Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 211: Beheading Weapon

Chapter 211: Beheading Weapon

Endless flame exploded outwards.

The temperature of this flame was too frightening. All of the abyssal demons were melting before the flames even touch them.

From the flames, the surrounding atmosphere had been distorting before the flames began gushing on top of all of the rushing abyssal demons.

Screech and scream began resounding through the world, instantly sweeping across all directions. At that moment, some of the weaker creatures immediately turn into ash.

While the other abyssal demons quickly began creating barriers to stop the violent onslaught of flames.

Yet it was useless, as the flames burn right through the barrier.

Following that, a mighty fist thrust out, collapsing everything. All of the abyssal demon's body turned into grey mist before they turned into swirls of energy and went back into the abyssal passage.

'How interesting.' Thought Surtr as he picks up some of the abyssal demons were screeching from him picking them up.

"You all are similar to the energy of a plane. It's neither alive yet not dead, just wisps of energy that will simply be reform from the source."Mutter Surtr at the struggling abyssal creatures.

"It could be said, you guys have a remarkable type of immortality, As even if your soul, mind, and body were to be destroyed. As long as the origin of you guys still exists, you will all easily reform."Mutter Surtr with a chuckle before stomping down on the ground.

Instantly, a surging and vivid heatwave exploded under Surtr's foot.

The great earth began melting, forming a raging sea of raging flames that roar with enough vigor, that could burn the heaven and earth.

It turned into an orange-red wave that reached into the sky, creating a huge dome of raging flames that was horrifying to the extreme.

All of the abyssal creatures who saw the huge dome shivered and quickly began to run away, yet it was late. As the dome of flames that reached up to the sky, descended down, turning into raging tidal waves.

All of the Blood God Army soldiers who were watching this terrifying scene, couldn't help but drop to their buts as they all began to tremble.

Some of them were sweating, others were wide eyes and the rest was too stunned. As the scene before them was the complete destruction of the battlefield and abyssal creatures.

"I wonder if I rushed into your plane and destroyed it. Would all of you collapse or will you all still continued to exist but just lose your immortality." Mutter Surtr before shaking his head.

"Well either way, at least this immortality of yours keeps me entertained." Said Surtr with a grin before crushing the abyssal creatures in his hand.


Snow drifted down from the skies. It was freezing, with the frosty wind blowing causing shivers to anyone who wasn't prepared.

The continuous path was stretching far, with the frosty fog blocking anyone from seeing far. All around were small snowy hills that came in varying sizes with specs of green grass scattered around.

"Are we close, Wulin?" Questioned Yue Zhengyu while glancing around.

For the past few hours, they have been traveling through the snow mountain. Just by the fact that the sky was turning dark, they knew the night was going to descend soon.

If they weren't close to what Tang Wulin wanted to pick up, then it's best if they find a place to stay the night.

Then they can continue searching later, as the temperature becomes colder and harsher in the night.

Tang Wulin didn't respond as at the moment, he could feel it was close.



'Saber! Slaying!'

Tang Wulin could hear countless dragon roars resounding through his mind, every time, the words came inside his mind.

Each of these dragon roars was filled with thunderous wildness and an unyielding intention that was filled with contempt.

The pride of a dragon.

"Father right here is good." The Saint Bright Dragon King's voice rang out from the jeweled bracelet, causing Tang Wulin to arch a brow.

'I don't see anything?' Thought Tang Wulin as he stops before glancing all around and just seeing drifting snow.

"What we came here for, is far away. But right here, is a good place to call it."Said the Saint Bright Dragon King causing Tang Wulin to let out a sigh of relief.

'At least I don't have to directly go and get it.' Thought Tang Wulin before motioning the Saint Bright Dragon King to tell him what to do next.

"Father, I need you to go to one of those small hills and begin meditating. From there, I will instruct you." Said the Saint Bright Dragon King causing Tang Wulin to inwardly nods his head.

"Is it around here?" Questioned Zang Xin as he came next to Tang Wulin, alongside Yue Zhengyu.

"No. Right now, I'm just in range to call it over, instead of us having to go all the way." Said Tang Wulin before moving towards one of the small snowy hills.

"Well, at least that saves us time." Said Yue Zhengyu causing Zang Xin to nod his head.

"So you just need us to guard you?" Questioned Zang Xin as he saw Tang Wulin climbing up the small hill.


Tang Wulin made his way to the top of the snowy hill before sitting down in a lotus position. With a large inhale of cold air, he began focusing and listening to the voice of the Saint Bright Dragon King.

"Father you must not only focus on the voices of the dragon roars and words resounding through your mind. But you must utilize your dragon core and the powers of the plane to call out to the existence." Said the Saint Bright Dragon King.

'But I need Sleipnir and Yggdrasil to fully access the powers of the plane.' Thought Tang Wulin.

"It's ok, with the connection you made with the plane and nature. You should be able to garner the planes help with what we're going to do."Said the Saint Bright Dragon King.


Inside of Tang Wulin, where his spiritual and blood core laid. With a thought, Tang Wulin caused the Dragon Core to tremble a bit before it exploded outwards with seven-colored radiance with a vivid golden-red hue.

Like fireflies, the dazzling radiance began swirling around his core before moving and following his will. As this was going on, he began making contact with nature and the planes.

In an instant, everything around Tang Wulin, Yue Zhengyu and Zang Xin began to lip up. Seven-colored radiance began to shine across the countless snow hill.

The vegetation around began to tremble and shiver from these seven-colored specs of light. While Yue Zhengyu and Zang Xin were trembling from the ear-splitting dragon roar they were beginning to hear.

"...Is this normal with him?"Questioned Zang Xin as he stared wide-eyed at his surroundings.

"You should learn to accept that being around Wulin, meaning being exposed to stuff like this." Said Yue Zhengyu with his lips twitching.

But what happened, shocked not only Zang Xin but even Yue Zhengyu.

As light exploded from Tang Wulin figure before it began swirling all around and condense into a massive figure behind him. A spectral golden dragon appeared with its two mighty wings expanding outwards and to the shock of both of the men.

It blew away all of the falling snow that was descending down upon Tang Wulin. Dazzling lights began to flickering all around, with Yue Zhengyu and Zang Xin feeling a holy and heavenly feeling from them.

The dragon eyes were shining brilliantly with golden-white lights as it began to bring its hands together and form a prayer sign.


An earth-shattering roar was sounded out from the spectral golden dragon.

"Dragon Slayer Saber!"

A massive golden pillar erupted into the sky before it turned into a streak of light that pierces towards a direction that no one was able to see.


Southern Army Corps.

Was one of the army crops that the federal forces controlled. Inside this army core, a disturbing scene was undergoing that cause the whole place to rumble with noise and sounds.

"Sima! What's wrong!"

"Back off! Are you crazy! Don't you see that gleam in his eyes!"

"But he may need our help, he doesn't look so good."

It wasn't a secret in the whole southern army that the person that was in front of them was someone they all fear. Whether it be from his bloodthirstiness or his unsurpassable might that dominated all that challenged him.

Yet that same person who they all fear was kneeling down on the ground with his hand on his head and his eyes turning red.




"Shut up!" Roared Sima Jinchi as he elevated his head before smashing it down on the ground, producing cracks all around. All of the tables around began shaking, with the food on the tables sliding off and spilling all over.

Yet this didn't cause him to bleed, as he had cultivation close to a Title Douluo. So knocking his head into the ground wouldn't cause him any damage at all.

Yet his actions and words caused the soldiers that were crowding around him to back up in fear and fright.

As they could have sworn, they felt a saber intent pressing at their neck, causing all of the thin hair on them to rise.




"Damn it! Damn It!"Shouted Sima Jinchi as the voice in his head was becoming louder and louder.

He has been hearing this sound, since a few hours ago. At first, it was only a whisper, he thought it was a whisper that came from one of the soldiers around him at the time.

But when he spread out his spiritual senses, he wasn't able to figure out who whisper this. Seeing he couldn't figure it out, he simply shrugged his shoulder before continuing on his way.

As the commander of the Southern Army Corp, Yue Zhengen wanted to talk to him. After he talked with Yue Zhengen, the voice started to come back.

At first, it was whispering again but then it started to become louder. To the sound of someone talking in his ears before it turned to shouts.

It became too much for Sima to handle, as he could hear words that carried dragons roar and unyielding intent. As well as the feeling of submission and slaying, with an endless intent of slaughtering and beheading.

As the minutes went by, it became too much for Sima to handle before he collapses to the ground and began holding his head.

"Have you guys called the commander yet!"

"We did, he should have been here already!"

"I'm here!"

A voice rang out causing all of the soldiers to turn their heads to see a beam of light appearing in front of them. An old man with white hair and mustache, with three stars on his shoulder appeared.


"Enough, tell me what happened" Said Yue Zhengen as his face turned into concern at the state of Sima Jinchi who was gripping his head.

"Commander we don't know what happened! One moment Sima Jinchi was doing fine and then the next he instantly collapses to the ground in the canteen." Said one of the soldiers causing Yue Zhengen face to grimace.

Faster than the soldiers could see, Yue Zhengen appeared in front of Sima Jinchi before crouching down and holding on to him.

"Sima tell me what's wrong." Said Yue Zhengen softly causing Sima Jinchi body to tremble before he looks up,

"Commander I-" But before Sima Jinchi could finish his words a streak of light burst through the roof from above and struck Sima Jinchi in the forehead.

'So fast.' Thought Yue Zhengen in surprise, as that streak came so suddenly.

Then as he narrowed his eyes at Sima Jinchi, he saw Sima's eyes beginning to turn hollow before his pupils began to disappear.

'Come to me!'

'Dragon Slayer Saber!'

"Sima?" Questioned Yue Zhengen before a terrifying intent of slaughter and killing exploded from Sima Jinchi.

This caused Yue Zhengen and all of the soldiers around to shiver before lights started to appear before swirling around Sima Jinchi.

As the lights swirled around, they began to condense into a sphere around Sima Jinchi before it exploded outwards and in Sima Jinchi place was a saber.

The saber was elegant looking with seven-colored radiance emitting all over. Around the gleaming blade were glittering lights with minutes small dragons swirling all around.

Then with an ear-splitting sound, the saber shot up into the sky before disappearing from the Southern Army Corps. Leaving Yue Zhengen and the rest of the soldiers shocked, with all of them wondering.

'Where is Sima Jinchi.'

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