Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 227: Abyssal Thoughts

Chapter 227: Abyssal Thoughts

Blood splashes down from the sky, raining down on everyone below.

No one was able to see what was going on above, as it was being obscure from the bloody rain and clouds that formed.

"It's gotten quite."Mutter Yun Ming as he narrowed his eyes above.

It wasn't just him was staring above, but all of the people around. Whether it be the abyssal creatures or the Blood Battalion Soldiers, they were all wondering about the result of the earth-shaking battle.

Neither side has ever seen a battle quite like this, a battle caused heaven and earth to tremble uncontrollably.

None of them below has ever seen or experience a God-Level battle before.

One had to understand that God-Level beings wouldn't normally be able to fight upon the plane. As their power was too strong for the planet to withstand.

Just from the battle that happened above them, they knew either of these beings above could have easily destroyed everything below.

While the abyssal creatures still recalled the scene of the Sage King, their monarch and god being pushed back.

The abyssal creatures that were still around, found this result hard to accept because the Sage was the highest level of existence in their hearts.

The Sage King was both their originator as well as their invincible God. Yet this invincible God was not only suppressed but forcibly push back into the abyssal world.

Even though it was only an arm that was pushed back, such a result still created a crack in the abyssal creature's view of the Sage King.

While the Blood Battalion Soldiers were in shock from the earth-shaking battle to both Tang Wulin and Surtr pushing back the Sage King.

They all had many questions, but they didn't speak out. As they were all waiting eagerly for the result, with the soldiers hoping that Tang Wulin was able to win.

It was just then, that everyone below saw something huge falling.

"T-That's the ape body!"

One of the Blood Battalion soldiers yelled out as they saw Surtr split body falling like a meteorite.

In a matter of seconds, Surtr's body crashed down into the ground, causing the ground to slightly tremble. This caused everyone to shift their eyes to the body of Surtr that was split and bleeding out.

Yet at this moment, three streaks of light also descended from the sky but not in a soft manner.


Dragon Slaying Spear, Trishula and the Golden Dragon Spear crashed down next to Surtr, in the same manner.

Alongside them came Tang Wulin who pierced through the blood rain and cloud and crashed down causing a cloud of dust to form. It was only after a few seconds that everyone was able to see the condition of Tang Wulin.

He was fine!

In the Blood God Barracks, the Blood Battalion Soldiers were excited, surging with joy and awe as they saw the dead Surtr. Even though they were well-trained soldiers, soldiers who fought in this battlefield for years, they still couldn't help but roar out.

They were filled with too much pride and amazement; they were unable to hold back as they began shouting.

"He did it!"

"A God was killed? By a mortal!"

"Not just any mortal! But a human! Our race!"

They were all looking at Tang Wulin in profound reverence, as the feats he had accomplished today are unsurpassable.

Even people like the Blood Gods and Zhang Huanyun were already shaking, their lips trembling and body as they saw this legendary scene.

Who was Surtr?

A God!

An existence that was unstoppable in the world, able to slaughter everything in this world from the beings to the laws. It wasn't wrong to say that if Surtr wanted to, he could rule everything in this world with no opposition.

Yet that same being was split in front of them and now dead, never to walk the plane every again.

Even though Yun Ming already showed them the picture and report of the battle between Fafnir and Tang Wulin. In the end, they always had some doubts about how this Soul Sage was able to not only clash with a God but slay it.

Yet seeing it first hand is always better than hearing about it.

It was like a dream. They simply didn't dare believe what they were seeing. Yet they were forced to as the amount remarkable things Tang Wulin achieve in this fight was unimaginable.

From slaying a god to suppressing the ruler of the Abyssal Plane.

'We can do it! We can destroy the abyssal plane!'

Was the thought that reverberates through the Blood Gods and Zhang Huanyan as they began to move towards Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin let out a sigh as he moved his gaze at Surtr who was still bleeding out. With a will, he had caused vines to erupt from the ground before they started pulling the body into the ground.

As this was going on, he grabbed on his Golden Dragon Spear before turning his gaze towards the abyssal creatures remaining.

This caused all of them to shiver, as they felt a formless pressure and fear descending upon them. As they saw the grin that began to form on Tang Wulin's face, they began to tremble.

Then in an instant, they all began running away while screeching out.

This caused all of the Blood Battalion Soldiers and even the Blood Gods to be shocked. This was the first in a thousand years, maybe even since the invasion that the abyssal creatures had ever shown such fear.

Yet it wasn't unbelievable, as these abyssal creatures just saw their god get smashed down and another god slew.

How could they still have the courage to fight anymore? Especially if the person they were fighting was the being who accomplishes all of this.

Even if he looks like he was tired, they still wouldn't think of trying. As being killed by him, meant permanent death for them.

Yet Tang Wulin didn't mind this, as the grin widens on his face before he began to chase after he abyssal creatures.


"Amazing."Mutters a man in black-robes as he gazed down at the bloody battlefield that was caused by Tang Wulin and Surtr.

He wasn't alone, as there were countless other people in black robes behind him. If Tang Wulin was here, he would be able to recognize these people.

As they were the Evil Soul Masters who stopped him before he went to fight the abyssal creatures and Surtr.

"Truly, seeing it in person is far better than hearing it." Mutter the blue hair woman as she slightly narrowed her lovely eyes.

"Won't it be hard to bring him salvation? With his power and intent up to now, it seems this one lusts after battles."Said the man in the black robe causing the blue hair women to shake her head.

"It matters not, as all will be brought salvation. So what if it's hard? At most he will be one of the lasts few that will be engulfed by our love."Said the blue hair woman as a smile sprouted on her face.

"Our love will reach him and if our love isn't enough. Then our lady love will be the one to reach his battle lust core and give him eternal happiness."Said the blue hair women as her eyes widen in joy while spreading out her arm.

The people around the blue hair women also smiled as their eyes held a glaze and soft look to them as if their face was blushing.

"Now then, let's leave. Our lady is expecting us back soon."Said the blue hair women causing everyone around her to nod their head.

As they started to leave, the blue hair women turned back to the battlefield, specifically looking at Tang Wulin.

"Ultimately, you too will join us, my dear."


In a gray-white world, where luminous mist and fog obscured the sky.

Numerous mountains and hills were spans all around, yet there were only silence and a sense of melancholy.

The abyssal creatures were all walking around the place with their heads down and feeling of fear, as they were uncertain.

On an ivory throne, sat the Sage King who was lost in thought while looking in the distance. The Sage King was thinking about everything from months ago.

When he felt the surge of power on the Douluo plane, that was strong enough to send a shockwave into his realm.

It started from the first layer and then reached up to the seventy-eight layers. The only reason the Sage King was able to notice this was because each of the layers was apart of his body.

In the deepest layer, held his origin and source. At first, he was confused but then after a while, he had a thought that he found outrageous.

It wasn't until after the appearance of Surtr on the snowy plains of Endless Mountain that he gains confirmation.

The Douluo plane has a God!

Not just one God but two more. As unbeknownst to the others, the Sage King senses have grown to the point where he could easily sense the powers of the Douluo Plane.

While he can't identify anything on the plane, he can gauge the energy that the beings on the plane are giving off. And to say he was shocked that he found two other beings similar to Surtr would be an understatement.

He had so many questions, where did these beings come from? Wasn't the Divine Realm lost? How was it possible for three god-level beings to be born? Wouldn't the Planar Lord have stopped such a thing?

Yet there was no answer, as even with all of his power. Not even he could see into the future to understand just what was going.

Still, he knew this was an opportunity for him to take advantage of. As he knew with the help of Surtr, the seal could be easily broken.

It was why he consistently produced an abyssal tide beyond rank three without waiting. As he wanted to incite Surtr's curiosity to break into the abyssal world.

It didn't matter whether Surtr breaks its way into the abyssal world or broke the seal, as either way it was beneficial for the Sage King.

'But things changed with the appearance of that human.' Thought the Sage King as he recalled the abyssal essence from one of the tides before not coming back.

At first, he was confused, as he knew none of them being in the other plane had been able to make any breakthrough in fighting the abyssal creatures. Yet just a few weeks ago, only a few of the essence he sent into the plane had come back.

Initially, he thought the humans had trapped the abyssal creatures but then that all changed once he found out about Tang Wulin. That there was a human that could absorb the essence of the abyssal creatures and that his strenght wasn't weak by no means.

As he was able to kill off the abyssal creatures that were as strong as Title Douluo.

"My Lord?" Questioned one of the abyssal kings kneeling in front of the Sage King.

"Speak." Said the Sage King while still staring into the distance.

The abyssal king gulp, as he knew that he interrupted the Sage King while he was thinking, such an offense would normally mean death.

"Why did you attack them at that moment? Wouldn't it have been better to attack them when they were weak or after one of them had killed each other?"Questioned the Abyssal King.

The Sage King said nothing at first causing all of the Abyssal Kings to shiver as they thought he was angry.

"My main objective wasn't to kill them." Said the Sage King causing all of the Abyssal Kings to look up to him in shock.

Not to kill them?

They all thought that the Sage King would have killed the two beings who were a threat to him and his invasion.

'I guess they would be shocked.' Thought the Sage King with a sigh as he shifted his gaze towards them.

"You all wouldn't know this but there have been some changes through the universe." Said the Sage King causing them all to furrow their brow.

"Change my lord?"

"Ripples, shattering and breaking has been set through the universe. It was only because of my cultivation that I was able to gain a wisp of it. The main reason for my invasion merely was to check and confirm something."Said the Sage King causing the Abyssal Kings to look at him in astonishment.

"My lord?"

"What I found is something both frightening and disturbing. Soon, the Douluo Plane and maybe even this plane will be devoured or destroyed."Said the Sage King before narrowing his eyes.

"And there may be nothing we can do about it."

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