you can't even complete the Authorization Proof Quest for Deityforsaken Land, you think luck will help you pass the Adrien family's test? Utter foolishness.]

[Dark Lord Frost-Demon: Dark Lord Nightstalker is right. If you can't complete the Authorization Proof Quest for Deityforsaken Land, what makes you think you're qualified to enter? What are you testing, your intelligence?]

[Dark Lord Goblin: Just you wait... if I get into the Deityforsaken Land and become a deity, I'll pull each of you who mocked me today up and hang you on the city walls to be executed.]

Ethan glanced over the chat box and then surveyed his surroundings.

It seemed many Dark Lords had already secured their tickets into the Deityforsaken Land, while some undeterred ones were still trying their luck with the Adrien family.

He surmised that there must be a good number in the Hero faction who could enter the Deityforsaken Land as well.

A smile played on Ethan's face, his eyes alight with anticipation:

"This is really going to be interesting — Heroes and Dark Lords, plus the natives of this world..."

"This experience in the Deityforsaken Land is going to be exceptionally thrilling."

Daphne nestled against Ethan's chest, closing her eyes for a quiet rest.

Now, Ethan finally stood at the front of the queue.

A member of the Adrien family sat at a table, looking at Ethan and then at Daphne.

His eyes shone with excitement, filled with expectation as he asked:

"Have you two signed one of those contracts?"

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