Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 769 769

Chapter 769 769

[Song Recommendation: The Weeknd - Call Out My Name.]

Vincent was so angry when he saw them kissing. But he could only clench his fist because he knew attacking them right now wasn't the wisest move.

He allowed them to do whatever lovey-dovey thing they needed before Vernon left the room.

Only Vincent and Chloe were in the room right now, but he knew he couldn't do anything extreme because Vernon was watching over them from the window.

Vincent stared at Chloe, knowing he couldn't just hug her tight. He stretched his arm, asking for a handshake.

Chloe stared at his hand and smiled, "Let's just go and sit, Mr. Gray. I will tell you everything you want to know."

Vincent pulled his hand at a loss. He felt hurt when Chloe walked past him and sat on the chair directly facing his seat.

Vincent could only grieve as he joined Chloe and sat on the opposite side. He stared at Chloe, who looked so beautiful. It was as if she returned in time ten years ago when she was the most gorgeous bride Vincent ever saw in his life.

Her flowing chestnut hair rested on her shoulder, and she swept it to the back to ensure she looked proper. She sat straight and warned, "Just so you know, Vincent Gray, I will not back down this time. No matter how often you try to beg or threaten me, I will not stop the divorce process."

Vincent said nothing. He was lost in her beauty for a while. It had been a while since he could see her face-to-face, and it looked like she was just descended from heaven.

"Take this seriously, Vincent," Chloe frowned. "This is the last time we will ever speak to each other, and you will waste it all by saying nothing?"

"I refuse the divorce," Vincent said slowly but clearly, ensuring Chloe heard what he said. "I will fight my way until the divorce process stops, and you will return to my side again, Chloe."

Chloe's eyes darkened. She thought Vincent would yell at her for running away, and she was mentally prepared for it.

But this reaction from Vincent wasn't what she expected, and it only angered her even more, knowing that his words were too late.

"Why are you insisting on something unsalvageable? You know that our marriage is doomed," Chloe said. "It has been doomed since you decided to cheat on me when I was seven months pregnant."

"That's because you weren't this pretty when you were pregnant," Vincent said. "You looked like a beluga whale, and then you got so thin and bony like a living dead. You weren't this pretty, and I… I can't seem to like you back then."

Vincent smiled, not realizing that he had dug his pit deeper, "Now that you're beautiful and ravishing again, I can't take my eyes off you, Chloe. I want you back. Please give me a second chance, and let's start anew. I will be a good husband from now on, and I will not cheat this time."

Chloe was getting angry at Vincent. She didn't know if Vincent was just trying to upset him or if he genuinely didn't see anything wrong with his words just now.

Though, she believed the latter sounded more believable.

Vincent had a screwed-up way of seeing things in life, thanks to his bastard father's teaching.

"Do you think I will return to you after what you've done to me?" Chloe asked. She leaned on the chair and crossed her arms. Her beauty was staggering for Vincent, so he was trying his best not to kiss her now. "Vernon is the one who helps me through all the pain you caused. He gives me a safe space and support so I can get mentally and physically better. He's the one that helps me to return to this body I once had before I got married to you."

"Why do you think you're entitled to enjoy the fruits of other man's labor?" Chloe taunted, and Vincent's mood finally soured after he enjoyed the beauty before him.

"Do you not see Vernon taking advantage of the situation? He doesn't love you. He loves the money and opportunity that comes with you since you're my wife," Vincent accused. "Look at what you did now, Chloe. You give him all my weaknesses, and he exploits them by shaming me on national television. He made our family business go bankrupt. He ruined OUR lives!"

"And you… this is why I don't want to be seen as weak in front of a woman. They could easily turn their back on you, and even after ten years of discipline, you are still one of those treacherous bitches," Vincent said. He glared at Chloe but didn't dare to hurt her because he knew that touching her meant the conversation was done for.

"Vincent… do you not realize everything is stacked against your favor now?" Chloe mentioned. "You're not making this any better by talking down on me repeatedly. Besides, you should be honest, Vincent. Will you ever give me the divorce I deserve if I didn't bring you and your company down?"

"I won't," Vincent replied without hesitation. "You are my rightful wife. You're the only mistress of my house. Why would I divorce you for no reason? I'm not an idiot."

"For NO reason? Are you serious!?" Chloe finally got worked up after realizing that Vincent still hadn't learned from his mistake. After being stripped of his position as CEO and shamed on national television, he lost half of his money and his inheritance too. He was still the same stubborn and unfeeling man who couldn't understand that he was abusive.

"I am serious. All I did for the past ten years was discipline you, ensuring you can be a good wife or mine without cheating," Vincent said. "It has always been like that, and I keep the tradition from my father, who also beats my mother. It's natural when you're married to the Gray family."

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