Death… And Me

Chapter 411 - Where Is Nulian?

Chapter 411 - Where Is Nulian?

Back at Rean and Roan's side, Rean finally arrived in the brothel that Roan talked about. Fortunately, he didn't need to know where it was. All he needed was to follow the connection he had with Roan.

"I lost quite some time with Qia's parents, so we better hurry up."

Roan nodded.

"It won't take long. Let's go."

[I still don't understand. There are a lot more people here than in the other places Nulian frequents. Wouldn't it be a lot harder to avoid everyone's Spiritual Senses here?]

Roan shook his head.

"Just watch."

Rean quickly activated his Light and Spiritual Sense bending skills while Roan did his job on the shadows. Soon after, they entered the brothel the same way they did back with Tissan.

This was quite a famous brothel that receives several levels of cultivators on a daily basis. As long as they had the Spirit Stones, it wouldn't bother who they were. Naturally, there were a few of them with cultivations much higher than Rean or Roan, so they should be able to notice the twins.

However, as Rean and Roan made their way between the people and dodged those who didn't see them, no one noticed anything out of place.

Finally, they looked in the direction of a specific table. There, they found Nulian being entertained by the women of this place. The twins could also see the guards who didn't leave Nulian's side, making sure to protect their employer. Every single one of them was at the Initial Stage of Core and Soul Fusion Realm at the very least.

However, even as Rean and Roan got closer, none of these guys noticed their presence either.

Sister Orb, obviously, didn't understand. Rean's Spiritual Sense bending ability shouldn't be strong enough to bend these guys' senses. Considering how close Rean and Roan were to them, they should have found the twins' presence a long time ago.

[This... Why's there is no Spiritual Sense being used here?]

Rean laughed as he explained.

'Hahaha! Obviously! After all, it's probably an unwritten rule to not use Spiritual Senses in this place. This is a brothel, Sister Orb. There are many people in the rooms having sex at this very moment. Do you think they would want to be spied by other's Spiritual Sense? What if you end offending some high-level cultivator? That's why no one uses Spiritual Senses. There is no lack of formations to suppress Spiritual Senses in this place either.'

[Oh... So that's why Roan said this was the best place to take this guy down without anyone noticing. They are too afraid of spreading their Spiritual Senses.]

Roan nodded.

'Exactly. Anyway, let's just wait for now. That idiot will eventually choose one of the women and head to an empty room. That will be our chance.'

Rean then asked Roan.

'What about the woman?'

Roan shook his head.

'None of them have high cultivations. This brothel is very thorough with its treatment. All the women have very weak cultivations or no cultivation at all. That's for the sake of them not endangering their customers. We can simply knock the girl out when the time comes.'

Rean nodded, and soon, they began to wait. Time slowly passed as Nulian drank and chatted with the girls at his table. He also had a few other friends who participated in the circle. Rean even narrowed his eyes, thinking that he would have to give up soon if they didn't act. After all, he had to go back to the repository.

Eventually, Nulian got up while grabbing the woman he liked the most.

"Prepare a room for me."

One of the attendants of the brothel bowed and left straight away. A few moments later, he came back with a key in his hands.

"Here it is, sir. It's room number 356. As always, the room has all the perks sir likes."

Nulian nodded, satisfied. He then carried the girl as his guards all followed him. The twins, obviously, immediately followed.

'Have you noticed that these guards seem to be as annoyed as ever?'

Roan snorted as he replied

'Who the hell would be satisfied with such a job? If Nulian didn't pay them well, they would have left a long time ago. In the end, it all comes to cultivation resources. Some of them might not even agree with Nulian's ways. Still, their own cultivations and lifespans are more important than their opinions.'

'Anyway, you heard the guy—room 356. Let's go there first and see if it's open. Otherwise, we will need to squeeze our way in just when Nulian opens it.'

The twins quickly passed by Nulian and the rest as they rushed upstairs. Sure enough, they found quite a few guards on their way up. One in specific that the twins were sure to have a cultivation above the Core and Soul Fusion Realm. Still, even that guy didn't use his Spiritual Sense.

After some time, though, they arrived in front of room 356. However, just as they were about to open the room's door, it opened by itself. From inside, two maids came out while carrying their work stuff.

"Hurry up, hurry up! The manager said that the client will be here in a minute! If they see that we're still working in the room, he will definitely have a fit."

The other maid quickly grabbed her things as she looked around the room one last time. After making sure everything was in place, she quickly followed her co-worker.

Without the maids noticing anything, the twins used that chance to rush inside of the room. Soon after, they heard the sound of a door being closed before it was locked down.

[This room has a few hidden formations. It will take me a bit of time to analyze and discover what they are for.]

Roan nodded.

"Don't worry, it should be formations to prevent sounds from going out or Spiritual Senses from prying inside."

"Alright, let's just wait here for now. When Nulian closes the door, I will aim for his head while you knock out the maid."

Rean nodded. However...

"The two little mouses there, you have quite the guts to enter our Red Light House in such a manner."

All of a sudden, the ground below Rean and Roan shone as an enormous Spiritual Pressure made the twins kneel on the ground.

Rean was surprised to see that.

'My Radar Skill didn't detect anyone's Spiritual Sense at all. It must be some kind of detection formation.'

Roan narrowed his eyes.

'Indeed. Anyway, let's see who prepared it for us.'

Roan nodded. Rean then deactivated his Light Bending Skill, which immediately revealed the twins. Sure enough, the door of the room they were in opened again. An old woman entered the room and looked at the corner where the twins were being held down. Right behind her, a few other cultivators followed. Of course, due to the appearance change, they looked older and different.

"Oh! Two young men decided to pay a visit to my Red Light House. I was expecting some old monster or something like that. But in the end, you only have cultivations at the Core Formation Realm. Weird... How did you pass through all my guards without being noticed with such puny cultivation? Care to tell this sister your secrets?"

Roan snorted in response.

"Sure. As long as you tell how you found us."

Roan didn't really need to hear the answer, though. Naked eyes couldn't find them while Spiritual Senses weren't being used. In the end, only formations could possibly find them. One example would be some kind of weight detecting formation. Rean and Roan might not appear, but they didn't become weightless because of that.

What Roan wanted to know was something else.

"Oh! That's not too hard. No one can use Spiritual Senses in our brothel. Logically, we had to have some countermeasures against masking abilities. You just fell for one of those."

Roan nodded.

"I see... However, you seemed to be pretty sure that we would come. Was it really just a coincidence, or did you get the information beforehand?"

The woman narrowed her eyes as she looked at Roan.

"You're quite smart. Well, there's no problem in telling you that. You aren't the first one to try and kill that customer of mine in my Red Light House. It seems like Nulian has obtained quite a few enemies. In fact, the last one almost succeeded, so we increased the measures around that man. You see, he's quite a good customer, so we can't let him die here. It would tarnish our Red Light House's reputation."

Roan didn't seem to care.

"So, you were not targeting the two of us in specific, but anyone who would use your brothel to take Nulian down."

The old woman laughed before answering.

"Don't feel so sad. This Trapping Formation has enough power to even stop a Peak Core and Soul Fusion Realm cultivator. You see, I put quite some effort into it. At least, you won't die without knowing why."

Rean couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha! Sorry, lady. But I think you are being a bit too overconfident here. You see, you should really have turned off the formations that prevent people from using their Spiritual Senses."

The woman had a bad feeling as she stalled her finger. Soon after, two people behind her attacked, cutting the twins' heads... or so they thought they did.

As soon as the heads flew out, they became specks of Light and Dark Energies before disappearing in thin air.

'Death Style, Fifth Form, Mirage Assault!'

Rean and Roan's clones had many more uses other than just combat!

"Not good! Where is Nulian?!"

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