Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 171: Trishula (1)

Chapter 171: Trishula (1)

"Did we just get kicked out?" Questioned Na'er as she blinks her eyes before glancing at Gu Yue who also appeared next to her.

Gu Yue didn't say anything for a while as she began glancing around the forest that they were transported back to before sighing.

"It seems, the realm must have shattered..."Mutter Gu Yue causing Na'er eyes to slight widen in shock and disbelief.

"You must be kidding...How can that realm be so easily destroyed? Especially by anything below a God Rank level be-."Said Na'er but then she began to go quiet as she started to think about the events that were happening at the end.

"You noticed it too right? The feeling and aura that flashed up, when Tang Wulin and Di Tian were clashing at the end."Said Gu Yue softly causing Na'er lips to twitch.

How could she have not? Especially when she has been sensing it throughout the whole fight that started to Di Tian and Tang Wulin.

She and Gu Yue were able to feel the constant increase of the Golden Dragon King aura, as Tang Wulin and Di Tian continued to clash. It was as if Tang Wulin has been holding the power back for a while now and only now did he unleash it at the end.

"Whatever Wulin did at the final clash between him and Di Tian. In the split second during the clash of his attack and the Dragon King Claw that Di Tian employed. The Golden Dragon King power burst forward, allowing him to overpower the Dragon King Claw and smashed Di Tian away."Said Gu Yue as she was able to see the end of their clash before she was ejected out.

"But this also caused the realm to be affected and react to the appearance of a God Rank level being." Said Gu Yue causing Na'er to nod her head.

"So you're saying because of that one spike of power, the world began to break down and transport everyone out?"

"Indeed." Said Gu Yue but at the same time, she felt there was more to this.

As she didn't think the realm was so weak, that it would instantly break down from the appearance of a one god rank being.

Na'er naturally, could tell what she was thinking and also felt something was off as well. Shaking her head, she began thinking about the fight with Di Tian and Tang Wulin before lightly laughing.

"Wulin sure brought with him a lot of surprises this time." Said Na'er causing Gu Yue to roll her eyes but also sigh.

To say they were both shocked at the appearance of Tang Wulin in the Spirit Beast Festival would be an understatement. This was a place where only Spirit Beast could enter and are allowed to enter into.

They already checked to see if Tang Wulin was a pure Spirit Beast and sadly he wasn't. It didn't matter if one had the bloodline of a Spirit Beast or was half a Spirit Beast.

The realm wouldn't allow entry into it, with it even locking out those who choose to become a human after reaching cultivation of 100,000 years.

If that wasn't a surprise enough, he was able to fight with and contend with Di Tian in close combat.

Even if Di Tian's cultivation was restricted, he still had the physical prowess and might of a nine hundred thousand Spirit Beast with a dragon bloodline.

The number of humans or beings that could contend with it physically could be counted on one hand, let alone survive more than a few exchanges with him.

But, Gu Yue only attributes this to his Golden Dragon King bloodline and his terrifying battle instincts. Her reasoning caused Na'er to laugh and comment on how much Gu Yue trusts Wulin's abilities.

"Well, that explained the sense of familiarity we were feeling through the event." Said Na'er with a pleasant smile causing Gu Yue to slightly nod her head.

During the past weeks, they were observing the events of the Festival; they were constantly feeling a familiar and nagging feeling. As if they were ignoring or overlooking something meaningful inside of the realm.

"Anyway, let's hurry up and finish things here. I want to go back and see everyone."Said Na'er before moving forward into the extensive forest and with Gu Yue following behind her.


"Oh! This also underwent some changes."Mutter Tang Wulin as he gazes thoughtfully at his Regalia, which was different from what it was before.

Before the Regalia Dragon God robe was black-gold with dragonic complex patterns but after he broke the fourteenth dragon seal, it gained additional features. There was an addition color of blue and red that was interweaving with the black-gold.

To the surprise of Tang Wulin, he could feel his strength has increased after the additional color. While the increase wasn't that much great, he could at least feel it was above 5 percent.

"So I see you're getting close to unlocking the robes full power." Said Zeref as he appeared next to Tang Wulin while glancing at the magnificent robe.

"You mention before, that this was an actual battle armor?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"More or less. But because of the fusion of the Dragon God Torso, and the other nine dragon kings, we were able to make it into an Ultra Divine Battle Armor. This, of course, means you have to gain the body and cultivation of a God-King to handle its full power." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"So what are the minimum requirements, before I can bring out?" Questioned Tang Wulin towards Zeref.

"I'm not sure, as I haven't met a God-King or any of the other gods above a God Officer." Mutter Zeref with a helpless look.

He couldn't give an ideal answer as he didn't have anything to base it on. The best he can say was to be a God Officer both with his cultivation, spiritual power and body as the minimum requirement.

Tang Wulin nodded his head and didn't say anything else as he turned towards the Demon Island. With one step, he dashed toward the Island in a blur and with the area around him shaking from his terrifying might.

It didn't take him more than a second before he reached the outer area of the Demon Island forest. It was here he was able to see someone he didn't think he would see until he went back to Shrek.

"Big Brother!" Shouted Xu Lizhi with his eyes lighting up at the familiar figure of Tang Wulin landing in front of him.

"Your still here? You didn't go with the others?"Questioned Tang Wulin in slight confusion.

Before he went towards Xu Lizhi, he already spread out his spiritual sense outward and had it scan the whole island. This was how, he knew Xu Lizhi was nonetheless here but at the same time, he didn't sense Wu Zhankong or Shen Yi.

"Teacher Wu and Shen both went back to the Academy a bit earlier. It seems they were called back because something urgent happened."Said Xu Lizhi.

"You didn't want to go with them?

"No. I wanted to use the time here to get used to the destruction energy I absorbed."Said Xu Lizhi causing Tang Wulin to slightly narrow his eyes.

His eyes slightly widen when his spiritual sense was able to catch wisp and fluctuations of destruction inside of Xu Lizhi's body.

"You been swimming in the sea?" Questioned Tang Wulin with an arched brow causing Xu Lizhi lips to twitch and grim look to develop.

"...Those demons have been putting me through their hellish training."Said Xu Lizhi with a sigh.

Xu Lizhi begins telling Tang Wulin about his nightmarish training. From the time he had to go through cruel mental training towards him being forced to swim through the boundless sea filled with destruction.

Tang Wulin lips twitch as Xu Lizhi's face and body language were screaming out a life filled with profound despair. Shaking his head, he had to admit that those old demons sure knew how to train and break a person down.

"Well anyway, we can train our destruction energy together." Said Tang Wulin causing Xu Lizhi's eyes to widen.

"You have destruction energy too!" Shouted Xu Lizhi in distinct shock.

"Yes. We will begin training soon. For now, I need to get started on a long-overdue errand." Said Tang Wulin causing Xu Lizhi to blink his eyes before his expression became serious.

"What can I do?" Questioned Xu Lizhi.

"It's nothing like what you are thinking. I just need to get something under control." Said Tang Wulin with a sigh.

"Anyway, stay here for now. I will be back soon." Said Tang Wulin before dashing away and not giving Xu Lizhi a chance to respond.

Tang Wulin moved through the forest of the demon island and past the barren land. At the moment he was trying to find an area with no life.

"This should be good." Mutter Tang Wulin as he glances around the desolate area he was in at the moment. For him to begin the next thing he wanted to do, he moved toward an area where there was no nature or animal life around on the Demon Island.

Well, it wasn't like it matters as what he was about to do was going to make everything that was sentient, stay far away from him.

"Are you ready?" Zeref's familiar voice rang out with a hint of worry and exasperation.

'Calm down, already. You know this will be helpful.' Thought Tang Wulin towards Zeref and then receiving a sigh from him.

Although Zeref couldn't be blamed for feeling worried at the moment, as he knew what Tang Wulin was about to do. He knew Tang Wulin was going to try and awaken Trishula and gain control of it.

Just what kind of weapon was Trishula?

From the words of Sleipnir, it was a weapon that shouldn't be wielded by a mortal. As its power to unmake the world was too dangerous and terrifying.

Yet Yggdrasil gave even more information on what exactly Trishula. She told them, that Trishula was a weapon that came from the Golden Ages of God. Before the coming of Typhoon and the collapse of the old gods.

To their shock, she was able to pierce through the future and see some of the things that Tang Wulin did when she was still at her full power. So she knew he learned about the golden age and even met with a deserter.

It was the weapon that was wielded by the Destruction of God of the old gods. He was known as one of the strongest Gods in that era, with his power of controlling the fundamental principle of destruction.

Even to other gods, he was a being with immeasurable power. And right now, for Tang Wulin to even try to wield such a weapon.

He needs to gain the approval of it by Trishula itself.

This means, at this moment he must risk his very existence. If he succeeds, he will be able to gain another divine weapon but if he fails? Then his mind, body, and soul will be reduced to eternal nothingness by the divine wrath of Trishula.

'If only my dragon form was enough.' Thought Tang Wulin in slight annoyance after he recalled the feeling and rushes of regaining his previous full power.

One had to properly understand.

He had to live and experience years in this world, without being able to access his Dragon Form or be at full power. The frustration and disgust he felt at being reduced to a weaker state were something he could barely stand.

It didn't help when he was able to access the form briefly at the land of Yggdrasil but he wasn't able to maintain or keep it. So one had to understand the joy he felt after his body had reached the level of a God.

This didn't just mean his strength had increased but also his body was now able to keep up with his Dragon Form massive power. He technically always could transform into his Dragon Form, but the consequences were never worth it.

He didn't feel too interested in losing his sanity and becoming insane once again. Even if it means he would just regain it after a couple of decades. This is why he never tries to bring out his Dragon Form until recently before his body reached the level of the Gods.

As with a god-level body, it's possible for him to fully control that vast amount of power. As a human being body, was never meant for the monstrous strength of a Dragon, let alone one at his level.

But the problem he was facing now was that he couldn't truly kill them. As Fafnir, Surtr and maybe Jrmungandr weren't Dragons but Gods. His dragon slayer art won't be able to bypass the laws of the Gods, which makes them immune to the damage done by non-gods tier attacks.

One shouldn't look down the fundamental rules of the gods, as this wasn't just something made by the laws of the world but the universe. No matter how strong or powerful a person is unless they created or inherited a God Seat or Position.

It would be impossible to indeed kill a God. As the seat of God is a concept bound to the universe, giving them eternal life and divine protection.

From what Yggdrasil said, the Calamities were able to make their own God Position during the war of the Spirit Beast and the God Realm.

And because they were transported through time, their position wasn't eliminated and so they are technically still gods with the position. Tang Wulin was able to kill Niddhog even though he was a god because he was a still genuine dragon.

The terrifying thing about Dragon Slayer Art was it really didn't care about the laws. As long as the target as the blood or body of a dragon, it will slay. Truly an art that would even cause the True Dragons in the Desolate Era to shiver in fear and fright.

But this was a different case for Fafnir, Surtr and maybe Jrmungandr.

Even though they carried the blood of the Dragon God, the event of them becoming gods had warped and changed their bloodlines. It wasn't wrong to say, that their blood of the dragon has long since been either diminish or suppress by their godly bloodlines.

Which was why he was trying to gain control of Trishula, so he can employ its power in the fight in the future.

'Well, here go.' Thought Tang Wulin as he outstretches his hand and summoned Trishula out of his storage space.

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