Death… And Me

Chapter 88 - Roan Goes Shopping

Chapter 88 - Roan Goes Shopping

Roan didn't need to look for long to find a shop that sold what he wanted. The name on the front was very suggestive as well, Majorias Cultivation Treasure Pavillion. It was a 7 stores giant building close to the center of the city. From what was written outside, the place had almost everything—treasures, cultivation techniques, cultivation resources, skill manuals, you name it.

But just a Roan was about to enter the shop, he saw a leg coming his way. Out of nowhere, someone was trying to kick him! For a moment, Roan thought about chopping that leg, but he soon remembered that he should avoid causing too big a commotion. Of course, he wouldn't let it simply go either. That being said, he simply punched.??



Immediately, everyone looked in his direction.

It turns out that the guards in front of the shop saw how Roan was dressed. Roan lived in the Varen Tribe until now, so his clothes were very ordinary. Personally, Roan didn't care. Even if he was to walk naked, he wouldn't give a damn. Thanks to that, he never paid attention to his appearance.

That guard that tried to kick him away saw those clothes and thought that he was some beggar. This is a prestigious shop in Majorias City, so how could they allow Roan to step inside to bother its customers? Too bad, though. The guard really chose the wrong person to mess with.

"You brat!"

The other guard saw his friend's broken leg and was enraged. Without asking for any explanation, he immediately released his power and attacked Roan without mercy. He was really planning to kill him! He took out his sword and quickly slashed at him intending to cut Roan's head.

However... this guy was nothing more than a Middle Stage Energy Gathering Realm cultivator.

Seeing that sword, Roan snorted before extending his hand.


The opponent's sword was immediately caught between Roan's fingers! It didn't matter how much strength that guy put in, he couldn't move it at all! Only now, he understood that Roan is far from being the beggar that he thought about.

Boom! Crack!

With a kick, Roan Broke three ribs of that guard while sending him flying.


The guard hit the wall before falling on the ground. After that, Roan grabbed the first guard with the broken leg and asked.

"What's the meaning of this? Why did you attack me?"

The guard was frightened to the point that even the pain in his leg disappeared. But just as he was about to ask for help...

"This little young master over there, please forgive our shop's guards. They had eyes but could not recognize Mount Tai. I hope you can give this old man face and let them go."

Roan glanced at the entrance and saw a white-haired man stepping out. The moment he Roan's eyes stopped on him, he knew that the guy wasn't simple. At the very least, he wasn't someone Roan could possibly dream of fighting against.

Roan then showed a smile and let the guard go.

"Since this friend came to apologize, I will obviously drop the matter. Still, I didn't know that the city's shop would kick its customers. I came from a small Tribe in a remote place, so I apologize if this was the city's customs."

The old man laughed out loud after hearing that. Although Roan seemed to be just a kid, his way of using words didn't look like one at all.

"I can assure you that the city's shops don't have such customs. Still, you can't really blame then. This is a famous shop in the city, so they can't let just anyone enter. They got mistaken and thought this little young master to be a beggar who would bother the shop's customers. Of course, with this young master's cultivation and power, you are far from being someone like that. Please come in, our Majorias Cultivation Treasure Pavillion will do its best to satisfy you."

Roan nodded and then stepped inside. As for the guards, the other employees quickly brought them away, and soon, another two new guards took their places.

Roan didn't care about that, though.

Once inside, the man took the role of the host.

"Sorry for the late introduction, my name is Leu Hictis. So, what would this young master be looking for?"

In fact, he doesn't believe that Roan has much money. Although he is strong, he had seen kids with similar cultivations as Roan hundreds of times during every Sect Entrance Exam. Still, he would probably become someone important in the Damalu Sect since any Foundation Establishment of his age was sure to have a bright future. There was nothing wrong with building up some good ties while they were young.

Roan looked around before saying.

"I saw written outside that you also sell skill manuals. I want to know if you have a skill better than the one I'm using."

Leu quickly nodded.

"We do have a lot of them for selling. But if you want to compare, I will need to see this young master using yours once."

Roan pondered a bit and nodded. The building had a lot of space, so he could simply use one of his skills in mid-air for Leu to see.

Roan didn't take his Spiritual Kaz Sword. Instead, he used a wooden sword that he often carried with him. It was basically used to teach the kids back in the Varen Tribe. During this trip, he used it against Inna Malaka several times.

Roan walked into an empty space before demonstrating one of the skills he developed. He didn't use Rean's light element this time since it was just a demonstration, so his hair color didn't change when he struck.

'Death Style, Third Form, Three Claws of the Dragon!'

*Swish, swish, swish!*

Three identical black swords attacked three different points in the air. When Leu saw that, his smile immediately disappeared. All that remained was a shocked expression. He is in the Middle Stage of the Core Formation Realm, but he couldn't tell which one was real even with his superior Spiritual Sense.

'No, all three swords were real. It's just that two of them were made of Spiritual and Elemental Energy. Probably, the two Energy ones were somewhat weaker than the wooden one. Still, they had plenty of attack power since I couldn't see the difference between them before the attack was over.

Seeing the Manager's eyes, Roan more or less got the answer he wanted. Still, he asked just in case.

"Do you have anything better than it?"

Leu looked at Roan before sighing.

"Some of our Sword Skills might be on par with your own, but I doubt they would be stronger."

Roan was surprised to hear that. He thought that not a single one would compare to his.

'It seems like I underestimated this place.'

"Great! Show me them. Oh, right! How much do they cost?"

Leu pointed at a room on the other side of the building.

"Please come with me, I will bring them for this young master to take a look. We can talk about the price later."


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