Descent of the Legendary Archmage

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

It was not until 9 p.m. that all training was completed.

Thats all for todays training. Thank you for your efforts.

With Shin Hayuls announcement of the end of the training, 7 people were laying on the floor at the same time.

Everyone except Kang Shinwoo and Adella laid on the floor with the face that they could no longer endure.

Huff, huff.

Only heavy breathing could be heard from all sides.

Then I have a place to go, so I will leave first.

Shin Hayul left first, and only a total of 9 men and women were left on the training ground.

......What a devilish bastard. Did his viciousness evolve as the circle went up?

Ji Soonchan was the first one who said a word. He mediated todays training and gnashed his teeth.

He had never experienced such terrible training before.

I know. Im dying. I feel like I have been experiencing hell for 10 hours. I thought I had a lot of physical strength and patience, but I was wrong.

Ma Jinseok laughed. The huge muscles that rose like mountains were pumped up in the aftermath of the training and moved even more vigorously.

Unnie, are you okay?


She has no answer. She already looks like a dead body.

Jin Heeyoon was completely lost and not answering. Looking at Ji Soonchan, she spat out a word.

I am

She is not dead.

She was so tired that she couldnt complete the sentence.

All the light disappeared again from Jin Heeyoons eyes, which had slightly returned. It was as if a mackerel was looking up at the sky just before it died.

Im in a terrible condition.

Kang Shinwoo shook his head looking down at Jin Heeyoon.

He doesnt know if she was alive or dead.

He had never seen Jin Heeyoon lying down like this in his life.

Thats understandable. You followed Hayul because you didnt want to lose to him.

Jin Heeyoon was one who worked harder than anyone else in todays training.

Even in a situation where she had to run for a long time, she only sprinted.

She did her best for 10 hours as if she didnt think about her physical strength.

As a result, she is now in this semi-dead state. She burned everything and became white ash.

I cant say anything because she was working the hardest.

Thats what I am saying.

The juniors, who were also exhausted but not as much as Jin Heeyoon, were astonished.

I thought I would give up, but I couldnt, because of the gold medal.

Me too.

Now, as if the breathing had returned, there was some energy back among the juniors.

To be honest, I thought we would win a bronze medal if we did well until the day before yesterday.

The US and Britain, which have 5 circle players, are ranked first and second, thus, Korea can win the bronze medal if we were really lucky.

They only had this much expectation.

It was a natural expectation.

A 4 circle mage cannot beat circle 5 mage no matter how hard they try.

Oh, man. You still lack faith.

Almighty Hayul said Korea also has a 5 circle.

Oh, I believe you. Hamen.

However, from the moment Shin Hayul announced his circle-up yesterday, their thoughts have completely changed.

We also have a 5 circle, so why cant we win a gold medal?

Hayul is really amazing.

I keep forgetting that he is a misfit.

To be honest, how is he a misfit?

As the juniors recovered their physical and mental strength with the passage of time, their tension increased.

Shinwoo, Jinseok, and Heeyoon. How was it for you guys? What do you think about fighting with Hayul now?

......What do we think?

Ma Jinseok snorted.

Do you call that a question? Lose. We will lose. It is hard to win even if the three of us came at him at once.

It was an answer that could hurt his pride, but Kang Shinwoo and Jin Heeyoon did not look offended at all.

Rather, they were only nodding as if they agreed with Ma Jinseoks opinion.

He is now a monster.

Shin Hayuls performance was that great.





There is not a single thing lacking in his magic.

On top of that, his physical ability is unrivaled.

There are no weaknesses.

Not a weakness, everything is a strength.

He is just a monster.

There is no vision of winning against Shin Hayul.

I really didnt know I would say this, but I feel sorry for the other teams.


Ma Jinseok shook his head with his tongue sticking out.

How pitiful they are to have to fight this crazy...I


Youre right.

Im going to feel sorry for them all of a sudden.

The juniors nodded as if they agreed with him deeply.

The training ground became noisy.

Looking at the noisy juniors, Ji Soonchan laughed inwardly.

Hayul has leadership.

Who would think they didnt get along with each other at first after seeing this scene?

He is proud of it as a friend.



Ma Jinseok approached Ji Soonchan.

Why did Hayul leave so quickly because he had something to do at this time?

Hayul? I heard that he was going to go to the Baengnyeong Island Central Research Center.

Research Center?

Yes. He said he had something to consult about the concentration of mana.

* * *

Baengnyeong Island Central Research Center.

It is an observation organization that observes the current situation of Baengnyeong Island and a research institute that studies the overflowing mana of the Island.

Currently, there is no better place than here to seek advice on the abnormal climate of Baengnyeong Island.


When I entered the center, the researcher welcomed me.

Im sorry for the late time.

No, were the ones who told you to come at this time.

I came to the center at this time not because I didnt want to waste my training time.

I wanted to come as soon as possible, but the center called me to come at 9:30 p.m. because it didnt have time before then.

Thats why I came at this time after finishing all the training.

But, isnt it because of me that you couldnt go home?

Haha. No way. I have a long way to go home.

It is so late.

Working all day long without going home. It is a common thing for researchers, isnt it?

The researcher laughed mischievously.

It was a self-inflicted joke that was hard to respond to.

Im kidding. I usually get off work on time. Im just a bit busy because of the current situation. I couldnt afford to leave work.

Current situation........ You are talking about the situation where the concentration of mana in Baengnyeong Island is getting higher, right?

Yes, thats right. We are continuing to investigate the incident. I dont have time to rest.

The center was also conducting the analysis of this incident.

Has the cause been found?

No. Unfortunately, nothing has been found.

The researcher smiled bitterly.

Then, what are the strong hypotheses?

Well, there are some hypotheses. First of all, the most credible one is the theory of the vein explosion........

As I asked the researcher a few questions, I arrived at my destination.

Oh, weve arrived. This way.

I entered the room where the researcher guided me.

The nameplate of the director of the research center was placed on a desk that looked luxurious at first glance.

I guess it is the room of the director of the research center.

You can sit here. The director will be right back.

Thank you.

Then, Ill be on my way.

With the words, the researcher left the room.

And soon after, the director came into the room.

Im sorry Im late. Haha.

It was a young man in neat lab clothes.

He greeted me with a smile.

He was very young for a research director.

Whats wrong? Is there something on my face?

I stared at the directors face.

I am not looking at him because he is young.

In the first place, I knew from a preliminary investigation that the director of this center was young. There is no reason to be surprised.

No. I was a little surprised because you were so young. Im sorry if I offended you.

Haha. There is no reason to feel bad when you say Im young. Have a seat. I will bring you something to drink.

I was surprised not because the man was young, but because of the mana that the man had inside.

All I have is coffee, is it okay?

Yes, Im fine.

As I reached the 4 circle, my grown-up Gods eyes have become able to roughly grasp the amount of mana possessed by the others not only when activated but also during normal times.

Through these, I can guess the approximate level of the others.

The man in front of me.

The amount of mana of a man who introduced himself as the research director is extraordinary.

This much. It is at least 7 circle.

7 circle.

He can be classified as an archmage.

There are fewer than 10 high-quality magicians in Korea.

The magician of that level is working as a research director on this island?

It is impossible.

Is he a secret master who is hiding his skills? Or is he fake?

I opened my eyes sharply looking at the man operating the coffee machine.

Lets take a closer look.

Gods eyes.

At the same time as my spiritual eyes were opened, the mana of the man was clearly seen.

My spiritual eyes, which have been strengthened after I became 4 circle, can see through the essence of the targets mana even if the target is not using magic.

My Gods eyess penetrated the abyss of a man.


And at that moment.

My eyes grew as big as a lamp.

A mirage covering the entire body of a man. This is........

6 circle non-attribute vision magic. Fake illusion.

Sure enough, the man was changing his appearance through vision magic.

Since he has the mana of a 7 circle, I couldn't see the mans real face, but the fog surrounding the mans skin was clearly visible.

As expected, the man is a fake.

And this mana........

The problem isnt just that this man is fake.

The real problem is who the man is.

Mana spewing out of this mans body.

Black mana.

Black that I have already seen before.

A muddy and dirty pitch black reminiscent of sewage.

This man is a dark wizard from the Black Magic Tower.

My brain got all jumbled at once.

But there was no time to organize my thoughts.

He finished brewing coffee, and turned around.

Before the man checked my face, I quickly calmed down.

Heres your coffee.

Yes, thank you.

The man smiled and put down my coffee cup in front of me and sat across from me.

Well, lets hear from you now. You want to consult on the mana concentration in Baengnyeong Island?

Do not panic here. I have to answer calmly.

Yes, Im having a hard time adapting because the mana concentration changes frequently these days. I think the training efficiency is also decreasing a bit. Id like to ask for some advice on this.

I pretended to be calm and continued speaking to avoid suspicion.

If he finds out that Ive noticed it, it will be over.

I cleared my doubts and emptied my head.

So that he cannot find out through my face and words.

As calmly as possible, I kept asking questions that the student might ask to the research director.

* * *

I have to leave now. Im sorry to bother you at this late time.

Haha. No problem. Its been a while since I had fun, too. If you have any other questions, feel free to come.

Okay, thank you.

After saying this, Shin Hayul left the center.

As soon as Shin Hayul left the center, the mans face changed.


He is still smiling, but the weight of the smile is different.

Tuckisch. You did great.

The researcher who guided Shin Hayul earlier handed a black robe to the man.

The man took the robe and put it on.

Did the target go back?

Yes. He went back right away. Shall we keep watch on him?

No. That is not allowed. A shadow is attached to the target now. Keeping watch on for no reason can be a scratch. Leave him alone.

Yes, sir.

An executive of the Black Magic Tower.

Tuckisch pulled the robe down all the way to his head.

At that moment, his face changed. The fake illusion was resolved and his real face was revealed.

Then, lets go back down to the underground lab.

Tuckisch walked into the basement.

The researcher followed him.

Tuckisch, I think it is a useless concern, but Shin Hayul didnt notice our plan, did he?

He kept asking about the mana concentration of Baengnyeong Island, and he even visited the research center at this time.

Maybe he noticed the plan.

No, he didnt.

He was worried that Shin Hayul might have noticed the plan because he suddenly came to the center, but as a result of talking with him, he did not.

Shin Hayul just visited the research center to seek advice on solving the problem of efficiency due to frequent changes in mana concentration.

Dont worry about it.

Yes, sir.

The researcher cleared all doubts.

If Tuckisch says no, it is not.

How is the spiritual nucleus?

Ah, there is nothing wrong with it. Its all according to plan. If we twist the spiritual nucleus now, it will explode by tomorrow afternoon.

The researcher smiled.

Tomorrow afternoon. Great.

Tuckisch smiled contentedly.

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