Chapter 294

294 Wavelength of Madness

Watching Little Alex walk in the air sent shivers down the Danite’s third prince’s spine as he finally felt killing intentions directed towards him. From the beginning until now, Little Alex has remained emotionless and oblivious to everything happening around him. He has been acting like a child given an order but as soon as the Danite third prince merged with the silver fox deity, the indifferent child suddenly revealed his killing intentions directed at one person.

It felt like as soon as the kid felt threatened, he instantly changed without hesitation!

“He is walking in the air as if it is land, could that be one of his deviant abilities?”

People below were stunned by this because everywhere little Alex placed his legs lit up as if there was a torch under.


The bright silver blur flashed and reappeared beside Little Alex with its claws striking down ruthlessly as lightning and wind surged around it!


Little Alex didn’t hesitate to channel his fiery sun deity power through his blade as it released bright orange light while his blade struck forward!



Little Alex was blown back for the first time since the battle began. His back hit what could be considered an invisible soft wall, preventing him from traveling too far or getting hurt. He gazed at his hands wielding his short sword and a slight frown bloomed on his face as soon as he noticed his shaky hands which felt number just after one clash.

“You are strong. Just like Uncle Silver said you will be” Little Alex said with a straight face as a rumbling sound spread across the skies, erupting from him.




Sounds of the beating heart filled the sky as a lone figure standing against the man started releasing what red aura. The stench of blood filled the air as Little Alex’s skin slowly dyed red just like that of Wilder Briggs. His eyes which has been indifferent all through turned cruel and the smile on his face bloomed into a sinister one.

An aura of madness exploded from the child as pearls of creepy laughter resonated from Little Alex stunning even Wilder Briggs. In the new form of the demon-kin secret technique which is called the blood Demon ascension, he had only reached the first stage but this kid has advanced to the second stage already.

The wavelength of Madness!


Meanwhile, Alex remained oblivious to the war going on on earth and continued his journey with the red sea horse. After traveling for a few days they had finally reached the darkest and most abandoned part of planet Kamen. Right there the sea horse seemed reluctant and unwilling to move forward.

For a reason that he was still unable to explain, Alex could sense the threat of death surging from the distance which made him uncomfortable. Things capable of taking his life in this world can be counted with two hands at worst, so he felt the urge to reduce the number when possible.


The cockpit opened up and Alex flew out of it. His eyes brushed past the sea horse and went even deeper. His body seemed to carry some sort of ar that made the sea horse retreat some distance from him.

The sea horse felt intimidated!

With the Z series battle armor on, Alex wore what looked like a face mask that allowed him to breathe.

“Stay here... If I don’t return in a month, you can head back alone” Alex said to the sea horse without even bothering to look at it. His encounter with this majestic beast twice now was enough for him to know how smart these red sea horses are.


His body began drifting forward, shooting deeper into the dark sea. As Alex moved his body was shrouded in his gravity powers, preventing himself from getting crushed. After what can be considered an hour or two of traveling in the same direction, Alex was forced to stop.

He had reached what could be considered a cliff in the depths of the ocean and below the cliff were fierce black whirlpools.

“I guess this is the place,” Alex said with a deep frown.

According to Emperor Qikath, below the black whirlpool was a passageway to the underworld of Planet Kamen where his brother resides with the scepter of Destiny.

But this was the place where the threat of death was at its strongest, even Alex couldn’t help but hey goosebumps.

What the hell could be hidden in here that could make him feel uncomfortable?

Or is there something he is unable to see even with the current state of things?

What if this black whirlpool was just a bottomless pit where he will be trapped forever till his death?

“This will be troublesome,” Alex said with a deep frown.

He knew the reason why Sharyn was adamant about stopping him from leaving. He knew she was just worried about him but he didn’t appreciate the fact she was holding him back. As much as it feels nice to have someone who worries about you, the truth remains that he needs someone who will motivate him to push forward. Not just someone who will make him feel the need to be cautious at all times.

“Does this emperor really think I won’t be able to make it out of this place alive?” Alex asked with a cruel smile on his face.

Just at the entrance of the place he was meant to go, he was already doubting the intentions of the young emperor but that didn’t make him want to leave, instead, it strengthened his urge to enter this black whirlpool and find out what gives this emperor the confidence to send him in here.

By the way, the emperor has seen his strength and power. The fact he sent him here means that something stronger than him is here.

Alex desperately wanted to know what that thing is

“Okay, little Qikath... let’s go see where your Confidence comes from!” Alex laughed cruelly as he jumped off the cliff, plunging into the black whirlpool!

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