Chapter 353 - 353 Becoming God

353 Becoming God

Alex stood at the center of the chaos with a sad look on his face. He could feel the black flames within him consuming him. This was the surest and easiest way of winning fast even when surrounded by countless foes. He had already reached the peak strength and being in this realm can possibly reach, with the power of the Dàn-T?? Emperor and his Emperor familiar surging within him, Alex felt uncomfortable.

His body was rejecting this strength?

Has it really hit its limit?


Alex’s eyes surged with killing light as a terrifying suction force exploded from his body and all the blue meteor power within earth kept surging towards him. If his body has reached its limit then he will do the needful and force his body to evolve and go past that limit!

He finally admitted the plan of the Dàn-T?? Emperor made more sense to him than anyone else. Rather than letting the heavens toy with them for much longer, why doesn’t he just attack the heavens and make it his?

Playing the defensive role is something normal but at this point, it’s not the best course of action.


Alex exhaled as he revealed a bitter smile while looking at the corpse of the Dàn-T?? Emperor below him.


“I hope I have the strength to do what should be done… don’t worry I will protect this universe but I can’t say the same for your race. As for the black flame emperor. I will go to the heavens in your stead and eradicate them all. Just like you, I will make the power of the black flame emperor mine!” Alex said with a cruel light in his eyes as he finally felt a sense of purpose.

Everything spiraled out of control earlier and now he finally knew what he needed to do. The more blue death power surged into his body, he felt his grip over the black flames increased. He could feel his body evolving but at the same time, the world was rejecting him!

He was becoming a being who can’t exist in this plane of existence!

If that is the case, he will save this world before it shatters!


Alex clasped his hands as a sea of black flames exploded from his body filling the earth!


Everyone present paled and quickly urged their power but no one could stop Alex. As he kept absorbing the blue meteor energy, his strength kept soaring to levels no one could even imagine.

“I AM NOT A BEING YOU CAN SUPPRESS!” Alex’s furious voice boomed across the universe as his black armor was turning more transparent as stars slowly became visible on his body.

Soon his body seemed like a solar system of its own. Visible web-like cracks spread across his body. His face seemed to lighten up while his eyes were like two bright sun’s that could cover the universe!


Alex grasped the air and the world cracked!

“Shatter!” Alex’s voice was like that of a thousand men, booming like lightning as an explosion erupted around him and a black hole formed at the center of the entire chaos forcefully consuming everything!


In space, a fierce battle ensued between the invaders and the forces of the Danite empire.


A fierce explosion gained everyone’s attention as a powerful suction force exploded, pulling in planets almost effortlessly, rendering them useless!

Standing in front of what could be considered a star-sized black hole, Alex’s tiny body remained still like a statue as it remained in a cross-legged position.

He meditated while digesting all the energy he has consumed, ignoring all the chaos around him.

He had to make sure this evolution process was a success so he couldn’t bother himself with anything else, he was just happy all his enemies were gathered at one spot.

I leave the alliance to you!

Alex’s eyes slightly opened as images of Silver battling swarms of enemies alone in the chilly space appeared in his eyes.

This power…

It’s too much!

It’s not something that should exist in this world!

Alex frowned deeply as fear of this strength kept creeping in. As the evolution process progressed he felt as if the constraints of this world were leaving him. Like his body is free from the chains binding him. He felt far lighter and more clear-headed as the secrets of the universe surged into his mind.

So much information that Alex could feel something leaving him.


Alex frowned within his heart as he felt something was wrong. His emotions, his humanity. Suddenly the struggle of the beings across the universe flashing across his eyes seemed like nothing but entertainment to him.

A strong feeling of loneliness crept into his heart, followed by pain and fury. Alex was assaulted by so many feelings he found it hard to breathe.


Alex slapped his face with his hands creating shockwaves that shattered two planets flying towards him due to the black hole behind him.

“I’m losing…. This power is consuming me!” Alex muttered those words but they seemed to be carried by an invisible force and drifted to the ends of the universe in mere seconds!





Countless beams shot at Silver but he casually threw his hands open and powerful suction force erupted from his hands, absorbing that power.


Silver’s jacket fluttered in the wind as his face remained emotionless and indifferent.

He threw his other hand forward and all the absorbed energy shot out in the form of a thin beam with a simple swipe, he obliterated hundreds of enemy battleships.

“This planet is under the protection of the Nameless family, as long as we exist you will never be able to harm a soul here!” Silver’s voice was brimming with confidence as his body drifted back and the cameras floating around got the perfect angles.




Excited cheers boomed from everywhere as they were ecstatic, unaware of what was happening back on earth where Alex was currently struggling to stay alive!

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