Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 165: Spirit Beast Duo (2)

Chapter 165: Spirit Beast Duo (2)

As the water dragons were evaporating, a brilliant flash of light appeared with a deafening rumbling sound that rang through the air.

It was just too fast, like a bolt of thunder the Azure Eyed Tiger arrived in an instant behind Tang Wulin. It immediately struck towards Tang Wulin neck, with a claw that was white with a mix of blue. The claw itself was distorting the space with arcs of electricity moving around the bent space.

Yet, Tang Wulin as if he already knew the Azure Eyed Tiger was behind him, lash out with a reverse kick. As they collided together, sparks of electricity began scattering everywhere, with the Azure Eyed Tiger being sent flying.

The Azure Eyed Tiger claw was in tatters with some of it broken off and dripping with dark blood. Its eyes were filled with shock from Tang Wulin's abnormal strength and reaction. With his strength, Tang Wulin was able to smash apart its terrifying claw.

It was then, Tang Wulin instantly turned around while lashing out his legs like a whip. Just in the time for it to collide with the giant spinning shell, that was rushing towards him.


'A barrier.' Thought Tang Wulin as his brows slightly arch as he saw a light blue shield appearing around the spinning shell before his leg struck it.

But of course, the barrier was nothing towards his terrifying strength that has long since, surpassed that of a mortal. The barrier shattered like glass, with Tang Wulin leg still hacking down towards the spinning shell.

An earsplitting sound rang out as Tang Wulin leg smashed down on to the shell causing cracks to appear around it. But to his surprise, it didn't shatter or break from the terrifying strength of his leg.


Instantly a white nake shot towards Tang Wulin, while his leg was still on the shell. The white snake eyes glowed while looking into Tang Wulin eyes.

'This is...' Thought Tang Wulin as he watched the eyes of the snake that was always coiling around the Demonic Jade Turtle glowing.

'It's over.' Thought the Demonic Jade Turtle in glee as it saw the light in Tang Wulin eyes, was beginning to dim.

Since the moment it saw, that none of the Azure Eyed Tiger and its attack hasn't been working. It knew it would have to rely on a mental attack as this wasn't something that will affect Tang Wulin's body or something he can absorb.

But that would be hard, as it knew its opponent would just use his terrifying blood essence energy to protect him.

This is why it has been looking for a chance to get close and allow his other 'self' to trap him into a mental attack. Of course, this would require him to get wounded a bit, as his opponent's reaction and senses were too unreasonable.

Tang Wulin was able to react to the Azure Eyed Tiger lightning flash attacks. Hell, sometimes he even moves in advance, before the Azure Eyed Tiger or even it was able to start up their attack.

As if he even already knew what they were going to do or where they were going to attack.

'Well, it's not like it matters, anymore.' Thought the Demonic Jade Turtle as it knew its opponent will not be escaping this attack.

The Demonic Jade Turtle wasn't just any Spirit Beast that was able to use mental attacks. Unlike most Spirit Beast that would excel in one category, like strength or only an element. The Demonic Jade Turtle excels in its water element, defense, and its mental attack.

This was all due to the snake that was always coiled around its shell. The snake itself wasn't a separate Spirit Beast, although it could be considered one but just a part of the Demonic Jade Turtle.

The snake mental powers were so strong, it wasn't wrong to say it could easily control over 100,000 Spirit Beast at the same time.

Such a terrifying mental ability was one of the reasons it was hunted and driven to extinction by humans. As many Spirit Master in the past would become red over the benefits that the Demonic Jade Turtle would bring them if they absorb its ring.

Yet before the Demonic Jade Turtle could reveal its joyful expression, a terrifying and murderous killing intent broke out through the air. It began breaking out into cold sweat, as it started to feel the entire world was becoming colder.

It felt like its hold body was being pressed down a gigantic mountain. A blood-curdling shriek rang endlessly through the air, as the snake coiled around it, flew back.

Blood splashed outward as the snakehead was blasted into pieces. Blood and brain matter splattered in all directions.

This was an absolutely tragic sight.

Instantly the Demonic Jade Turtle dashed away once it saw the snake turning into a bloody paste and the terrifying feeling getting even more intense. It was able to retreat three hundred meters back in an instant before Tang Wulin's voice rang out.

"Well, that was interesting." Said Tang Wulin out loud, causing the Demonic Jade Turtle to shiver involuntarily.

Of course, Tang Wulin was talking about what happened, when the snake began invading his mind and tried to destroy it. Tang Wulin had to admit, if he used his old method of brute-forcing through the snake control, it would take him a while.

As he could feel the terrifying amount of control, the snake had with the mind. While he could easily shatter its mental construction, attacks, and defense.

The snake proved its mastery in mental attacks, as it began to constantly avoid and avert him with finesse and control over spiritual power that would put many to shame. Knowing this wouldn't work and blasting apart the mental obstructions, wouldn't work.

Tang Wulin decided to just utilize his Devil Slayer Arts, as it was the best method of dealing with soul and mental attacks. In fact, it was through him training his Devil Slayer Art that his spiritual and soul resistance was able to become far stronger than those at his ranks.

Even with his other Slayer Arts that also granted a higher resistance against all spirit power attacks, his Devil Slayer Arts gave the greatest one towards soul and mental attacks. It also became, even more, stronger after the vast number of souls he absorbed in the Demon World.

So with this in mind, Tang Wulin unleashed his Devil Slayer Art, Calamity Tyrant Dragon Shocks The Heaven. This caused an overflowing wave of terrifying energy that began to shatter all of the Demonic Jade Turtle mental attacks and world.

This was the reason that the silver snake screamed and its head burst open.

'At any rate, let's finish.' Thought Tang Wulin as a red glint began to shine around his eyes, as he slightly narrowed his gaze at the Demonic Jade Turtle.

But before he could dash towards it, a deafening sound rang out, as lightning hacked down. Tang Wulin figure was engulfed by the golden lightning but that wasn't all as a claw smashed into his body.

The earth was shaken, as vicious cracks and fissures began to form around the area. Then Incomparable lightning power erupted causing the lightning that was pouring down on Tang Wulin to grow more intense.

This was creating an absolutely terrifying scene. Yet that wasn't just it, as an earth-shattering and ear-splitting sound rang out through the East Region.

The Azure Eyed Tiger was savagely smashing its claws into Tang Wulin's body, while the lightning poured over him. Then it lashes out with its tail, like a whip and sending Tang Wulin body flying through the air.

Then it disappeared in a flash of lightning. The clouds above rumble before they were blasted away as something came shooting down.

A terrifying amount of lightning coming crashing down on Tang Wulin flying body. No, it was more like he was pierced by a terrifying bolt of lightning, that was similar to that of a javelin.

It was just too fast, with only a streak of golden light flashing before the sky let out deafening and rumble sound. Tang Wulin was slammed straight into the ground with the Azure Tiger two paws pressing down onto his chest.

The sky itself shook from the terrifying force of the blast with ripples erupting outward, that carried arcs of electricity. Anything that was touch by these arcs of electricity was blasted away and gaining some black scorch mark.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Azure Eyed Tiger was smashing its two claws into Tang Wulin causing electricity to splash around. Each of its blow was strong enough to destroy a whole hillside, let alone a mountain.

Yet it didn't stop hitting Tang Wulin but kept on raining down attacks on him, as if it was afraid, what would happen if it let up. The crater below them began growing deeper as the attacks of the Azure Eyed Tiger were becoming more intense and ruthless.

But it was then, a hand was thrust out with terrifying speed, that the Azure Eyed Tiger wasn't able to react to. The hand latched on to the Tiger neck but the tiger didn't let up as it continued to smash down onto the figure below it.

But it was then two of its paws that were smashing onto Tang Wulin was caught with one hand. The tiger tried to break free but it immediately realizes it couldn't budge the hand.

"I think that's about enough." A voice rang out below the Azure Eyed Tiger as it started to feel its body was being lifted.

The Azure Eyed Tiger roared out, causing the Golden Lightning around it to become even fiercer and chaotic. Yet Tang Wulin didn't care as he clenched his fist that was trembling with vigor and power.

"Thanks for the practice." Said Tang Wulin as he thrust out his fist towards the head of the Azure Eyed Tiger, after letting go of its palm.

His fist was too fast for the tiger to react as it began piercing through the head of the Azure Eyed Tiger. It tried fighting back, as its energy began to erupt outward, alongside the lightning around it.

Yet it was useless against Tang Wulin tyrannical strength, as it blasted apart the Azure Eyed Tiger head. The headless body of the Azure Eyed Tiger began falling after Tang Wulin let go.

"Now the-"

Before Tang Wulin could finish his words, his senses pick up the fleeing form of the Demonic Jade Turtle. It was using all of its energy and power to leave the East Region, more specifically the area Tang Wulin was.

Tang Wulin lightly shook his head and with a small laugh, he dashed after the Demonic Jade Turtle.

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