Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 147: Troublesome

Chapter 147: Troublesome

It didn't take them long to reach the main event of the festival. They decided to not cause a big commotion and landed a few meters before they reach the main event area.

By the time they reached the area, a loud voice had rung out that caused everyone to go silent.

"I Love you Yuanen Yehui!"

"So he did confess." Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to nod his head and Yun Ming to sigh.

It wouldn't be wrong to say Yun Ming sometimes wishes he had the chance to humbly confess to the love of his life Yali at the Sea God festival.

Tang Wulin was able to see Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui on the stage. Then as he was glancing around, he was able to see many people he was familiar with. It also didn't take long for him to find his friends, teachers, and dad.

'Who is that girl with Yue Zhengyu?' Thought Tang Wulin as he saw a girl with blond hair next to Yue Zhengyu.

He lost interest and then continues watching the rest of the confession on the guy's side. There were many youths from different schools and organizations confessing. He saw familiar faces of the people he used to be in class with. Although he remembered the ones, he beat up the best than the others.

He even saw members that were apart of Tenrou City, which made him arch a brow, but he didn't comment. From what he recalled from Mu Ye, he had some of the kids participate in some of the tournaments while he was away.

They swept through the whole tournament as he expected, although he chuckles at what Mu Ye threaten them with.

'I don't get how more training is so bad.' Thought Tang Wulin in slight amusement and it was then something happened that caused Gu Yue to glance at him.

He knew that most of the people at Shrek didn't know he was dating six girls at the same time. So it wasn't really a shock when he saw one of the boys turn their heads to Xu Xiaoyan and proclaim his love for her.

"Is that allowed?" Questioned Gu Yue once she saw that Tang Wulin wasn't going to do anything.

"You mean confessing to the girls that aren't involved?" Questioned Yun Ming and receiving a nod from Gu Yue.

"Well, it's not necessary to ban or disallowed something like this."

"Even if the girl is dating someone?" Questioned Gu Yue with a raised brow.

"Didn't you hear? This festival is also open to those who are dating, and even they are subjected to the chance of their lovers being stolen by another. Besides if they can't even protect their lover from something like this, how could they protect them in the outside world."Said Yun Ming causing Gu Yue to subtly glance at Tang Wulin and reach out her hand to grasp his.

Tang Wulin rosed a brow at Gu Yue and causing her to sigh at his lack of understanding. Zeref and Sleipnir appeared next to him with both of them laughing.

"I'm pretty sure she is expecting you to give off a reaction or something. As that guy did openly confess to your girlfriend."Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to give Gu Yue a blank stare.

"Ouch!" Gu Yue cried out as she felt Tang Wulin pinching her cheek.

"Don't tell me you guys actually expect me to get jealous or mad?" Questioned Tang Wulin in disbelief as he finally let go of Gu Yue cheek.

But Gu Yue didn't answer and only glared at him. Tang Wulin lightly smiles and captures her lips once again.


The thought of him getting irrational over someone confessing to one of his girlfriends was honestly amusing.

"Would you leave me?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he brought Gu Yue closer to him. Gu Yue only rolled her eyes at him and look at him as if he was an idiot.

"Do you honestly think I would confess to you and experience all of this emotional drama, just to go be with someone else?" Questioned Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin smile to grow.

Yun Ming didn't say anything as he watches the duo in front of him. He assumed they were talking about being unable to confess at this stage, but his instinct was telling him something was wrong.

The same thing happened with the other girls as the people in the boy's lines kept on confessing. To the amusement of Zeref, Sleipnir, and the people around them, the girl's face was red. Although they were red for a different reason than what most people thought.

As the confession of the boys was coming to an end, a commotion started erupting. This confused Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, and Yun Ming as they saw people shifting their gaze in a certain direction.

It didn't take them long to notice what was causing such a commotion as they saw three figures walking forward.

The first figure couldn't be considered strikingly beautiful, but she was able to exude a warm aura that was able to draw people in.

The other women were pure and elegant beauty with long evergreen hair flowing down her back. She gave off her aura of acceptance and somewhat holy with a hint of pureness.

The last figure was a breathtaking beauty with a flawless face. She had long silver hair hanging loosely and twinkling purple eyes. Her looks were so out of this world, that it caused the two women besides her to pale in comparison to her polished looks.

It was if the pristine environment was able to enhance the silver hair girl beauty in an instant. Yet all three of them were able to capture the whole attention of the people gathered.

"Holy Spirit Douluo!"

"Dragon Spear Goddess!"

Instantly, the whole shoreside was screaming and yelling. They all stunned that these great figures would appear on this day, although they didn't know who the third woman was, it didn't matter as she must be someone great to stand beside these two figures.

As the three ladies finally approach the main event, the announcer Lan Muzi quickly began to speak.

"Your Holiness, Senior, and junior Na'er it's a shock to see you all here." Said Lan Muzi paying respect to all of the lovely ladies.

"Don't worry, we're here just to watch." Said Na'er with a charming smile as she was glancing all around as if she was looking for someone.

"Sorry for the disturbance." Said Yali causing Lan Mu Zi and Tang Yinemng both to shook their heads while telling her it was fine.


A sweet voice rang out causing everyone to shift their gaze to an old woman walking forward. The other person also had white hair but looked hale and hearty. She wore a thorn hairpin, and her clothes looked coarse.

She resembled an ordinary, old married woman.

Yali eyes naturally lit up when she saw the old lady and hastily asks everyone to make way for her. Everyone naturally complied and it didn't take long for the old lady to reach Yali.

"Sister Yue, how are you." Said Yali lightly with a lot of respect as she grasps the old lady's hands, causing the people around her who heard her words to be shocked.

The person whose hands she was grasping was none other than the Vice-Master of the Sea God Pavilion and the oldest person in Shrek Academy.

She became the Vice-Master long before the Atlas Douluo Yun Ming took charge as the Sea God Pavilion Master and was married to the previous Sea God Pavilion Master. It hasn't even been two hundred years since she last shock the world with her appearance and powers.

Whether it be from being known as the Light Dark Dragon Empress or Light Dark Douluo Long Yeyue. Or being known for charging into the Spirit Pagoda and smacking the Pagoda Master in the face.

"I was enjoying my youth until you all decided to disturb it." Said Long Yeyue with a chuckle causing Yali to smile at her.

It was then that Na'er eyes lit up and she began to nimbly move. This shifted the attention of everyone, including Yali and Long Yeyue as they followed her movements.

As the crowd began to partway for Na'er, they were able to see where she was heading. A lot of people were shocked at the sight of seeing the Atlas Douluo Yun Ming who was the Sea God Pavilion master.

"Is that really the Atlas Douluo! He looks so young and handsome!"

"The one and only strongest!"

"The backbone of Shrek!"

A lot of the youths were gazing at the Atlas Douluo in awe and reverence. As they all still recall the heroic feats of the one who was known as the strongest soul master. It took the youths a while before they notice the two figures beside him.

"Wait if that is Yun Ming, who is the two people next to him?"

"Who cares! That guy is so handsome!"

"Isn't he a bit too handsome?"

"I don't think I have ever seen someone so good-looking!"

"Hey isn't that Gu Yue? A contender for the Seven Devils of Shrek?"

"Your right! Wait... Isn't she a bit too close to the man?"

"Could it be their dating? Lucky her!"

"Lucky her? Lucky him! He is dating a contender of the Seven Devils!"

"Gu Yue?" Questioned Leng Yaozhi as she was standing next to the other Spirit Pagoda elders while the crowds were talking. When she saw Yun Ming, she felt her heart skipping a beat and her eyes liting up in joy.

But then she became confused at the person next to him and Gu Yue. As she has never seen that young man before and she doubts she would forget a person as handsome as that.

'How can someone be that handsome?' Thought Leng Yaozhi with a bit of shock.

If Na'er could be considered the most gorgeous woman in the world, then the man before he could be considered close to being the most handsome in the world.

Yet even with those three figures, everyone still kept their eyes on Na'er who was skipping towards them. The elders all thought Na'er was going to Yun Ming since he was her master, while those who knew them better, thought differently.

"Na'er?" Questioned Yun Ming as he saw her approaching and his eyes widen when feeling the fluctuation of her soul power.

'Wait! How is she already a Spirit Douluo? Hadn't she been she only a Spirit Emperor before she left a year and a half ago?' Thought Yun Ming who couldn't help but tremble in shock but then he notices, Na'er eyes weren't on him.


As if he expected it, Tang Wulin already had his arms outstretch before Na'er threw herself at him. Na'er dived into her big brother's comforting embrace and began snuggled into his chest before giggling. She lifts up her head out of his chest to get a look at him before moving toward his face and capturing his lips.

Everything went silent for a few seconds as everyone began processing what they were witnessing, before everything shoreside went into an uproar.

On the boys' side, were eyes filled with a terrifying amount of killing intent and they even had their soul rings out with some even summoning their battle-armor.

If they all thought that their Dragon Spear Goddess diving into the arms of another man that wasn't them should be punishable by death. Then the act of seeing her kissing the man was something else entirely.

It was not amiss to say, that all of them wanted to screw the festival and attack Tang Wulin right now.

As for Yun Ming? To say he was shocked would be an understatement as he would have never thought his disciple would be in a relationship with Tang Wulin. After all, he was in a relationship-.

Yun Ming blinks his eyes as began to grasp something absolutely crucial.

'Isn't this brat dating Gu Yue...'

Na'er simply giggles and then wink at Gu Yue with a sly smirk. Gu Yue rolled her eyes but also moved toward Tang Wulin and captured his lips. Yet Gu Yue didn't just end it there as she snaps her fingers causing a four flash of light to appear around them.

Out of the light came Xu Xiaoyan, Wu Siduo, Mu Xi, and Ye Xinglan who all had a varying expressions. Yet as if they were able to understand Gu Yue and Na'er, they also sprouted a sly smirk on their face that caused Tang Wulin to slightly narrow his eyes.

'...Wait they wouldn't-'

Tang Wulin lips were captured another four times with all of the girls draping themselves over him with their face blushing.

Yet Tang Wulin only lightly sigh while Zeref and Sleipnir were laughing as they knew why the girls acted like that.

"They really want you to suffer with them." Said Zeref as he glances at the shock faces of the crowd.

"Now isn't that adorable." Said Sleipnir causing Tang Wulin lips to twitch.

"Aren't you guys too old to be petty?" Mutter Tang Wulin as his Asura blood and his instincts went off as he felt thousands of thousands of killing intent being directed at him.

Yet the girls only look at him with charming smiles as if they didn't understand what they did wrong or what he meant. Somehow this causes the killing intent to spike even more, causing Tang Wulin to let out a sigh.

'Such troublesome girlfriends.'

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