Doggone Academy

Chapter 47: Master Class (1)

Chapter 47: Master Class (1)

Weekly Chapter (3/5)

A knights apprentice was driving a wagon loaded with oak barrels.

He belonged to the Order of Wiesel. He muttered to himself.

Although I have come for honor, it really looks like slavery.

He couldnt understand it.

Why did a knights apprentice have to do the work of an assistant? Did he even have to wear the heavy armor of the order?

What he was transporting didnt even seem very valuable. If the oak barrels had wine in them, he would have drunk a few jars in anger.

As he passed a hill, he saw a mansion.

The apprentice knight compared the map several times with the surrounding terrain.

This is the place.

He hummed as he moved forward.

Two hours later he approached the mansion, where there were people outside.

In the middle was a tall woman. On one side was a boy, on the other side was a girl. Then there were her employees.

The knights apprentice narrowed his eyes. The silhouette looks somewhat familiar to him.

When he looked closer, he realized that the person in the middle was Great Mage Sylverine, whom he had seen the other day. Next to her was her student, Damien.

The knights apprentice finally understood.

My God, the place marked on the map was the Great Mages mansion!

Now he knew why they put a flag with the Orders seal on the wagon. The Great Mage came personally to receive the oak barrels.

He thought that this order of knights had great prestige.

He proudly entered the mansion.

The knights apprentice, who stopped the cart a few steps away from Silverine, immediately walked towards her. He said, while kneeling, Posted only on

An honorable knight of the Order of Wiesel, third son of the Larhalt family

Sylverine turned away with a frown.

Esteemed Great Mage?

The perplexed apprentice knight examined the reactions of the people around.

They were not interested in him. Instead, their gazes were fixed in the distance.

He turned his head back.

Black carriages with the Eternia crest were approaching the mansion from the distance.


Damien guided the knights apprentice.

This way.


He caught his breath as he brought Griffins blood into the fabrication room.

It was six oak barrels in all. Although he received it a little late, the quantity exceeded his expectations. He could drink a potion a day for over a year.

It looked like they had caught three or four Griffins. The order of knights was very kind.

The problem was that he could not test the potion before the evaluation.

He had to prepare for any situation.

Lilia entered the fabrication room.

Is that the last ingredient?


Lilia opened the lid of the oak barrel to fill a bottle.

Then she looked at the bottle.

It was colorless, odorless, and viscous. It looked like transparent honey. It was completely different from the blood of demonic beasts that people were familiar with.

The confused Lilia asked,

What is this?

This is Griffins blood.

My God

She looked at the barrels in horror.

Anyway, this is the last ingredient.


Im too nervous.

Why are you nervous, Lilia?

I dont know

Lilia also saw Eternias carriages approaching the mansion, so she assumed it wasnt a normal situation.

From his pocket, he pulled a note that had the ultimate combination formula. The important work was finished, so only the simple but laborious work remained.

Lilia, I have a favor to ask you.


He handed her the note.

Could you make the potion based on the note? Please bring it to me as soon as possible.

Lilia nodded with determination.


Lilia looked a little worried, as if she was going to be evaluated.

A few footsteps approached the fabrication room.

A maid announced that the evaluators had arrived.

The carriage has just arrived at the mansion.


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